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Use your words, Mosco.

Jenny D

I’m both excited and nervous for this reaction, because I can just imagine how pissed at Catra Mosco is gonna be for the first half to two-thirds of this episode! 🫣

Jenny D

I’m two minutes in and Mosco’s already hitting me in the feels! 😭 Be kinder to yourself, Lass! (And I’m not just saying that for Catra’s sake.)

Stephen Ray

Nothing changed in the intros? What about Wrong Hordak?

Jenny D

Of course they took Wrong Hordak with them. They broke him! That’s the rule! And thank god they did!

Jenny D

Oh, yeah! In a fanfic the show creator wrote (not confirmed but it’s basically confirmed) it’s revealed that Catra is wearing Adora’s clothes in this episode. Nbd. You can’t read it yet though, because there’s a line in it that spoils something in the finale.

Jenny D

5:13 Because Adora is the most obviously useless lesbian ever.

Jenny D

Glimmer has a better understanding of Catra because even though they don’t look like it on the outside, they’re very similar people. Same with how Adora understood what Bow needed in 5x04.

Christopher Bouzas

The wings on sheras boots are probably a refrence to Glimmers wings, the heart is ripped straight from bows crop top and the mask is Catras

Jenny D

The apron Glimmer put on Wrong Hordak says “Smooch the Chef” in First Ones writing!


Yeah Elijah has since elightened me LOLLL!!! I was trying to figure it out, totally missed the catras mask bit LOL

Jenny D

Entrapta is capable of throwing the best shade when she feels so inclined!


Wings - glimmer Heart - bow Head piece - catra

Jenny D

I don’t recall Adora blushing over Catra before this episode, but there was a moment at Princess Prom—when Adora saves Catra from falling over the cliff—where Adora and Catra’s faces get really close, and Adora’s expression changes from like, anger to surprise?


The transformation is so gorgeous! And I love Catra's reaction (because, yeah, same) but also the last time Catra saw Adora transform was waaaaay back after the princess prom. She had a very different expression.

David Johnson

Yeah. If you watch when she says "something funny's happened" she sorta shakes her head like she's trying to crack her neck or something.

Jenny D

“I mean, let’s be real, the day Catra gets on her knees begging for forgiveness will be the day hell freezes over.” I commented this back when you reacted to AJ’s cover of the theme song, and you said something about needing Catra to be on her knees apologizing to Adora. In order to determine the temperature in hell, I need to know if it counts if Catra has both apologized and been on her knees, just not at the same time?


The couple that thirsts together stays together?


Which Mosco went on to say exactly why! The old She-Ra was amazing but she wasn't Adora, this one is. Catra noticed it too and that's one of the reasons she hated She-Ra.

Jenny D

26:33 I literally just said the same thing! Lol, I think Micah’s just a natural at giving dad pep talks and knew how to get through to her.


She Ra was probably, in her mind, one of the people that took Adora away from her.


They do such a great job of showing what happened, but immediately distracting you so you don’t process it.

Frank Wales

In the previous transformation, the ending has the bright background glow centred on the Sword. In the new transformation, it's centred on She-Ra herself. I interpret this as showing where the power resides.

Stephen Ray

With all the characters you mentioned, I can't believe you missed Razz. I can't wait to see your face when she hits Horde Prime in the face with a pie, whacks him over the head with her broom, and knocks a tube loose, leaving him to bleed out in the Whispering Woods.

Jenny D

Yeah, when you’re done with the series I NEED you to do a reaction to Elijah’s Season 5 She-ra reactions! They were actually re-reactions, which is why you have to wait until you’re done with the series, because iirc she mentions things that come up later. But her reaction to this first transformation sequence is one I still think of whenever I see it!

Jenny D

Glimmer’s wings Mara’s bracers Bow’s heart Adora’s hairpoof Catra’s mask


Absolutely! Catra's best friend/crush didn't just change friends and run off, she literally became a different person

Jenny D

Yeah, Spinnerella said something really weird just happened, and while she said it she was stretching out her neck.

Profesor Pomelo

Hello again. Weeks ago, I suggested you should read the short story fan-fic *"Don't Go"* by Annacharlier, after watching this episode. I thought it was a good idea because some people complained that Catra got off easy, and this story explains her character development and how much she grew as a person. As far as I know, it doesn't contain contradictions or spoilers (I might be wrong as someone said). In fact, ND confessed to having written the script for an episode in secret, and this fan-fic matches with an artwork he posted on Twitter. When you put it together, the story is canon in every sense. So I highly recommend it, even if you prefer to finish the series first.


