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Kayla Ryan

Oh I so can't wait to watch later

Christopher Bouzas

I love the new sheras design, it takes aspects of her best friends as part of her outfit. Bows heart on her chesplate, glimmers wings and Catra’s mask.


🎶 Mosco likes Catra, Mosco likes Catra!🎶 Papa Prime's got Mountain Dew flowing through his veins.

Liam Gradders

45 minutes?! Shorter than I thought it was going to be.

Jenny D

And finally, Number 9! The count I’ve been doing since season 1 is on every episode where Catra lost one of her lives! This is the tweet from ND Stevenson where he listed each one: 1. Burned a life for maximum dramatic exit at Princess Prom 2. Spider'd 3. Suffocate'd 4. Portal'd 5. Portal'd, again 6. Ass fatally kicked by Glimmer in Pulse 7. Ass fatally kicked by Hordak in Destiny Pt 2 8. Burned a life to save Glimmer 9. Prime'd https://x.com/gingerhazing/status/1283085140894216192?s=46&t=ho59-A-cRSnhry6iKKMlNQ

Blue Eons


Jenny D

And yes, Catra was actually fully dead during the entirety of She-ra’s appearance in this episode. She-ra’s healing brought her back to life, sort of like a magical defribillator. Also Adora broke both her legs when she jumped, but transforming into She-ra has always automatically healed any injuries she has. Edit to add: including the injuries she sustained in her fight with Catra Prime, and somehow even healed her clothes and her ponytail. But I guess, she did heal Darla so I shouldn’t be surprised by clothes and hairstyles.

Jenny D

Here’s a Tumblr post explaining why I referred to this as the Hercules episode. It’s a screenshot of She-ra appearing at the ship holding Catra and surrounded by glowing light, side-by-side with a screenshot from Hercules where he’s holding Meg’s soul and glowing. https://www.tumblr.com/laas-yahnir/697607750584238080/back-on-my-bullshit-thinking-about-how-the-mental There’s also a YouTube video that perfectly lines up clips from the show with the audio of Hercules saving Meg’s soul, but one of the clips is from a later episode so I can’t link it yet.

Jenny D

Fun Fact: Save The Cat is the title of a book on screenwriting. Iirc ND used it as a placeholder title for this episode, and forgot to change it before it went into production.

Blue Eons

I’m literally watching this while I’m working I don’t even care 😭😭😭😭😭

Jenny D

2:37 I fully agree! Sacrificing your life to save someone after doing a bunch of horrible shit to them and others doesn’t make you redeemed, and could actually just do more damage to the people you’ve hurt, because now they’re left with unresolvable conflicted feelings about you for the rest of their lives. But it is a damn good place to start if the character then goes on to continue trying to make amends and be better, especially if they’ve also apologized.

Jenny D

I can’t believe Mosco hasn’t considered the possibility that changes to the intro was actually just a fake spoiler.

Jenny D

Having seen this before The Owl House, I was fully convinced for the week between 2x09 and 2x10 that Hunter was a clone of Belos, and that Belos had remained immortal for hundreds of years by doing the same thing Prime did. Making clones and taking over their bodies when his current one got too old. https://www.tumblr.com/iflipforrizzles/659028015510061056/theory-beloss-plan-for-hunter-phillip-has-been

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

It's also worth noting that the armor pieces on her forearms (I forget what those are called) now look more like Mara's than her old ones.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I know everybody's talking Catra this and Catradora that, but I can finally say: WRONG HORDAK IS THE PRECIOUSEST OF BEANS AND I ADORE HIM


The changes in the openings start next episode and happen to almost all of them from now on. And last episode and this one have a history of being a wrecking ball to Catra-anger. Doesn't take it all away, as you can attest, but they do smash the insurmountable wall that was there previously.

Jenny D

Wrong Hordak is so babygirl! 🥰

Jenny D

I think it was all the way back in Season 1 when you mentioned potentially cosplaying as Catra, and I’ve had to keep my mouth shut about her short haircut this whole time!


AHHH here we go😁😁

Jenny D

I mean, you don’t have to care about Catra as a person to be upset that her hair was cut against her will. That’s some gross shit!


It's ok your girlfriend is thirsty for She-Ra 2.0 too For reference https://youtu.be/KAJNGUHVCZA?list=PLtvASsEsIn4q3j6MXUYkf6uaduwFja_Nn&t=686

Frank Wales

Vambraces. Note that, when her arms are by her side, they line up with corresponding golden motifs on her thighs.

