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WHAAAA I didnt think you would post 8 to patreon so fast!


I just want to put here that when adam put a target on vaggie I really thought she was going to die this episode and I had to pause watching it for several minutes, go cry for a while, and then come back.

Christopher Bouzas

9:30 damn you should try playing the lottery, cause your predictions are spot on


Prewatcherrrrrrrrrr just kidding lol


In the start "you gonna watch him him fuck up" Lucifer in the end "I'm gonna fuck you" Same vibes hahaha

Ryan Porter

"Are we ready for this?" I predict you'll be fine up until the duet. Then you will melt. The night before sequence is like "you get death flags, you get death flags, you all get death flags!" Adam has a fig leaf over his crotch. Biblically accurate character design. I love fight scenes in animated shows. They can be as brutal as they want since they don't have to pull their punches to avoid hurting the actors. See also: Arcane. Vaggie had two choices: spear Lute, or spare Lute. She chose mercy, again. Lucifer: "Your first wife didn't seem to mind what I had to offer" he says, while making the universal sign for eating pussy. Ser Pentious' sacrifice and redemption and the generally saccharine mood of the show makes me think the key to redemption, the thing that gets people into heaven, is love. And now for eight minutes of Mosco freaking out about that stinger. The fandom is going to spend the next two years sifting through every scrap of lore about Lilith trying to figure out what is up. ... End act one. Curtain. Intermission.


I kinda get the vibe that when Lucifer was talking about second wife he was talking about giving her an apple? And just trying to piss him off but maybe there's more to it idk


Lilith jumpscare real ahaha

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I can't say for sure (and the lesbians theory would be hilarious), but I interpreted Lucifer's comment about Eve to be a reference to the idea that the Serpent who tempted Eve into eating the Fruit of Knowledge was supposed to be the Devil himself, rather than an actual snake or some lesser demon. (It's not literal canon, of course, but it shows up in a ton of Christian fanfic, such as Paradise Lost.)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, whoever wrote those fucking chyrons in the 666 News broadcast deserves a fucking RAISE. I thought I was going to pee!

Paul Steele

It was fun watching Mosco trying to reboot after the end. And yes it was a surprise finish, way to leave us hanging for season 2

Chet Bliese

Wow. Your predictions were spot on! Which made your Lilith bewilderment even better.


"If you don't give them more than 8 episodes next season, I'm gonna strangle your CEOs" This y'all, is what we call a classic win-win-scenario :D

Ryan Mcquade

She missed Alastor's real voice.


When Sir Pentious when down I was screaming "MY SSSSON" and when he popped up in the stinger I was also screaming "MY SSSON!" both my dog and my roomie were very confused

Ashley Silver

So, Lilith is a season 2 villain? Poor Charlie and Luci, that'll just devastate them. My poor babies .🥺😭


In the folklore, Lilith and Adam were created from the same dust at the same time (hence Lilith believed they should be equal) while Eve was made from his rib. Adam having two wives seems to be a thing to explain some contradictory stuff in the creation myth: in one part it's indicated that the first man and woman were created at the same time, and in other the man was made first and the woman later.

jac jacob israel

They couldn't have lucifer be in the fight early probably because it would have been like a level 100 boss fighting level 2 NPC's


My prediction for the last scene of episode 1 of season 2: Adam manifests in Hell as a demon/sinner.


Would serve him right. I also think there’s still more to know about him, like how he ended up in heaven in the first place, and if he actually did eat the apple along with Eve : in the first episode Charlie only tells about Eve eating the apple and getting free will from it. But in this episode Alastor says to Adam that he should know out of all people how strong a soul can become when it decides to accomplish its own fate – hinting that Adam also has free will, which could only have come from the fruit of knowledge. If so, it should have got him straight to Hell, so why didn’t it ? (Idk, that or Alastor was talking about Eve or Lilith). Also, Sera said Adam was the one to suggest the idea of the extermination in the first place : did he come with it just because he is a douchebag or did he have some personal interest in it ? So many questions still

Flyby Stardancer

33:08 We know that Carmilla can make guns that imbue their bullets with angelic power— that’s what Striker had in his first two appearances over in Helluva Boss. (Carmine-Crafted Blessing-Tipped Rifle in Harvest Moon Festival, and he clearly has blessed pistols in Western Energy that got cut apart.)

