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Have we ever made an update, which sole focus would be to simply add more drama? No? Well, now we have. This time, instead of following familiar tropes, making characters fall in love with each other over and over again, we burned everything to the crisp. Tears and screams, broken hearts and shattered plates. Not A drama, but THE drama!

Ava is a complicated character to work with. She is flawed, with an ego reaching heights few could even dream to achieve, greedy for fame and lustful for... you. But, against all odds, you brought her back, down to Earth. You didn't fall in love with her, at least not the way she wanted. You made her work for what she always got served on a silver platter. All of her devious plans now lie in ruin.

But worst of all, you made her fall in love.

This is the penultimate update in Ava's storyline. Just one more, and the entirety of her saga will finally be concluded. This time we went all in on making sure, that seemingly irredeemable character will get exactly the kind of development it deserves. This is a story update, in which we made sure to give Ava the time to shine she needed.

Additionally, all of her sprites and existing scenes have been updates, so we highly suggest you to replay the entirety of her route for the best possible experience, though it is not necessary.

In two weeks, Ava's Final Update will be released with enough content and changes, to keep you satisfied for a long time. As a cherry on top, we even adding a very detailed animation to her upcoming h-scene, so keep an eye on it!

All of the profits from this, and every upcoming update for the foreseeable future will go towards supporting our friends and family in Ukraine, and funding their relocation from out of the warzone. Even if you aren't interested in this type of content, we have so much more in stock, and your pledges right now might just change someone's life for the better. You can find more information about our plan to relocate Ukrainian artists in the previous news post right here: LINK.


For the longest time we've been pondering the idea of implementing a male romanceable character, be that your beloved cowboy roommate, or anyone else. We understand, that only a small portion of our playerbase will actually play and get full enjoyment out of it, but nevertheless, it's great when games offer at least some diversity of choice.

And now, you can choose a cute boy in a skirt.

We want to make sure that no matter what your preference are, our game will always have something in stock to offer. Luca is but one of the many steps we will take to add as many different characters types, that might fit your liking: Muscle girls, certified MILFs, goths, e-girls, kind hearted dudes, and anyone else you could think of. Our game has existed for years now, and with each passing months our plans and efforts only strengthen. With overhaul on the horizon, an actual gameplay being introduced and location revamped, the Academy34 will expand for as long as they are people to play it. We really like our job, and more so, we love our community, so be sure to share your ideas and preferences in any comfortable way, and we will do our best to implement them when the time comes!

Getting back to Luca, we made sure to avoid banking on his suggestive appearance and instead explored much more interesting parts of his character. He is shy, nerdy guy, whom inexperience with romance creates the most wholesome and honest interactions, while also threading that thin line between funny and horny. That being said, we didn't forget about the biggest reason you get back to this project. Yes, you will finally see his nudes.

Hop on and see what's all the fuss is about!


> https://youngnaughty.net/downloads/

Early access is open to high tier patrons! If you enjoy what we do and would like to take part in shaping our game's future, please, consider joining high ranks. This will not only allow us to fund never ending grind for more content, but will also grant you access to this, and every future closed testing, as well as many other rewards!

IMPORTANT: If you plan to pledge only to get access to this update, do not cancel your pledge before downloading the game. It might cause update to be inaccessible due to Patreon API bug. Do it only once you downloaded all you want.


> https://twitter.com/young8naughty

Our Twitter page has all kinds of extra content and all for a fair price of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Check it out!




Absolute banger of a story update, the suspense, the drama, the dialogue. Every update keeps getting better and better, keep up the great work!


...I feel like Reina is going to be impressed, amused, and horrified by MC causing Ava to evolve into gremlin mode. Also, her face lol... I honestly wouldn't be opposed to the ridiculous faces popping up in the gallery just for a nice laugh (like Andre's screaming during the group gaming night) A great update as always, lookin' forward to the next part. : )