Sean Shepherd

Mosco season 1-4: "Catra, NO!" Mosco season 5: "...Catra...no..."

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

(Also I'm a little surprised no one here has done the Avatar reverence yet. Well, it's still early...)

Jenny D

22:28 - 22:35 *angry cat noises* 22:36 - 22:43 *angry golem noises*

Frank Wales

I think of the moment when She-Ra stands up, where Catra lets out a little sigh as her head slumps back, as the clue that she's gone.

Frank Wales

In her understandable consternation about Catra's hair, did Mosco miss the "Hello, Adora" ?


I love that the new She-Ra has the hair poof. I love the hair poof! 💛 Also, Catra was purring at the end while hugging Adora.


Yeah, I imagine she was very proud of her hair and it was one thing she felt she had control over.


Best episode of the show. Great to see you finally get to it.

Jenny D

27:12 Actually actually, I think it’s primarily Shadow Weaver’s decisions that led to the pain, just saying. But also I think the pain she’s referring to is when Adora left the horde and Catra felt abandoned, which triggered one of Catra’s oldest fears. Shadow Weaver told her her whole life that Adora would get sick of her, and then Shadow Weaver would have no reason to keep Catra alive. The way Catra saw that interaction in 1x02 was that she told Adora she was going to be punished if Adora didn’t come back with her, and Adora still chose to leave. Catra didn’t view the princesses’s side as any less evil than the horde, so she saw no reason to leave the bad situation she’d learned how to survive in. She saw Adora leaving one bad situation for another one, and not even the thought of Catra being hurt was enough to get Adora to stay. So in Catra’s mind, she didn’t see any reason to go with Adora, because in her mind Adora didn’t care enough about Catra to stay.

Jenny D

Catra wasn’t kicking Adora’s ass this episode. Horde Prime was using Catra to do it. Even if he wasn’t physically controlling Catra’s movements, his influence forced Catra to fight. She wouldn’t have done any of that on her own (now).


The design of the new She-Ra has bits of her friends' apparel. Catra's crown, Bow's heart, etc

Jenny D

Season 5 She-ra is the most physically attractive character in the whole show argue with a wall.

Tabatha Cat

The look in Catra's eyes at the very end when Adora hugs her is so moving.

Jenny D

Mai/Horde Prime: You miscalculated. I love seeing and knowing all more than I fear you. Azula/Adora: No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!


It is unfortunate that Catra and Adora physically fought so much, but at the same time, they were raised in a military, and also Catra has a shitload of aggressive instinct (and anger problems). I don't think Adora still choosing to forgive her is supposed to send a message to abuse victims, so much as it is just her showing who she is. It's certainly a slog to get through Catra's (often self-imposed) anguish, but I feel like the final season of the show does make a lot of it feel worth it

Tammy Ragsdale

You were pretty on the nose bringing up how hard it is to fight someone who is under mind control and trying not to hurt them. If you rewatch it and focus on Adora (it helps if you slow it down a bit), you can she is genuinely horrified after she punches Catra. I think all the negging and guilt trip comes from Prime and not Catra this time around. He wouldn't have to spend a lot of time inside Catra's head to figure out Adora feels responsible for everyone. Or if not literally inside her head at least talking to her when she was under his control. It's one-hundred percent fair to call Catra out for every other time she did it though. Lastly, She-ra is more powerful now, because Adora has full control. Remember, the sword was meant to control She-ra in the first place. Without it, it's just Adora, more confident, more powerful and more in control. And yes, she has new powers like attacking with light patterns she forms from her sword.

Jenny D

I’m not sure if the dream She-ra she was chasing was herself, or if it was like the essence of She-ra. Kind of like this show’s equivalent of Raava. It reminded me of 4x02 of Legend of Korra (mild spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen it) when Korra thought she saw Raava in the desert. Adora was disconnected from She-ra similar to how Korra was disconnected from Raava.

Jenny D

Doesn’t Elijah discuss spoilers for future episodes in her reaction?

Jenny D

I made two references not long after this comment. One was the “miscalculated” lines, and another was comparing She-ra to the avatar state (Raava).

Jenny D

I think she did, yes. It still sends shivers down my spine.

Jenny D

Glimmer’s wings, and even Adora’s own beloved hairpoof! Also Mara’s bracers, I think.

