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Luca's update is coming TOMORROW, and it will be our first ever male on male route. If you are absolutely NOT interested in boys, don't worry! It's completely optional, and more so, it's not the only update we have planned for this month: Ava's (DVa) finale is coming too! Though we had to split it into two smaller updates yet again, because for some reason every time we start working on any kind of Ava's content, it grows out of proportion. There won't be much of a delay between two parts, but our art team needs some extra time to polish her final h-scene, as well as ANIMATED parts of it.  

Now to other news. 

Next few months will be a certified grind to get as much content out as humanly possible. Blaze, Kamilah (Ana) and Zahera (Pharah) will finally get their chance to shine, all with dedicated h-scenes and big new story additions. Right after, we are planning to start preparation for our big overhaul project, and by "big" we man F***ING MASSIVE one. Every single background piece will get updated, the entirety of user interface will get revamped, Prologue sequence will be rewritten to suit as a proper introduction to the story and characters. There will be many, many changes, and they might take some time. We will do our absolute best to make sure you won't notice any delay in new releases, but still, be patient with us.  

Once finished, this overhaul will bring the promised 1.0 version.   

As of today, ACADEMY34 has almost 10 hours of content, with HUNDREDS of unique frames in h-scenes. And we aren't planning to stop.  

But we need your help. As you might be aware, Young & Naughty consists of mostly Ukrainian artists, some of which are still stuck in warzone. As of today, the majority of our income goes towards funding their housing in safer areas of our country, to support their families, and to buy all necessary supplies they might need during harsh times. Thanks to you, we managed to get them through the Winter no matter the bombings, blackouts, or cold. It is an amazing feat, but it's not enough. We decided to step up our game, and maybe, to chew more than we can swallow. In the upcoming months we will start the procedure of their relocation to Europe, during which we will cover their transportation, rent, legal fees and everything there is. 

We don't ask for donations, but if you like our game, by supporting our upcoming releases you just might change someone's life. For the past few years our main focus was providing talented people from Ukraine with a chance to get some sense of normality back into their existence. While we are still a relatively small team, with each passing month we grow larger and larger, bringing new members on board, and in return for their work, we are doing everything in our power to alleviate some hardships they have to endure on a daily basis. It's not much, we know, but every bit helps. We already managed to get few of our colleagues abroad, and hopefully, throughout upcoming months we will be able to get the rest of them out as well. 

We are incredibly thankful for everything you've done for us, and we promise no matter what happens, we will always deliver our best work.

One day our kindness will put an end to this business, but hopefully not today.






Part 1 good news! Part 2 just subs, it's a little, but if it can help overall, i'm hoping it does!