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First of all, we would like to apologise that we did not release the update in September. You were not the only ones thinking it would come out, we were in that boat too. Sadly, the sickening reality kicked us in the nuts and put varying degrees of pressure on each member of our small team.

Anyway, we were not sitting still and dedicated every free minute to our project. Because of that, in the upcoming days, our Officers and Commanders will be able to try out what we've prepared for you. That's why you better keep up with our discord updates!

< 3



Pressure is good but try to keep your cool as too much stress is not good for you. Keep up the good work guys!

KIFT - Adult Games Developer

Anything happens, you too people and you have your own Affairs. Good luck in future!)


Woa those are two cool projects right above this comment :o


Hey, I don't have the link to the discord


Keep up the good work!


I thought the officers would be allowed to play the testing build aswell?


it was probably just a mistake, I doubt officers won't have access

Shade Meadows

Still gettin' muns to Help the Project! I'm in love with it~


All the girls will be in the game? I just found out about this and lov it already, and I read that you plan on doing that but I see too that you add characters based on a poll, so it got me confused


How much money/time will it take for you guys to add sounds(Minimum just so it isnt complete silence while playing)?


You will recieve invite automaticaly if you connected you Patreon page to discord account :&gt;


Yes, we have plans for all of them. At least for all of the currenly added to the original game.


Oh, it's a really REALLY tough question. Even tho it's one of our priorites, we still focus on creating new visual content first of all. So I can't answer right now :[

j look

What do u do after u get d.va's webcam


What change in 0.5.2.


Did something bad happen to the codes or something because it looks like you added more work to yourselves


The beginning of the game changed. But the plot hasn't really progressed in this update. Am I missing something ?


In the new update there isn't any new task or anything new to do.


Closed testing for Mercy Update going to start soon. You may find a lot of 'little update notes' in our discord. We prefer not to spam here with ton of small posts :&gt;


No, you're not. It's a Prologue update. We needed to test it separately from Mercy update, because both of them big, so it would be tough to find mistakes and bugs if they would be added at the same time. And we needed little more time to polish Mercy's route :]