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We decided, that it would be unfair to left current test (0.5.2) open only for high rank patrons. All of you supported us for such a long time, so we wanted to show our gratitude!

You may download it from our website> https://youngnaughty.net/downloads/

It's not a Mercy route! In current build you could take a look on the Prologue, which is a very important part of comming update. Releasing it would mean, that our game won't be a demo anymore! So please, if you'll find any bugs, mistakes in text, etc. - inform us. We don't want to fix it in future, wasting time, which we can spend on creating new routes and adding new features.

Build, which include Mercy route, will be available soon, so stay tuned! 


George Sears

Well the first bug is that When the game says you're talking to Commander Morrison right before you unlock the map you're actually talking to Ana Amari

Charles Hinkle

Will we see an update for a female protagonist soon?


Sadly, no. As we already said, even if we would work on this update, it will take A LOT of our time, which we prefer to spend on creating new content :v


It's strange, cause at the moment there's any scenes, where you talk to Ana. Could you make a screenshot, if it won't be a big problem?


Hi! Can't see Prologue on the website, but maybe is it because I'm just a recruit? Cheers!


Looks good so far. looking forward to updates.


one bug, you can go and sex with tracer unlimited times even though is night, this happens in 4.4, not fixed in 5.2


0.5 was a Prologue update, which is already available. Next one (0.6) will include Mercy. They are both part of one big update, but they have separated test builds.


We know about this bug, but thanks for informing us anyway! It will be fixed in next build :>