Brendon J. Dube

So about Adam's death. Firstly, good riddance to bad rubbish. Secondly, that exhausted smile he gave Lute, and the tears in her eyes and her voice have me thinking there was something between them. It kinda looked like Lute was the protagonist holding her lover as he died in her arms. Not at all what actually happened, as those two antagonists are both villains and terrible people, but I do wonder what we're meant to make of that moment

Kyle Smilowski

WHOMST is controlling Alastor!!! AHHHHHh

Brendon J. Dube

I love that line Vaggie gives Lute before leaving her under the rubble. Maybe the most badass line in the season. Also glad we finally get a proper Chaggie kiss, and not just a quick peck either.

potato potato also another potato

i still say lilith, i wonder if the deal with adam was she would stay in heaven to protect her from the purges and keep her from interfering (as the first episode indicated she took a much more active role in ruling hell than lucifer and hell under her rule is probably a much larger threat than under a disillusioned, detached lucifer, this may also be the reason Lute mentioned they only kill sinners, not hellborne) Then, knowing she'd be stuck in heaven, lilith contracted with a powerful new overlord/sinner, alastor, he'd watch over Charlie in Lilith's absence, in exchange for vast power. Now he has power, but is chained by Lilith's benevolent rule, meaning he can't try to take over. It could of course be something much simpler, but...from all we know Lilith LOVED ruling hell, she'd have no interest in trying to bargain her way into heaven. So i'm sticking with her using Alastor as an unwilling guardian for her kin and kingdom. That or it's like...satan, or somebody looking to overthrow lucifer, trying to get control over charlie via alastor to do so...i dunno. We'll find out in...several...years when season 2 comes out.


I do believe this scene in particular showed Adam did care for Luth to some extent (at least as much as his misogyny allowed it), perhaps because he's always wanted people and especially women to worship him, it didn't work at all with his previous wives so when one ended up being so loyal and devoted to him ofc he was going to have special affection for her. On a bigger picture this show has had the most despicable characters caring at least a little about someone else or being multifaceted. The show being all about redemption, it's probably to establish that redemption is more about shades of grey than black and white rules (to quote the original douchebag); so this scene between Adam and Luth is probably here to show that even the shittiest person can be nuanced, though caring about one person cannot be enough to tick the box of "good"


I love pausing every five seconds to predict something that happens literally a few frames later cause that is how I watched it too. 🤣 I think when he mentioned Eve it was the Apple “Free Will” and not an Affair. But hey if they did hook up who is to say it wasn’t a consensual poly relationship. I feel like Monogamous people always forget polyamory is a thing. 🤭 Ahh yes! Finally a show that proves mothers can be dead beat parents too. 😂

Geek House

You calling everything that happens is so funny XD


Mosco barely 14 minutes in predicting to a tee exactly how the episode is going to turn out.... GIRL how do you do that I'm dying with laughter. Some "idiot" you are...

David Johnson

Any one know why all the Exorcists are female?

potato potato also another potato

Viv has teased that they may not be human, and we've never seen any of them other than their leadership without masks, I wonder if they artificial, Adam did say he named vaggie, as in he may have created her, it could be that the exorcist foot soldiers are clones, or something of that nature, i wouldn't be terribly surprised if they all look like vaggie or lute. It would help explain how the purges were kept secret in heaven too, if the exorcist leadership was only a couple individuals with free will and the rest were mindless drones. (which is generally a major difference between humans and angels in christian mythology, angels don't have free will, that's unique to humans thanks to the apple) Granted, we do know adam and vaggie are/were human...probably, so that may not apply. But that's my headcanon for the moment, the exorcist angels are homunculi, not real angels.