Jenny D

Also Catra’s a cat, and anyone who’s interacted with cats knows that even some of their ways of showing affection can be painful. Making biscuits. Sandpaper kisses. That thing where they roll over for tummy rubs and then attack your hand with teeth and claws. (My dog also does this sometimes.) Plus the horde didn’t exactly encourage physical affection, so if they wanted to be tactile it kind of had to be through roughhousing. Violence was just normalized to them. It doesn’t make it right, but Catra hasn’t yet had the time/opportunity to unlearn that.


There's also the issue that Adora knew Catra was being abused her entire life, Adora witnessed it happen, and the abuser was the Horde's second-in-command. But at no point did Adora decide to ask Catra to leave the Horde because of it. Adora didn't even think the Horde was evil despite seeing this abuse. But the moment Adora witnesses the Horde attack random civilians, that is when Adora suddenly realizes the Horde is evil. Not Catra being hurt. Random civilians being hurt. From Catra's perspective its mindboggling that Adora would see it that way. It made it seem as if Adora didn't care about Catra being abused.

Tammy Ragsdale

Four seasons. Four seasons for that damned hug. Also, my favorite Hey, Adora in the whole show.

Catradora fan

I'll keep saying this time and time again "you matter to me" is so important THAT HUG The little detail that Adora strokes Catra's hair... The slowed down version of the Promise theme playing... Catra purring at the end gives me life That "Hey Adora" too 🥺 Fun fact Adora was supposed to reach for the sword from her chest and pull it out like in an anime Utena thanks to Mickey Quinn who worked on the show cool nod to the anime.


I Love Wrong Hordack, my 2nd favorite character right after Entrapta!!!

David Johnson

She-Ra's original sword was a First One creation, specifically designed (I think) to link her into the Heart of Etheria. That's why that First One's tech virus could affect it and her. I also suspect that it acted as a bit of a limiter on her, keeping her from being too powerful. Her current sword, however, is part of the She-Ra, so less limitations.

potato potato also another potato

I was so excited for the catadora stuff I forget this was the episode where we get wrong hordak! One of the best comic relief characters of all time! I love him so much.

Brendon J. Dube

That polite little "hello, Adora" when they meet again instead of the usual "hey" creeps me out every time. Maybe even as much as the haircut

Ryan Porter

They could have fucked with our heads so hard if they changed the intro to exclude Catra... I love how Daddy Hordak uses the possessive when refering to Catra and Adora to the other. "Your Catra..." and "Your Adora...". Horde Prime sees all. Horde Prime knows all. And even blind man could see that they are gay AF. In a fantasy setting, the girl usually gets a ranged weapon - Caitlyn, Susan, Vex'ahlia, etc. So it's a nice subversion of the trope that Glimmer uses a polearm, which requires you to get up close and personal and absolutely wail on someone. "I'm going to take you home!" "...promise?" "I promise!" Five seasons built up to that moment. In "Promise", Adora had to fall. In "Remember", Catra had to fall. And now, they fall together. And ... nine. Go back and listen to the scene where Adora heals Catra with headphones - you missed something subtle in the sound mix. And I feel it is now safe for you to watch/react to the season five trailer, if you want. ... ... ... Daaaamn, She-ra got jacked! What have you been eating, girl?

Stephen Ray

It's all down hill from here. It comes full circle when Hordak kills Prime, takes over, and Shadow Weaver delivers him the remnants of the Etherian rebellion. RIP Micah.

Porpoise Power

I love how She-Ra's 2.0 costume is made of elements of her friends costume.


"Catra could have just gone with Adora" ... if she had done that, the show would have no drama, only 3 episodes and one of them would be a clip-show.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

I saw! I just remember how the whole "I love Catra more than I fear you" thing going around like crazy when the first round of reactions came out

Jenny D

I didn’t get into watching reaction videos until like, fall of 2021, so I must’ve missed those ones. I’ve tried to find and watch as many she-ra reactions as possible on YouTube, but I don’t think any of the ones I’ve watched made a Mai/Azula reference.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

And on top of all that is the way that Catra was brought up to see love as something that was finite, zero-sum, and had to be earned if it was to mean anything. And then after years of thinking that Adora loved her and that she had earned that love, Adora up and abandons her, seemingly on a whim, for people she's only just met. So yeah, even with the mind control, I absolutely believe Catra when she tells Adora "You broke my heart". And while Catra ended up doing a lot of things that cannot possibly be justified, I really have to question how many of those things were the result of rational decision-making, over the increasingly unhinged lashings out of a traumatized child.