[transformation sequence] --> Error: Mosco.exe has stopped working

Jack Jack

So the new She-Ra, her whole look the wing boots if you remember, when they went to Mysticore Glimmer has wings tattooed on her back, those are the same type of wings that are on She-Ra’s new boots. Bow has a heart on his chest in his armor, and when her mask comes up, her little crown, and the outline comes out the outline is Catra‘s mask.

Jenny D

I said it in the last video’s comments section, but it bears repeating: Season 5 She-ra is the most physically attractive character in this show argue with a wall.

Jenny D

It does have a spoiler that isn’t revealed until the finale.

Willow Arkan

Adora jumping from asteroid to asteroid looks like a valkyrie. Also love the rainbow colored haze of her moving in the background

Lucas Barros

She also blushes on 5x04 talking about her, I think. Besides that, I don't recall any other moment either.

Jenny D

Oh, yeah, if you want to rewatch the show while trying to understand Catra’s perspective, I HIGHLY recommend Letts React’s videos! They’re spoiler free because neither of them had seen the show before reacting to it, and Montana always did a really great job digging into Catra’s psychology!

Willow Arkan

That transformation's effect on people reminds me of reactions to Vi pinning Caitlin against the wall. Or the moment we see her walk to the airlock reminds me of one particular reaction to Mel's mom.

Jenny D

Oh, I thought she just got awkward. I might’ve just missed it because the shot wasn’t very close to her face.

Steve Przybylski

This episode keeps getting harder for me to watch every time. I just get so mad at Adora’s behavior toward Catra. All of Catra’s reactions are fear reactions; this isn’t being a bitch because of past trauma, this is active, in-the-moment trauma from Prime. Catra’s not safe, and Adora is a) not noticing the difference and b) expecting her to magically get better. We demand a lot of growth from Catra; this is a place I’d like to see Adora grow a little.


You mentioned in this reaction why does Catra feel so unlovable, and I don't think there is a better way to put that honestly. Of course she would! When you think about it, she must feel this way, if even the person who raised couldn't love her, but did love her best friend. She must then feel that there's something intrinsically wrong with her. They were together their whole lives, and it's stated multiple times that they were just as good as each other when it came to their performance, so it's not even like she can blame it on the fact that she wasn't as good physically, she would feel as though people just can't actually love her, and then the one person who she thought she finally had been able to count on being there left, and to her knowledge, didn't even bother to say goodbye or tell her about it, just 'cover for me', then they met again and she was on the other side. To the point, I feel the way that Catra has always been so physical and short with Adora probably started as a subconscious way to 'test' her, to see if she'll stick with her even if she acts like that, and then she became more secure, and thought she would never go. and then she did. and now, no matter what is said and done, she knows that Adora can and will leave if she wants, and she's determined to not allow her myself to believe she'll stay or be vulnerable, to lessen the inevitable! - of course, up until this point, we definitely had a bit of development in this episode and beyond, but this was my analysis, as someone who has always related to her on a spiritual level. and to those who made it this far, thank you and I hope you have a wonderful week :)


Yeah, a reminder that just because Adora is "nicer" of the two, neither of them has been taught how to deal with things like this. Honestly I think Catra is more emotionally intelligent in the sense that she can more often tell what people are feeling, while Adora can genuinely miss what's going on with others sometimes (though don't get me wrong, Catra can too.)


I agree, it can take time to heal, and this isn't the place to do it! Healing can mean being vulnerable, and she can't do that, especially while she is actively being chipped by Prime, and surrounded by people she was fighting as enemies not too long ago, before being kidnapped and mind hacked!

Tammy Ragsdale

Been waiting on this one, because you mentioned it in chat for one of the live stream or premieres (don't remember if it was yours Elijah's or Morgan's.) You said you had a bigger reaction to this then to episode 5 and that it was your favorite. I've been doing a rewatch to refresh my memory trying to stay at least an episode or two ahead of your reactions, but hadn't gotten to Taking Control yet. I remembered it generally, but just for a second I was like what is the big reaction to? Then I remembered it was the first new She-ra transformation and I was like "oh, this is going to be good." And it was.


