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Lets just all agree to just do everything Poison Ivy says, always and forever!!!



Jenny D

I’m really looking forward to the Stephanie episode next week!

Jenny D

Every time I hear the word “goon” (it comes up more often than you’d think) my mind immediately goes, “I identify as a hench.”

Jenny D

Oh, no, I absolutely love Bane! He’s such a himbo! Plus it’s fun doing impressions of his voice. Considering I have a a bit of a high pitch voice, I’m surprisingly good at it!

Joey Quixote

As promised, you'll have significantly less of the Joker to deal with this season. Not quite 0, but significantly less. Gives Harley a chance to be herself without his baggage. I agree on Bane. He has his moments. Sometimes an endearing buffoon. Other times, just annoying. And yes. Listen to Ivy. Always. I don't know if it's just the company she keeps, or if she's always had a terminal case of Cassandra Syndrome, but one of the side effects is peerless sass.