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WOW, my heads still reeling over how INSANE of a punch that was LOL!!! 



Christopher Bouzas

How to describe this episode. “But wait there’s more!”

Kayla Ryan

Oh nice can't wait to watch later and can't wait for season 5!

Christopher Bouzas

I think the moment when Catra tells Prime about the heart of Etheria is one of her most underrated moments. She saved everyone’s ass at the last second and the only person who knows this is Glimmer. At this point she really had no reason to save everyone’s asses, I think it shows she still cares about people on Etheria.

William Timmins

It's weird when we find out Catra was Prime's long lost sister.

Tabatha Cat

Yay! Oh I've been looking forward to this so much!

Frank Wales

Catra and Glimmer sitting on thrones at the start of season four, and on roughly parallel paths throughout as opposing leaders, only to suddenly end up side by side at the end of it -- where could this go now? (In actuality, fandom had about six months to chew on this, by the way.)

Ryan Porter

Do not be afraid, Mosco, for we are with Prime now. There is no need for you to suffer. Come into the light with us... Meanwhile, in the Owltheria AU... "Hey Amity..." "No... no you can't be here, human. You can't come in and take this from me!" "Woah, I knew this would get a rise out of you, but you really are obsessed, aren't you... mittens." So, Catra and Glimmer are trapped on the ship together. Oh my gods, they're gonna be crewmates...


Keston John has one hell of a fun time next season.

Luke Teasdale

Double trouble, the true hero of this show, finally giving catra therapy. All it took was living in her skin to thoroughly study her. And scene.


I mean, fair, but I think she also wanted to save her own cat butt.


To be fair to Catra, Prime didn't even know she existed at that point.


All the fanfiction potential of Glimmer and Catra going "so, we're both probably gonna die soon...........wanna make out?"

Rufus May

Now that the peace and order loving Horde Prime is here the series turns into a political drama about trade agreements and government appointments.


This show does a lot to explore generational abuse and the mental health issues resulting from it. Hordak spent a long time talking up Horde Prime, but then we see him and turns out daddy-Hordak's a pretentious arse.

Tabatha Cat

I think Catra's motivations are ambiguous here. She could have easily said what she did purely to gain influence with Horde Prime, working her way up this new hierarchy, the same we she did with Hordak. Or she could have said it to save Glimmer as well as herself. I doubt even she knows what her deepest motivations are here.

Tabatha Cat

When Glimmer is first beamed up to Horde Prime's ship, she tries to use her power but her sparkles just fizzle out.


The funny thing about Scorpia sneaking into the Fright Zone is that Scorpia is actually demonstrably good at sneaking around. 1) She snuck up behind Glimmer and took her out in S1E8 'Princess Prom' (and she placed the heatbombs without anyone noticing, Bow only discovered them by chance). 2) She snuck up behind Adora and took her out in S3E3 'Once Upon A Time In The Waste'. 3) She snuck past all the Brightmoon guards and even entered the room the princesses were in unnoticed in S4E10 'Fractures'.

Jenny D

And now I can finally make the comparison I’ve been wanting to since the middle of season 3: Catra and Glimmer almost committing mass genocides! So an interesting thought experiment I’ve always wrestled with is that, technically, if you’re just looking at impact instead of intent, Glimmer’s almost-crime was infinitely worse than Catra’s. Catra nearly destroyed the planet and everyone on it, but because the planet was in Despondos they would be the only ones affected. Glimmer NEARLY KILLED EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE! And ok, so Glimmer didn’t know that Light Hope was going to take them out of Despondos. But both Catra and Glimmer knew there was a chance that going ahead with their plans could potentially lead to the planet being destroyed. They were both warned by their close friends and chose to ignore those warnings. The only real difference between them is that Glimmer tried to undo what she did when she realized her friends had been right.


As soon as Glimmer was proven wrong, she did everything she could to fix it (as opposed to Catra, who doubled down). The foils! Horde Prime is soooooo organized religion-coded (specifically Christianity). The line "I made you in my image" especially, but also his omniscience in knowing everything Hordak has done (and many other parallels to come). I'm really curious to see your opinions on the religious themes in Season 5. A lot of reactors I've seen just miss/ignore it.


The character designer has confirmed why Daddy Hordak has extra eyes: he harvested them from some of his clones. Just for the aesthetic and because he wants himself to look more special. They did not say this, but I imagine the clones were very likely killed afterwards, because they would be considered too unique-looking with missing eyes.


Prime wasn't planning on booping Glimmer's nose, but he actually decides to keep Catra around because he finds out the joy of booping cat noses.

Jenny D

And despite my being sympathetic towards Catra and everything she’s gone through, I damn near applauded when DT read her for filth. Everything they said to her was exactly what she needed to hear, and I think it coming from an essentially neutral third party really gives it weight for her.

Catradora fan

The sound design when Adora breaks the sword chefs kiss Not to mention Adora's scream coming in to focus as well and I love the wonderful choice of Light Hope's "don't...do it." The stars remind Adora of Catra's freckles 🥺 Catra to Glimmer: "what are you waiting for? Do it" Damn Catra 😢 DT's breakdown of Catra's character "You try so hard to play the big bad but your heart has never been in it" This line tells you everything you need to know about Catra in a nutshell. DT as Adora flirting with Catra yeah they can totally tell her feelings DT giving Catra a vibe check Love the soundtrack but sometimes not having any kind of sound is also effective just the ambience like the whole scene with Horde Prime, Hordak, Glimmer and Catra. That punch Catra gave Hordak! 🙀

Jenny D

Oh I almost forgot my number counting! This is episode is number 7!

