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Elijah joins me for this video as we watch Return to the Frightzone and I get to laugh at 2 outstanding jokes in this ep LOL 



Dafydd Mac an Leigh

All those years Catra was leading the Horde in the field, and nobody thought of "Spray-Spray-Net"? It's amazing the Rebellion still won...

Liam Gradders

Prediction for this reaction: Mosco 20% paying attention, and 80% laughing and blushing at Elijah, while she tries with all her might not to spoil anything. Either way, I’m sold.

Christopher Bouzas

Perfuma kinda pisses me off this episode a ton, she’s so adamant on trying to talk Scorpia out of being chipped and treating even though Netossa could barely break through to her own wife, I always felt it was very condescending

Frank Wales

Pleezpleezpleez have Elijah join you for the final episodes

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, I LOVE the way Catra's ears twitch at the sound of the pipes breaking before she realizes what's going on. Excellent touch.

Jenny D

Yeah, even with Adora and Catra, who have a lifelong bond, it took Catra’s chip getting damaged for her to break out of it.


It's a good thing Perfuma wasn't chipped, she'd have no reason to hold back anymore

Christopher Bouzas

Why the hell did they bring Spinnerela back to their “hidden” base while she was still chipped, we saw that Prime could still track the chips in taking control

Sammy K

Such a gorgeous couple, I need my gf to watch she-ra with me but she just prefers sapphic books and non-cartoon TV shows😭


It's interesting how chipped Scorpia doesn't talk at all. Playing the "scary tall bodyguard" trope her actual character subverts straight. I don't think Prime is literally homophobic because nobody in this show is, but he metaphorically represents that. Like him chipping Catra has some conversion therapy vibes.


The reason Netossa says fire is Mermista's weakness is revealed if you look closely at Netossa's drawing - it specifically shows Sea Hawk with a lit torch. So either Netossa is actually saying Sea Hawk setting things on fire is Mermista's weakness, or she's figured out Mermista is in fact secretly an arsonist like Sea Hawk and that is her weakness :P

Jenny D

Speaking of Elijah’s She-ra reactions, I’m once again humbly requesting Mosco react to those when she finishes the series. Please? 🥺

Jenny D

Netossa really said, “See that girl with the pink ponytail? When she runs toward the ball, there's just the slightest hesitation of her left foot. I'm willing to bet a childhood injury has weakened her. Keep serving the ball to her left, and we'll destroy her and the rest of her team. Dismissed.”

Jenny D

I’ve only just thought of this, but maybe fire is Mermista’s weakness because she’s “secretly” weak for Sea Hawk.


Netossa : sprays sprays Catra Melog : I'm out

Jenny D

She-ra’s look back, look away, look back is such a dog thing to do oh my god! It gets me every time! One of Perfuma’s best lines in the whole show as well!


Team Elijah : the "ruined" joke was funny !!

Jenny D

Friend of Mara is the modern day Friend of Dorothy.


The "Friend of Mara" is a direct reference to the older "Friend of Dorothy", which was used just like Elijah said here. It came from the Wizard of Oz book series where Dorothy would head off for private time in the bedroom of Princess Ozma. And from other bits in the books and movie.


She will never rise from the ashes of her shame and humiliation!

Tsu Aloe Vera

Part of this confusion is due to She-ra being a spinoff of He-man and those rebels are the masters of the universe at least that is what makes the most sense, they are the heroes of He-man. Also, I think they might have been rushed the last season to finish up but I am not certain about that.


I mean "condescending" is a word that could be used for Perfuma. She tries to give the impression of a very calm and sweet hippie girl, but there are moments that show she's actually anxious and she seemed the most judgemental towards Entrapta. In the words of Nate Stevenson, Perfuma would not be the other characters' therapist–she should see a therapist, too.


The fact you BOTH missed the drawing of Sea Hawk when Netossa was going over Mermista's weakness of fire is utterly incredible. Perfuma is my least favourite character, I'm definitely Netossa in this episode. BUT.. I really appreciate the "I AM strong" retort. Perfuma avoids the trope of self-doubt a very warm-hearted character like her can easily fall into IMO.