Do you think Mosco's gonna ask Elijah if She-Ra can be part of their relationship and make a throuple? XD Kidding, kidding, but I definitely loved seeing the waves of sapphicism crash through Mosco over and over 💖

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Okay, important point here: notice the MUSIC of the new Transformation sequence. It's recognizable as the Adora-to-She-Ra transformation music we've always heard before, but where the Season 1-4 version was more perfunctory, like it came preprogrammed with the sword, this is more organic, more personal. Notes are conspicuously missing from the first two phrases of the melody, and then it wraps up pretty quickly. Also, the melody is in a higher key, and lead by a French horn at the top of its register, where it sounds like it's pushing hard against the restraints of its own range. Adding this to the piece-by-piece build-up of the new She-Ra outfit tells us that every bit of the transformation is an act of SHEER WILL on Adora's part. It's one of the best uses of music in the show, IMO.


Does anyone else find the sound She-Ra's feet make when she steps onto her light light disk (*bonk bonk*) completely hilarious?


The Greyskull thing is an orphaned reference to the old He-Man and She-Ra shows, where their powers came from a castle called Greyskull Keep, and they were in charge of defending it or of its bloodline or something.

Tabatha Cat

As irritating as it was, I was glad Catra didn't suddenly transform overnight. It felt more real. As Glimmer said, "This is Catra we're talking about. Did you think she was going to just instantly become a totally different person?" I think it was good she began her turn around early in the season (by episode 3), as it gives more time to develop.

Catradora fan

Catra's reaction to Adora transforming into She Ra is all of our reactions I see you staring respectfully Mosco 🤭

Ashley Silver

May the spirits bless Adora's golden retriever useless lesbian heart. She-Ra's new look mimics Glimmer's winged boots, Bow's cuirass, and Catra's headband, taking inspiration from her three favorite people.

Tabatha Cat

I did feel sympathy for Catra, when it occurred to me she was terrified. After the idyllic reunion with Adore, it's occurring to her she's going to have to face all these people she hurt so badly, and it makes sense on some level she'd rather go and hide. And I think it's significant this is the first time she says sorry to someone other than Adora. Her initial turnaround came because of her relationship with Adora. She even told Glimmer she was saving her not for Glimmer's sake, but purely for Adora. But her change has to go beyond her relationship with one person.

William Timmins

I love how much they communicate Catra's moods and thoughts with her body language -- particularly her ears and tail.


I agree, letts react are amazing and Montana def had me considering different viewpoints that I never considered before! Anyone should check it out, she explains them so well too!

Ryan Porter

mosco.exe has stopped working, reason: bi-panic. Please reinstall your G4Y ID-10T drivers. If the problem persists, run is STR8 mode and think about... whatever Sapphics think about to calm down.


Not sure where the fandom's ever come down on this (so I'll probably regret bringing it up), but what long-term impact did a near-lethal electric shock directly to the nervous system...along with whatever the green goo (and more electric shocks)...have on Catra? Is the suggestion that this damage (plus...y'know, being resurrected) re-balanced what might well have been some serious physiological problems exacerbating her psychological issues? I'm no psychiatrist, but it seems reasonable to suggest that someone who's suffered for years from a violent and untreated anti-social personality disorder...along with suicidal tendencies and one or two suicide attempts...isn't likely to experience a radical and rapid shift to a healthier, less extravagant demeanor just based on a desire to change. Some other element must be at play at the same time, but then again, explaining the resolution of many years of serious emotional trauma as the result of magical electroshock therapy doesn't seem like great writing. The 5th season has the disadvantage of having to cap off some very sophisticated issues without having the time to focus on them over a long period of time, as was the case with the collapse of the Friendship Squad's relationship, or Catra's mental condition. I loved the maturity displayed by Glimmer's apology to Bow, and his agreement to take the time he needed instead of "instant reconciliation"...but their relationship was pretty much right back to normal after that. Which is fine...the issue was acknowledged, and the point didn't really need to be belaboured after that. And even if Catra's turn is quite central, the show's not exclusively about her either; after so long spent watching her lash out at herself and everyone else, I think the season benefits from not spending multiple episodes watching her trying to drag herself through blood and tears back to a place where she can be around people again. Getting something positive after such a long, bleak time (and in the middle of a rather bleak war) is just a lot more satisfying.

Jenny D

Catra’s personality aligns much more closely with borderline personality disorder, not antisocial.


There is a fanfiction piece written by Nate Stevenson that many of us insert at this point in the canon timeline. I'd ask your girlfriend if she thinks it would be a spoiler for you, but if not, you might consider hunting it down


i think also the fact that the chip is directly related to her being mindcontrolled and that was no-doubt-in-my-mind a traumatic experience for her exacerbates things on that level. also, i know she says she saved glimmer only for adora but i do think she kind of felt some sort of connection and affinity to glimmer, and that definitely didn't hurt.

