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We shall rise and flourish where our predecessors failed!

After years, and we mean YEARS of development, our game had managed to accumulate over 10 hours of story content, with dozen of romanceable characters, each with their unique personality, design, and HUNDREDS of scene frames. Some are even animated as of late! We have been doing it for a long time, far longer than we would have ever expected to. We might even say that we became somewhat skilled at our craft — creating more content each month, than some devs do in a year. Strangely enough, we are proud to be this good at creating smut.

Which is why we think it's time to move forward. To do something far bigger, far GREATER than anything we made before! The ULTIMATE version of our game, that would inherit all of the pros, while abandoning and reworking any shortcomings we were forced to make previously.

So, now, we are proud to finally announce...

ACADEMY35: Electric Boogaloo! The first ever AAAAcademy type of game!

  • Featuring a full-fledged PvE mode with a survivor-style gameplay!

  • Solo missions with a revolutionary ONE-HANDED gameplay!

  • HUNDREDS of hours of content!

  • MILLIONS of talents!

  • 6,969e+35 of unique h-scene frames!


  • And so, SO MUCH MORE!

Doesn't it sound familiar though? Making a sequel no one asked for, while completely abandoning all hope of future support for the first game, then throwing out any promised changes out the window for the sake of maximizing the profits by abusing a predatory monetization? Rings a bell, doesn't it?

There's a difference though: We don't have to steal breast milk to get it. Also, we love our job!

Join our Kickstarter campaign THIS SPRING!

Sadly, by the time you finished reading this post, we already cancelled the project.

Don't worry though, we will introduce a new shop with overpriced cosmetics to compensate for your wasted time!



Rikou Hogashi

Nice Trolling I didn't bother reading its way too obvious XD