Jenny D

I’ve been saying, She-ra is the golden retriever, and Adora is a Labrador(a)!


They weren't legally allowed to use Greyskull in its original meaning here. I'm not super knowledgeable about Masters of the Universe, but I think these are just completely different things. At least as far as I know most of the Eternians weren't evil colonizers in the og continuity. Though I like to think Adora still has a heroic twin brother somewhere in this universe. Now that you mention it, there are other Netflix cartoons that give me a vibe they were rushed during the last season specifically, with pacing and stuff having no issues in all the other seasons.

Stephen Ray

Still think they're pushing Catradora? Wow! You're swallowing that hook, line, and sinker. You are going to be astonished when Glimmer and Catra get together, bonding over how they each nearly destroyed the world.


I think Prime can access the Heart, because technology has advanced so much since it was created (remember, it was made a long time ago.) "Ancient, crude, outdated."


Kittens would be chaotic on their own, but how about sparkling teleporting kittens?

Catradora fan

Catra really doesn't like to admit stuff does she? That Adora saved her and Adora proud of herself and Catra too for trying to communicate. Catra just wanted to make Adora smile 🥺🤲 Perfuma's talk with Catra at the end of the episode is beautiful 🙂

Jenny D

I thought I remembered hearing that Nate knew from the start how many episodes the show was gonna have.

Tsu Aloe Vera

That’s why I said I was unsure, with so much speculation in fandoms what’s true and what it is hard to tell. I can see why some may have thought it rushed in some scenes.

Jenny D

I finally realized on this watch-through who Horde Prime reminds me of: Unalaq from Book 2 of Legend of Korra. There are a lot of similarities now that I think of it, but what made me realize it was Prime telling Adora that he doesn’t need She-ra to access the Heart. It reminded me of Unalaq telling Korra he doesn’t need the avatar to open the northern spirit portal. We’ll see if things turn out differently for Prime.

Tammy Ragsdale

Another great episode to just rewatch when you are in the mood. It has more connective tissue to the episodes before and after than Shot in the Dark does, but it also has those jokes and some great character moments. Oh, I definitely remember using "friend of mara" on social media all the time. I think fire is everyone's weakness cause they are like people.

Willow Arkan

37:18 and here's another reason that i want a mara spin-off so we get to know the people that Mara befriended, the rebellion that she was a part of that used their friendship with her as their symbol.

Willow Arkan

I hope that it's still going on somewhere, it was both such a cool line, plus i love mara, and the historical connection makes it even better.

Willow Arkan

Catra looks like she is doing great when she saw Shadow Weaver, just so comfortable, no trauma responses reeling up inside. That woman is a walking trigger for the girls and every word a poison.

Willow Arkan

Omg the Atla reference. Guess I have to ship Azula with Volleyball girl now. =)

Willow Arkan

Plus I think her not speaking represent just how hard he has to repress Scorpia, that her controlled version can't even talk, she is practically a marionette, because any autonomy would risk her breaking free. I like that interpretation even more because it validates Perfuma's view and I think that it would be sweet if she understands Scorpia that well.

Jenny D

I only recently learned that Tyzula was a thing and I’ve been trying not to go down that rabbit hole!

David Johnson

And you two are pegging my "Cute-O-Meter." You might not be the "Cutest Couple on Youtube..." but that's not for want of trying.

Willow Arkan

To be fair considering what happens with the heart it's not like Catradora was still an option

Willow Arkan

To the kittens, those would be such adorable chaos kittens, very Young justice speedster kids.

Willow Arkan

Plus he fought and defeated the first ones in the intervening millenia, he's likely encountered their tech many times and found ways to overcome it.

Willow Arkan

She's found a therapist now too, first her support kitty and now therapist Perfuma.

Willow Arkan

I kinda see it, but Prime still feels more in control, like Unalaq always felt like one fuck up from unraveling his convoluted plan and his plan was kinda silly. On the other hand Prime is genocidal, we know this, so his trajectory checks out.

