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Loneliness is hell of a curse, right? Kamilah here would definitely agree. Of all the characters we introduced, none had suffered from it nearly as much, as she did.

Now, though, she has finally found an outlet for it. A person, who might just be a gift from the Gods themselves. Someone, who will relief her of this pain, let her enjoy the embrace of a person, who genuinely cares, and provide her with stuffing she deserves.

That would be You.

An Important Note before we get into any more details:

Kamilah's route includes ONLY content between Kamilah and MC. 
We didn't have any other materials to make promo GIF out of, because her content update is like 95% smut, which wouldn't fly with Patreon. So, we had to use the boys for the promo, and I can see how it might have given people the wrong impression. They are there only for comedic purposes, so don't worry.

Back to the business.

When we first started working on her story, we realized just how fitting would it be to make her into someone, who is very actively looking for a partner. Years of celibacy, caused by the kind of work she is doing at the Academy, and the strict rules enforced regarding student-on-teacher relationship, took their tool. That, and the fact that she is as straightforward as it gets. The concept of flirt is so alien to her, that even if the chance presents itself, she wouldn't know what to do with it.

Basically, we really wanted to make a horny MILF, in which we found a great success.

So many of our characters like to do back and forth with the protagonist, play mind games, make you work for their affection. Not Kamilah though, she NEEDS you more than you could possibly imagine, but it's not an easy feeling to confess.

The awkward journey of horrible flirting attempts starts now! Don't worry, we made sure the payoff is WELL worth the trouble. Especially the animation! Oh, it's GLORIOUS! We took our time to update the tools and techniques we used for animated sequences, and judging by the result, it was the right call. We are looking forward towards hearing your feedback!

Now though, enjoy the the incredible awkwardness of a MILF attempting to flirt for the first time in her life.

Zahera, Intro — $10 Re-Release // THE NAME CHANING IS FINALLY HERE!

When we finally got back to Zahera, we realized that her existing setup does not allow for the character growth she deserves. More so, she appeared way more irritating than we intended originally, and that's never a good sign. To counteract on this problem, we decided to rewrite the majority of the dialogue to better reflect what we want her character to be, while keeping the scenes and the overall structure completely intact. On top of that, the setup of her story was changed as well, adding a comprehensive reasoning to all that is happening.

Keep in mind, that this is NOT the content update we announced in our new roadmap! It's still coming later this month!

But these changes only the tip of the iceberg!

We are finally introducing a new setting, that would allow you to change any character's name to whatever you want! To compliment this, we have also added a new "Contacts" menu, where you could find a complete list of all interactable characters, and an easy way to access the gallery of their scenes. The latter was a necessary addition, given that the amount of unique scenes is now in triple digits, so we wanted to give you an easy way to find the exact replay you want, without having to scroll through dozens of pages. And on top of that, we have also updated our textbox, which now includes unique colors for all of the mentioned names, drastically improving rideability! We will expand upon all of those things below.

This is a massive Quality of Life update, where we tried to touch upon as many thing as we could, and bring your experience to the next level!



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Early access is open to high tier patrons! 

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