Jenny D

For me, when it comes to a fight between Catra and Hordak I’m always gonna root for Catra. They’re both villains, and I definitely think Shadow Weaver had the worst impact on Catra’s development, but if not for Hordak none of this would be happening. Now, like with Catra, I can understand why he is the way he is and I can feel sorry for him, but at the end of the day he still played a major role in Catra turning out the way that she has.


My absolute favourite episode of this season, next session is my favourite season

Jenny D

Scorpia 🤝 The Collector white-haired characters who get a sick theme song when they (re)gain their powers

Jenny D

17:40 Glimmer: I'm the good guy here! Mosco: Yeah. [Takes out a flip-flop from her handbag, aiming it square at Glimmer.] A lot of bad guys say that.

Stephen Ray

Did she want to save her own butt, though? Five minutes ago she told Glimmer to go ahead and "Do it", with the implied meaning of killing Catra. She saved Etheria and Glimmer (for now).

Jenny D

So the timeline for the show is pretty vague, but according to one of the writers, possibly even Stevenson, the entire show from pilot to finale takes place over the course of about 3 years. Frosta was 11 and 3/4 at Princess Prom, so I’d say by now she’s either 14 or almost 14. Poor kid never got a growth spurt.

Stephen Ray

A lot of people think it's just a rip-off of "The Phantom Menace". Just wait until you meet their version of Jar Jar.

Jenny D

25:52 I can’t believe they revealed the gay agenda in a kid’s cartoon!

Stephen Ray

Catra already knows how Glimmer tastes. In season 5, Glimmer finds out about Catra. Sparklekitten is a go!

Jenny D

I feel like now’s a good time to mention that the writers shipped Mara and Hope.

Stephen Ray

And as the only non-clones on the ship, "there was only one bed". They hit the big tropes for sure: They were crewmates There was only one bed Enemies to lovers and so on.

Jenny D

Not just Glimmer and herself, but everyone on Etheria. Which is interesting, considering she nearly killed everyone on Etheria just last season.

Jenny D

Brother, I hope you, too, are full only of love for Horde Prime, and have no crippling doubt eating at your soul.


Stevenson himself said they were in love. Even holograms are gay in this show.

potato potato also another potato

My read is it's her pathological need to be useful for fear of being abandoned and left for dead kicking in. Borne of shadow weaver telling child Catra they only kept her around to keep Adora happy (fueling her panic driven ascendance in the horde after she left) Be interesting to see how it plays out though, I initially watched before season 5 released, so for the first time I have no idea where this is going.

J. Jenny Jameson

Catra did a lot of shitty stuff and definitely deserves to be stopped, but when one of the most stubborn, forceful, scrappy characters in the show looked at a weapon aimed at her head and said "What are you waiting for?" it kinda shook me. I couldn't find the right words to explain how I felt about her, but I eventually made this instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0H420l3woc

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Fun Fact: It never comes up on the show itself, but Daddy Hordak's space fortress is called the Velvet Glove.


While a lot of it was self-preservation, part of the reason Catra told Horde Prime about the Heart cause if she hadn't he would have killed Glimmer on the spot and destroyed Etheria. She may not even realise it but her motivations are not being entirely self-preserving for once. At least a little bit

Jenny D

I love how this sounds like it could be a fake spoiler, but I’ve read enough fanfiction to know that it’s not.

Jenny D

Oh that’s right! I’ve lost track of what was just writer’s room headcanon—like how Adora found Catra in a cardboard box—and what was confirmed as real but just subtle—like how married couples wear something of their partner’s in lieu of wedding rings.


Magic doesn’t work outside of Etheria, or at least Etheria-based magic doesn’t, so Glimmer can’t teleport

Ryan Porter

If I had a nickel for every time a cartoon featured multiple acts of genocide... I'd have two nickels. Which is not a lot but it's weird that it's happened twice.


My issue with Scorpia is that catra always asked for space and she never respected that and people seem to forget that also the horde kids were never catras friends they always threatened catra after adora left the horde


Time to see what S5 does to Mosco's opinion of Catra. It may not change - and that is okay! - but I am HERE TO FIND OUT. Also all the symbolism around Horde Prime and also a certain character's wife really getting more screen time. Mosco will love meeting the golem the group befriends (y'know, the one just like Perfuma made in the DnD episode!)

Tammy Ragsdale

I think Catra's motives in telling Horde Prime about Etheria are murky even to her. Personally, I always read it as only partially self-preservation. She also does it to save Etheria and probably even to save Glimmer. Maybe because Glimmer didn't kill her when she had the chance, maybe because Glimmer's death wouldn't do anything for her, maybe just to have someone else in the same situation as her. You can kind of see it in the way she and Glimmer glance at each other after.

Tammy Ragsdale

Season five is a real rollercoaster. I think it's the one that made me laugh the most, but things also get really serious at times. There is more a sense of adventure and the whole "wider universe" thing at the start of the season, then it gets more personal toward the later half when things start to come to an head. Overall, I think it's the most fun season to watch.

Blue Eons

I feel like I’m gonna have a heart attack waiting for all the episodes of season 5 😭😭😭

Jenny D

I think it’s specifically because Glimmer is too far away from her runestone.

Panic Blitz

The way Light Hope's voice splits into two distinct personalities when she says "Don't...Do it" is crushing every time I hear it.


Each characters have her moments. And come horde prime coming to make order in the Kindergarden...he have good game!

Venicia Johnson

Catra's hand to hand fighting comes through once again

Frank Wales

According to ND, the twist was Molly's idea: https://twitter.com/Gingerhazing/status/1261050253576298497

Frank Wales

I think also that it's partially because she exhausted her magical reserves trying -- and failing -- to break the Black Garnet before collapsing


I just noticed in this intro the Horde Cadets are looking regretfully over their shoulders, not sure if they started doing that now or earlier