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Here goes another weighty news post. Better that way than no updates at all, don't you think? 

Let's begin with the things that are most important: the public release of the new version. We've got two news regarding the new update. The bad news is that the update will be released a little bit later than we promised: April the 8th. However, the good news is that it will have more content than expected. We took all of your feedback into consideration and are fixing all the mistakes. We are extremely sorry to postpone the release, but we feel that it's going to be better for everybody if we spend some more time polishing the game to avoid releasing a messy product. 

In addition to this, we're once again reworking the reward system for our Patrons. We thought about it for a long while and came up with the most optimal solution. Since our main job is creating the game, all of the reward tiers must be connected to it in one way or another. 

- $1 - Just as usual, you get an early access to all the updates and are participating in a closed testing. There is no more special access
to the stream Archive. We do it not out of greed, on the contrary, we're making the archive available for everybody! We thought that it's a little cheeky to monetize our recordings; as I mentioned above: the game is our bread and butter.

- $5 - At this tier, you'll be able to access almost all of the content on our Patreon. That means art, sketches, spoilers, voting - all these features will be available to you.

- $10 - This is the reward for those who want to help us the most in our work, not just monetarily. You'll be able to access a private room on our Discord server, where we upload the test versions of the new game builds. This does not mean that you're getting an earlier access to the game. It means that you will be able to access an unoptimized, unpolished prototype of all the updates. We're trying to deal with all possible bugs before launch, but if there are any that slip by, you would be the first ones to notify us!

- $20 - Honestly, for a very long time, we were wondering how could we thank those who help us with these (no sarcasm) giant donations. At first, we thought that the names in the credits were not a bad solution, but let's be honest, nobody will watch the end credits apart from the patrons who invested so much into them. We thought about adding some special cheat-codes exactly for high-rank patrons, but we just don't have enough time to work with something exept game itself and main content. So this question will be open until we'll find a way to reward our patrons good enough. But for now, 20$ patrons will get all the same goods as before.

P.S. We're going to update goal soon!

Thank you for your attention! < 3



Rather wait for good content the get a rushed work personally and thanks for keeping us informed appreciate that