Panic Blitz

An important piece of information to know in episodes like this is as follows: the keyboard shortcut for taking a screenshot in VLC is Shift-S in Windows, and Command-Alt-S on Mac. Do with this as you will.

Catradora fan

To be fair to Mosco she is TRYING to understand Catra's point of view by rewatching the series like she said which is more than I can say about some other idiots on the internet out there it's not just that Catra gets hate but Glimmer for no reason and generally this show

Joey Quixote

"We can read you like a library book, Adora!" Is... is that why you checked her out later?🤣 I love how, in caring for Catra, they're in effect bringing in a stray. You give it a comfy place to sleep. It hisses and spits as it gets acclimated. You drag it to the vet for its own good. Once it realizes you're not the threat, it comes out for a meal and to socialize. The episode does a lot for Catra. Seeing her finally remorseful and humble after... everything. It took a lot to get here, and she had to suffer to learn. But she's finally coming around.


RIP Mosco's remaining brain cell


The wait has been worth it to watch this reaction and see you call Shera muscle mommy lol


I’ve re-read it a bunch of times and I’m not seeing the spoiler. Without revealing it here approx where is it in the story?


I actually feel like Adora is kind of out of line in some of the scenes with Catra in this episode. Do I understand where she's coming from? Absolutely (resident Adora kinnie). But, uh, the answer to Catra being admittedly a snarky little asshole and saying she can take care of herself is not to throw her bodily off the bed and telling her that she doesn't have a choice in what she's going to do next, they're taking her back to Etheria. The answer to Catra saying she's afraid of Entrapta and that she's afraid Entrapta will torture her is not "you don't have a choice, I am going to let her operate on you no matter what" while backing her into a corner. Like, I think some people forget that Catra has just had her sense of personhood horribly violated. Her hair was cut nonconsensually (and as someone who headcanons Catra as transfeminine because of my friends who are Catra kinnies and transfem, hooo boy that one hurts), her body was controlled against her will, and she was made to undergo a nonconsensual brainwashing. All of those on their own are violations of her autonomy. Taken all together, it is no wonder she is scared and on edge, ESPECIALLY because she believes that she kind of deserves pain and suffering (as evidence: there's no one left in the universe who cares about me, you should have left me, you shouldn't have come back... etc). This isn't her lashing out because of Shadow Weaver's abuse and because of her abusive upbringing in the Horde in general- that was frequently physical and way out of line, and it's never okay to physically hurt someone just because you're hurting, even if I understand why. This is fresh, literally-days-if-not-hours-ago, and the triggers in this case are things that Adora keeps bringing up, unintentionally. She also never in this case responds physically. To me? She just reads as scared, this whole episode. Do I understand why Adora feels the way she does? Absolutely. And obviously Catra doesn't want to be tracked by Horde Prime's chip, and is better off for the operation and for having not been dropped off on a deserted planet. If I extend Catra as much grace as I do (way more than you do, lmfao), then I will obviously give Adora grace as well. I like that both of them are allowed to be messy and complicated and hurting here.

potato potato also another potato

The intro changes did start this episode, this one is very minor, wrong hordak is added to the big crowd shot with the title at the end of the opening credits (previous episodes have a fairly prominent gap in the lineup prior) Going forward there should be minor or major changes in nearly every episode.

potato potato also another potato

she's also looking around like she's confused, like she just woke up in a strange place, indicating some sort of gap in consciousness when she was chipped, like she'd been knocked out or something.

Jenny D

If you search for this part “in the bunkroom and I don’t want to go back there.” the spoiler is right before that. It’s also in the tags and alluded to earlier in the fic.


Mosco relating to Catra at the beginning of the episode : goes into a deep explanation about their similarities Mosco relating to Catra at the end of the episode : OMG SHE RA MUSCLES HOT

Profesor Pomelo

I guess I was too focused on Catra's development to notice. Even so, Mosco already stated that she'd finish the series first. This comment was mostly to pacify grudgeholders and show that Catra is trying to make amends.


I just want to say the animators are so GOOD at conveying the character's emotions throughout this series, but particularly this part. Catra: "I KNOW YOU ALL HATE ME!" Adora: "I never hated you!" You first see the realization and surprise on Catra's face that lingers for a few seconds, then intense feelings of shame as she looks away from Adora, feeling that she can't look at her.

Frank Wales

Agreed. See also the emotional journey that wordlessly plays across Adora's face at the start of 'Stranded' after Glimmer says to her: "she said she wanted to do one good thing in her life; she said she was doing it for you."

