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William Timmins

I love Scorpia so much. BIG HUGS

Christopher Bouzas

The next few episodes should be titled god damnit Glimmer! With an extra ! Each episode

Frank Wales

Bear in mind that, while we know that "She-Ra is not the sword, She-Ra is YOU", Adora doesn't know that

Christopher Bouzas

Glimmer: my best friends who know more about first ones tech then anyone here are telling me it’s going to kill us all… but on the other hand Adora’s abusive psychotic power hungry mom who has shown very little knowledge on first ones tech is telling me to fire it… FIRE IT! What could possibly go wrong

Christopher Bouzas

Notice when Glimmer is making her decision on whether to fire the heart or disable it, she isn’t looking at the projection of Etheria being destroyed, she’s looking at the projection of how much land the Horde has taken

Phoenix Mackenzie

32:35 and look what happened their🤣🤣 also it's clear catra isn't/hasn't been sleeping(at least not properly) sleep deprivation is a form of torture, js

Catradora fan

I can't with Aimee's voice acting: "FLY SHIP!" 🤣😂😅 That will never not be funny and never gets old.

Catradora fan

Well well well... isn't this interesting looks like Glimmer is becoming more and more like Catra not listening to her friends, pushing her friends away and saying stuff they regret out of anger... THE... PARALLELS! Dark Glimmer enters the chat says to Catra: "hi how ya doin? Step aside, let me show you how it's done."


Catra hasn't been sleeping well since at least episode 6 'Princess Scorpia', but she already looked haggard in that episode so the sleeping issues must've started earlier. I wonder if the nightmare she had about Adora, the Portal, and Entrapta that we saw in episode 4 had anything to do with it? ;)

Phoenix Mackenzie

Absolutely, and sleeping issues can take a little to show up visibly so could easily have been before that but this has escalated every and very possible that she either isn't letting herself sleep or literally cannot sleep and it's driving her insane which is then having an effect on everyone around her

Tammy Ragsdale

You asked if the opening changes next season. Yes, several times. I think you will like next episode. Bow and Adora are going to make a new friend.


Catra & Glimmer competing for the 'how to be awful to your friends and drive them away' award. Catra might seem like the winner due to the prolonged abuse and how loveable Scorpia is, but Glimmer definitely said the most cruel thing in the entire show ("Maybe your best isn't good enough. If it was, my mother would still be here!").

Luke Teasdale

i wonder if moscos opinion on catra will change just like it kinda did with a couple of other characters she 'hates'

Luke Teasdale

"shes becoming unhinged" yep a harmful desire for validation from authority figures who will never give it added to heavy abandonment issues with a nice dash of no sleep added on top= a cocktail of a mental health disaster. we like her because she is complex and flawed not neccesarily because we like her personality.

Sam Pamenter

I think with catra and why people like her so much is because of how complex she is or she seemed at least. I think a lot of people let what she's been through justify how she treated people but there's a point where that's just not possible and she needs to be held accountable. u can like catra as a villian but by no means especially this season is she a good person. I think rewatching has made that more clear than watching the first time and I'm interested to see if ur opinion ever changes about her and it's honestly understandable if it doesn't.

Porpoise Power

I've been waiting for the Scorpia shows up @ the table all season :P

David Johnson

There is no spell in the Universe strong enough to shut Double-Trouble up, I'm afraid. I think Shadoweaver narrowed her eyes because she definitely recognized someone who's manipulating people. The main problem with the "Ragnarok" solution is that Disponda isn't part of the universe, it's its own pocket universe and Etheria is literally the only thing there. Barring Hordak's dimensional portal - and we saw how well *that* worked - they are stuck there, Horde, no Horde, planet blowing up, planet surviving. With Catra...I don't think her troops are the only ones not getting any sleep.


I get how you feel about catra sometimes, and while it's true she has been a bad friend and pushed people away, it's also true that the people she cared about the most did leave her from her pov, she actually gave shadow weaver a chance even though she abused her her whole life and yet she was left alone again.


scorpia has a great heart but she has no boundaries, her brining up Entrapta even though it has been show that it's a trigger for catra in every scene also one of the reasons I get why catra pushed her away due to how guilty she feels about that.