Jenny D

I’m pretty sure she’s seen Korra. I thought I remembered her referencing it before.

Jenny D

For me it goes Drunk!Adora, then Wrong Hordak, then Entrapta in very quick succession.

Jenny D

Can the clip-show be a play parodying the other episodes at least? 🥺

Gracee Lewis

You do like tall women like you girlfriend everyone knows Elijah is taller than you

Willow Arkan

haven't seen anyone mention it here, but apparently in the audio descriptions of this episode it says at one point that Adora is cradling Catra's lifeless body, implying that at least for a short time she died. So the depowering as she heals Catra is her bringing Catra back to life.

Paul Steele

How does the hero show you are insignificant. She rescues her girlfriend, forges a new sword, and changes her wardrobe. All while in your ship and facing your minions


A solid list to be sure, I would definatly put Drunk Adora higher if there was more screen time.

Jenny D

I didn’t know that about the audio description, but I did mention in one of my first comments that Catra was fully dead.

Kayla Ryan

Horde Prime's biggest crime: cutting Catra's hair


Catra, that's not actually where Adora's eyes are... But 'dat shred tho!


The purring killed me. Still kills me? It's pretty god damned sweet is all.


That way that Bow and Glimmer are crying over her body gives it that extra little knife twist, too.


Another thing worth a bit of appreciation is that Bow can lift Catra without any trouble now, along with being able to drag Wrong Hordak around.


The idea of referencing Revolutionary Girl Utena is pretty cool. It's been about a trillion years since I watched that one. Oh 90s anime, how I miss you...


We aren't seeing She-ra again. I think we're seeing the real She-ra for the first time.

Profesor Pomelo

She-ra's new form has references to the people she cares about: Mara's general design, Glimmer's winged shoes, Bow's heart shaped space on the chest, and Catra's head piece. Ultimately, her hair is in Adora's trademark ponytail and pompadour now.


I think its safe to watch the season 5 Trailer now becasue that version of the intro IS BOMB


you are totally right! new to her pateron so I havent catched up yet :P but only the song. It hits different with the trailer. guess we ill have to wait until later


I get getting mad at Catra at other times, but Prime controlled what she said and did here.


If I’m not wrong Catra stops breathing all together, she dies.

Willow Arkan

Learned about the audio description part basically yesterday, when looking up exactly where the info about her fate came from that had been floating in my head. Didn't want to accidentally attribute a fan theory to the show, since I wasn't quite sure where I learned about the death part in the first place.

Catradora fan

Mosco: "I will never feel sorry for Catra ever!" Denial isn't just a river in Egypt 😏

Tristan Haller

You were screaming over Catra's first appearance in the episode, so you might have missed an extra bit of uncanniness--her greeting is an eerily formal "Hello, Adora," rather than her traditional 'Hey, Adora'. And I think you're definitely both about Adora being more powerful in this form, and that it's significant that the sword is much sleeker and more practical now. After all--the real purpose of the First One's sword was to *shackle* She-Ra.


36:05 - Why were you pointing down there??


"What has he DONE to you?!" was my reaction to Catra's appearance as well, it was also the moment that cemented Prime as one of the most sinister villains in cartoons. It then dawned on me that this is what Prime does to ever sentient being in the galaxy who surrenders to him. What he plans to do to everyone on Etheria.


Mosco missing that Catra isn't even in control of her own body and Prime has been speaking through her the entire time, saying what Prime knows will hurt Adora and throw her off balance the majority of this episode hurts.


Hordak is a stupid cunt i have to agree. Also this episode!!!

Luis Albores

Can we give a ton of credit to all the voice cast in the entire series? The interaction between Adora and Catra was SO sad and heartbreaking in this episode.

Max Thomas

lol you're so harsh on Catra compared to every other character (including the others villains)

Max Thomas

Ah, now I see, having caught up to your releases, yeah that's fair


"Tall Woman"? Can someone introduce Mosco to Garnet?


All I can hear now is Darius.


Darius Prime: I'm going to let you go now. Please try not to bite anyone. Catra: HISSSS!!!

Rían Laudano

i rewatch this ep constantly bc its just so good!!!!!