Willow Arkan

Well except the mythical fire princess, read that comic, it was alright, but I miss the show more.


One thing I love about Perfuma's line at the end about 'keeping your heart open makes you vulnerable, but not weak', is that it echoes a line from Perfuma in the first season. After they think Entrapta has died during the rescue mission in the Fright Zone, and the Princess Alliance falls apart, Perfuma says that the Princesses 'being together makes us vulnerable'. That statement was a negative one, Perfuma clearly believed it to be a weakness at that point. But now, Perfuma no longer sees vulnerability as a weakness.

Willow Arkan

Yay side character growth and it is something the incredibly anxious Catra needs to hear.

Porpoise Power

Did anyone point out the Dream Daddy reference in Bow's (other Dad) to Mosco?


The Frostgelio romance in the last two episodes seems a little rushed, but looking back it was totally foreshadowed.


Yeah. The crucial piece of information he discovered from Hordak's data is that the Heart of Etheria was created by the First Ones. He didn't know that until now, but now that he knows its origin he knows how to access it.

Joey Quixote

I was so happy when the back half of this season gave Spinnarella and Netossa a chance to shine. One of my favorite pairings in the series. Netossa effectively playing Batman in this episode, revealing she could take any of her teammates down. Buy WOW did she do Glimmer dirty.

Vex Valor

We actually were hinted at before that Mara had a team all the way back in the finale of season 2. We got the word "Serenia" but we didn't know what that meant. Bow's dads explained she was an ancient hero and they found Mara's ship where the constellation Serenia used to be. The voice we hear in the recording is Serenia. If you turn on the subtitles, it will say that.

Vex Valor

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this yet, but Friend of Mara is actually a reference to Friend of Dorothy which was a coded saying way back in like the 60s to say you are gay. It was a reference to Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz which Over the Rainbow was how we got our rainbow pride flag.

Christopher Bouzas

I really hate the trope in fics where she’s the defacto therapist for everyone, like wtf there is no way she’s not biased

Valentina M

We don't throw tanks at our friends!!!! 🌺🌸🌻🌼🌷💐🪴🌿🌱🌳

Ryan Porter

The reactions would be over an hour long, each, including like a fifteen minute monologue (if you can call incoherent bisexual stuttering a monologue) when (spoilers) happens.

Ryan Porter

Have her watch Wynonna Earp. Then you can pivot to She-ra so she can understand a reference to the show in one of the later seasons.

Ryan Porter

"Can the show be any more gay?" No! ... Maybe!


Does anyone have any good enemies AND lovers She-Ra fics? AO3 or Wattpad, I don't care, I'm just struggling to find any

Joey Quixote

Also, couldn't help but notice, the flower crown Perfuma gives the Scorpia figure is a very close approximation of the colors of the lesbian flag.

James S

Aw, my cold heart melted so much watching you two at the beginning.

Frank Wales

Yes, as I understand it the total episode count was known at the start, which is why the show could have confidence in pacing out the plot points and reveals the way it did.


I'm actually tired if people saying Adora has bad plans. She has GREAT plans, it's just that everyone around her has no idea how to execute them lmao


Hmmm you mean at the same time? Break A Leg by DandyVela on Ao3 they are rival stunt performers who hate each other and sleep together. I know I've read cannon AU smut fics where they f*ck while being enemies. God, I'm sure I've read some where they are rivals/enemies and they have an angsty, sexuak relationship during that. I'll take a look


To be fair I think “Honor of Grayskull” and a lot of the other things about the rebellion are nods to the original show and He-Man.


Also you two for sure need to cosplay Adora and Catra!


Awwww you two are so sweet you're giving me cavities...


Omg it's the lighting. And especially since they are in the black garnet chamber when she "loses" She-Ra. It's probably triggering bad memories. Also ya'll are adorable

Whiskey Jak

So... Elijah is Mosco's therapy cat? I'm down with it. (edit) Also... I've been waiting 4 1/2 seasons for the spray bottle scene to see what you'd say. Thank you. My day is officially made.