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We had far too much fun with this!! Extra content is included just for you Patreon members :D 



Joey Quixote

As a scare actor, will vouch. People lose all logical sense when terrified. Doorknobs become Rubik's Cubes. Large neon arrows become indecipherable maps. And the amount of damage my rooms have suffered from people trying to escape. We were being respectful! If you wanted us to really get personal, you could have elaborated. I'm sure the channel would be up for "Who's More Likely: Spicy Edition". And I don't know how I've earned this reputation as a troublemaker around these parts, but you are way off base! *gently kicks over-sized pot stirring ladle out of frame.*


You two are so cute my face hurts from smiling . Also watched this twice since I am a Patreon on both channels. 🤣

James Parry

So, just FYI, the band DragonForce made a song heavily inspired by ZELDA for their new album. And the music video is just excellent. https://youtu.be/K_Ln7VpB1c0?si=uLUebBUzu24-l5cB