potato potato also another potato

I wouldn't bet on it, I'd wager it'll go about as well as Adam blackmailing Vaggie in episode 6. It'll spur Lilith to some sort of action, but not what Lute wants. I very much get the impression that Lilith is very much in control here, she's just hiding her intentions, like Alastor, she wants to appear idle and absent, but is not. Her being in heaven at all is extremely suspicious, given the first episode indicated she was VERY happy in hell, that it was Lucifer who was heartbroken by being banished, from what little we know of Lillith, I don't see her having any interest in leaving hell for heaven, which means she's up to something. (likewise I buy into the theory that she's contracted alastor as a proxy to watch over hell and charlie specifically in her absence. I think Lilith is an ally, just one with very different motivations to Lucifer, and that season 2 will, if anything, be about Alastor going rogue with the power she granted him in exchange for that role, likely via the favor charlie owes him (vaggie made a deal with him too, which i remain suspicious of, as benign as it seemed)

potato potato also another potato

I can't imagine Adam being such a frat boy douche bro without having free will, but it is an interesting question, both adam and eve should have been expelled from the garden, I know christianity usually puts the bulk of the blame on eve, but adam WAS still kicked out, even if he was allowed into heaven afterwards him being given a position of extreme authority is weird.


valentino face seeing nifty going at adam XD he be thinking well i dodged that one XD since he wanted to add her to his deck LOL


also weird theory but... could it be that alastor is not in a contract with lilith but with... eve. Thinking.... Adam was on heaven just because he was the first human soul, but eve was the first human sinner soooo it would make sense for her to be in hell.... but where?!!? she was never mentioned excpt in ep 1. and we know the saying: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. I bet shes very very angry and pissed at lucifer probably since in a twisted mind he is at fault for giving her and tempting her with the apple (despite SHE taking it)


I 100% agree with you that there's something going on with Eve, even if it's hard to tell what yet. There are many theories running about the links between Eve and Lilith, some saying that they are one and the same (which I don't personnally buy) or that they switched place at some point (hence the fact we don't see Lilith's face neither in Charlie's flashback or on the Hazbin card, that she wears her ring on one of the two portraits in Lucifer's office in ep5 but not on her card (and we don't see her left hand so the ring on the other portrait in ep5). The question is why would have they switched ? Also I buy the theory of Eve having personnal vendetta against both Heaven for casting her out and the Morningstars for being responsible of her downfall, so her making a deal with Alastor would make sense as she knows that Charlie successing to reedeem souls would eventually lead to a war between Heaven and Hell, so a win-win situation for someone who hates them both. Idk in the end there have been so many hints that Alastor is on Lilith's leash, but I can't understand why Lilith would have picked Alastor out of all people to protect Charlie and the hotel, something doesn't add up

K Cianci

Ok, but anyone else think if Lucifer did get with both Lilith and Eve, that Emily is actually his daughter as well? Because it’s possible Eve, as the first woman of humanity, similar to Adam, was sent to heaven and Emily could have been born there. And since Lucifer was never allowed back into heaven after they cast him out, he would have no idea. I mean, we ALL thought about how similar Charlie and Emily were from their looks to their personality to even their voices in Ep. 6. I mean, they inserted the same duck sound when Emily was happy to see Pentious, which is the same sound/nickname that Lucifer has for Charlie in his phone!!!!!!! Coincidence!? I don’t know, I’m sus.


so, lucifer didnt show up till when he did cause, well too powerful to be at the start, the in universe reason however my theory is, it's part of the deal of the extermination, lucifer is not allowed to interfere at all and thus powerless to do so, however, part of the deal was hell BORN demons like charlie being spared, so when charlie came under actual threat of death lucifer was now able to step in to defend her.


The way that Lute says Lilith’s name makes me think it isn’t actually Lilith.. idk though


I was wondering if since Heaven is perfect for every person that the only people in heaven are the saints and Adam. His perfect heaven isn't clouded by having humans around who could contradict or annoy him.


Lucifer offered Eve the apple, which she took--I think that's the only thing Lucifer "gave" to Eve.


Could definitely go either way! Like she also says “your brat”, but I’m leaning really hard into “Lilith” has been Eve this whole time


"Where is Lucifer?! Why isn't he here?! What a shitty father." *Lucifer appears literally 5 seconds later* lol


Small note on the final song while we focus on Lucifer displeasure of seeing alstor, I saw a video pointing out that Husk was happy through out the entire song and once alstor came back out he also got really bumed out.

Spicy Wallflower

You say he had an affair, I say Lilith is bisexual

Attila Kos

Her freaking out over “or second wife” thinking affair while im just here screaming “the apple you idiot!” I get ya don’t know much about the lore but that one was obvious you horny fucker 🤣