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This episode was something, SO WEIRD to see this side of Poison Ivy!!!! 



Ryan Porter

I had slow cooker chili yesterday! Perfect food for when it's below zero and snowing. Everyone has their Kryptonite. Superman has ... Kryptonite. Supergirl has Lena Luthor (fight me). Harley Quinn has good decisions. Poison Ivy has Catwoman. Mosco: "I am so glad the Joker is gone and we don't have to deal with stupid male characters this season." Kite Man: (proposes to Poison Ivy) Mosco: "No! Not that! Anything but that!" Joker: (waiting in the wings to return at the worst possible time) Mosco: "DAMNIT!" And if you think Kite Man is bad, wait until the new villain the writers created just for the show - The Mansplainer. You can guess what his "power" is. It's water, he can summon a source of water anyway. A well, actually.

Liam Gradders

Hold on Mosco. You might be greatly rewarded if you put up with Kite Man a little bit longer.

Sam Pamenter

as much as I also don't like what ivy does at the end of this episode she definitely did it because of what harley says to her and that scene is very clearly the start of something more between them but neither of them has realized it just yet!


“Is it so you can officially say no??” Nearly spit out my drink 🤣😂


Lmao the frustration in the shut up shut up shut up


hazbin when?