Frank Wales

The transformation music goes on its own journey of change through the show, which is a mini-class in how to musically reflect Adora's journey (and which has a prequel of sorts in Mara's transformation music).

Sammy K

STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER DESIGNS ARE THE BEST!!! Reminds me a lot of Korra and how they just absoluely nailed the design, both characters are stunning 😍


Yep, while I love the old She-Ra look as well, it felt a lot more like a costume. Speaking of Adora and clothes, Nate Stevenson has stated that she is always wearing those same clothes because they give her a sense of purpose and she doesn't really feel comfortable wearing anything else. I don't think she really knows what her own thing would be. Bow and Glimmer need to take her shopping (you know, when they're not busy saving the world.)

Emily Marriott

Fun fact: Beast Island was the first time we saw She Ra's power emerge from Adora herself rather than the sword (remember her eyes glowing?)


"Why are you so determined for people to not like you that you push people away?" It's very common for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) to do this, and Catra is a textbook example of BPD in this show. Essentially they have such an intense fear of abandonment (and the emotional pain that comes with it) that they at best keep people at arms length and at worst push them away or even leave them first and never get close to people. After all, how can someone leaving you hurt you if you were never that close to them in the first place? This is however, contradicted by their intense desire for companionship. So much so that they usually "latch on" to the first person they meet who shows them even the smallest amount of kindness (like how Catra trusted Shadow Weaver so quickly in S2 when SW showed her even the smallest amount of affection), so people with BPD are usually very bad at reading people and they could "latch on" to someone who takes advantage of them. Further contradictory is they are usually paranoid and their paranoia can come and go in waves, so much so that they think any sympathy or genuine kindness is a deception, something we see of Catra in S4 when she thinks the Horde soldiers are laughing at her and plotting against her, and when she screams "I KNOW you all hate me!" in this very episode. Another 'feature' of people with BPD that Catra completely possesses is their ability for their opinions on people (but especially the people they 'latch on' to) change on a dime. It can happen suddenly and over even the most trivial of things, one moment you're their shining angel, their light in the darkness, and the next you're the literal devil and they fucking hate you.


Prime said Catra felt pity for Glimmer and he knows how to read people. Catra didn't answer that and just kinda had a "you got me" look.


I have never seen someone need a cold shower so much before in a video. I guess we can now tell how much you 'dig' someone's look, by counting the stutters and half-words. :P And I agree with Joey Q, it is very much like how you tame an almost feral cat.


https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/543283665879302144/1205291815092093018/5zh0dfipyh4c1.png?ex=65d7d679&is=65c56179&hm=0d3d5d36e2c468e4d63a1699da25672ca3be16b8f2e5a013534e399f53f78504& Thought you might like this


S5 She-Ra is so so good. It is so much more Adora. Also, in her outfit is Glimmers Shoes, Bows heart, Mara's bracers, and Catra's mask. It's made up from the people she cares about, which I think is beautiful. Also, here's a fan fic which is deleted scenes from this episode that gives a really great insight into Catra's heads pace and some important interactions. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24280306


I think they really bonded over their mutal care for Adora. I think for Catra at that moment she gets to see Glimmer as a person and instead of her being "a person Adora left me for" she sees "A person who cares about Adora." They also probably bonded over the fact that they both messed up super bad, specifically with Adora lol. They definitely relate but I don't think they become actual friends until ppst S5


That fan fic contains a spoiler and should only be read after finishing the show.


I think it’s cause she thinks it’s better to push people away knowing they might leave you.


Cause like me, she probably gets attached to people quickly, and when they end up, believing she blames herself for it. So she lashes out when people get close.

Sushi's Snakes

The new She-Ra look as elements from Bow, Glimmer and Catra (the most important people in her life). Glimmer’s boots are shown with the wings, Bow’s heart that he has on his chest plate is the same on She-ra, and Catra’s crown is mimicked in She-ra’s helm as well. All of these things briefly flashing on screen to show it more.

Porpoise Power

32:00 Mosco get's Yuri googles installed.

Vex Valor

Interesting that you relate most to Catra. Personally I relate most to Adora which is why this show hits so hard for me. I also tend to prioritize everyone else and push down my emotions just like Adora. Don't want to go further into how much I relate to her as that can border spoilers. Excited for more of your reactions. :)


When I saw her crown echo was the same as Catra's i screamed. Just saying.

Max Thomas

"Is Catra going to be a bitch or will she have warmed up to Adora" Why not both? Lmao


Catra, pushing people away and creating a self-fulfilling which will eventually have her left all alone...so she's basically Biltzo.