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We're happy to tell you that IT'S FINALLY DONE! Mostly. It's only a first version without much of content, but we already have a lot of things to add in the game. Anyway, there's still many stuff for you to see! Hope you will like it! Enjoy!


Feedback will be appreciated!




When I clicked on the link it said 404 error Not found


Amazing demo just trying to get all the pictures


when i click the download button, it gives me a 404 error....


When will u release more with girls dorm , I am waiting to play


Hey, love the game, the art beautiful but i dont know if i completed everything, i cant seem to find any new paths other than tracers and sombras mission


When will there be a new update?


Мои поздравления! Багов нет, что радует, рисовка очень приятна глазу) Когда ждать следующее обновление?


Great job with the demo! The art is top notch, the writing is funny and the overall design is taking shape. There's not much to pick on, only thing that comes to mind is that when the teachers are introduced, Mc says "woman her age" twice in a row. Maybe change the latter to something like "that old." Other than that it was gold! Can't wait for the next update and PS. I love Tracer! ^^


Thanks a lot for your warm wards! And for finding our mistake too. We're gonna release little fix for text soon :> And yes, we love Tracer too, hehe


Solid Demo, the art is fantastic. One note I would make is that the writing seems stiff, there seems to be a lack of use of contractions which makes all the character interactions seem very formal. However I do like all the different character interactions and the different personalities coming to light. I also don't know if you have anything game play planned but having some small game play sections would break up the repetition of going to class doing homework, then going to sleep. Granted I know nothing of programming or how hard that would be so take that with a grain of salt. And side quests would also break up that repetition. But yeah this game shows really good potential. I'm looking forward to the next release.


Thanks a lot for your critique! This is what we really need right now. We working on improvment of our story and dialogues already, trying to make the characters to feel more alive. About small games section - we already have plans about this, because we really, REALLY don't want to make something boring like lesson-homework-sleep and again, but it will take pretty much time. In nearest updates we're going to improve storyline, add new content with couple of h-scenes, new features , give more freedom to player and reason to explore locations :>


Few questions. Will this game have the option to choose your characters skin color? Will adult scenes be animated?


About choosing skin color - it's intresting idea. We will think about it, but I can't promise anything in nearest future, cause it'll really take lots of time and we just can't spend enough for working right now. Animated scenes will be in game 100% :>


I fucking loved this so far. Great job, I 100% plan to pledge once I've got the cash flow. The art is great. The only thing I'd suggest is checking on Sombra's neck. Between the collar and the neck itself, she's a bit of a giraffe, haha. Thanks for starting on this :)


Artist is here! Thank you for warm feedback and thank you for pointing on a problem!! I'll fix Sombra's neck 'till next version < 3


When in cp version?


When is the cellphone version?


We're plan to release version for phones after couple of updates, when there will be enough of content :>


When will you not demo


is for android?


YAAAY! Finally! I'm back from my vacay and will definitely get to playing it when I get the chance