There's deep trauma in Catra. The abuse as a child, plus always being second best and in Adora's shadow, then feeling abandoned by Adora, then being manipulated and abandoned again by Shadoweaver, then finding out Shadoweaver apparently abandoned her in order to join Adora. This all built into a tangled knot of trauma and something snapped in Catra around the time of Moment of Truth, and she's been on a dark path ever since. I sometimes think people don't get how deeply Catra is hurting, because they've not experienced that level of manipulation and abuse. It's not pretty and of course Catra shouldn't have been treating people the way she has. But she is very broken deep down. But yeah she's difficult to like at this point in the narrative.

Stephen Ray

I can't wait for you to start hearing "Oh, Glimmer. Yes!" and "Oh, Catra. Yes!" Talk about a power couple.


They really need to make therapy a thing on Etheria. Though Adora, Catra and Glimmer all seem like the type of people who would refuse it.

Jenny D

The episode with my favorite Scorpia scene! There’s something so perfect about her just showing up to the rebel meeting and seating herself at the war table because she didn’t want to interrupt.

Jenny D

Before I made Luz my pfp, it was originally DT as Adora with the insane hairpoof!


I love complex and messy Characters. I dont really need them to be likable. Thats why Catra is like Catnip for me lol.

Jenny D

Season 5 has one of the greatest season trailers ever! AJ Michalka, the voice of Catra, sings an eerie cover of the intro song! And the only spoiler is in the last few seconds. You should see if Elijah or someone would be willing to edit that part out and send it to you for a reaction!

Jenny D

Also the Season 5 intro has the same song, but there are like 4 or 5 episodes where some changes to the animation are made.


I don't think she should watch that. Even if it's not big story spoilers, it's still showing content and things happening in the last season and giving expectations and impressions of future events. I like to watch blind reactors watch stuff blind. The song can be listened on its own. It's Warriors by AJ Michalka.

Jenny D

Etheria can’t pull a Thor Ragnarok because when the weapon was activated Mara pulled the planet into an empty dimension of the universe.


Maybe she'd be more chill if she got some catnip.

Jenny D

I think we saw adult Catra without her mask once before, at the start of this season when she woke up from a nightmare about Entrapta.

Jenny D

One of the reasons so many of us sympathize with Catra is because of the abuse she suffered from Shadow Weaver all of her life. Don’t get me wrong, no one is taking her side throughout this war, but we can still feel sad for her. It’s like how you understand where Glimmer is coming from, even though you don’t think she’s right about this weapon. I think the parallels between Catra and Glimmer that have been a theme this season are especially strong throughout this episode. They both pull rank on their subordinates and treat them poorly because they’ve become consumed with winning this war. And they both end up being left by their friends.

Jenny D

It took me way too many rewatches to finally remember that.

Jenny D

I’d say she also said the second worst thing ever, when she said Adora was jealous that Glimmer is now Shadow Weaver’s favorite. Saying that to a survivor of abuse about their abuser, especially with Glimmer only knowing a loving family.

Tabatha Cat

I adore Catra. I can't explain why. It may be because I'm just fond of cats.


It's important to remember that there's a big jump between a person's choices being understandable, and them being justified.

Void Weaver

Both Catra and Glimmer are both stuck in a spiral of thoughts of lack of control and abandonment issues. Another thing that they both have in common is that these issues have been strengthened by Shadow Weaver in some way, ether by the way Shadow Weaver abused Catra and has been grooming Glimmer. Their way of thinking is so similar right now that they both think that winning of the war will be the end of their problems no matter what the cost. They are both lashing out at the peopled around them at different levels of intensity. The thing is you can see both of their way of thinking even if you don't like it.


I 100% agree on the stuff about catra, it was hard for me to find sympathy for her because she reminded me of an awful person in my life. I grew to forgive her, (catra, not the irl shithead), but she’s done inexcusable stuff and sometimes I just can’t feel sorry for her when the show wants me to.

Ross Jennings

"We're gonna win in the end", huh? It's getting *really* hard to see how that could happen at this point, or even who "we" refers to...

Ryan Porter

Mosco: "This is gonna be fine! This is gonna be a fun episode." Narrator: "You think she would know better by now..." Please, please make the YouTube thumbnail the shot of you with your "binoculars". I don't think it should be "Glimmer, no!" or "Damnit, Glimmer!" Queen Angela gave us the proper line read way back in the first episode. "Glimma. GLIMMAH!"


I understand why shes acting the way she is, doesn't mean I have to like her though. A lot of my family members have suffered abuse and I can forgive their actions to a certain point, but when it starts affecting their ability to treat people like human beings, then I think people should cut ties. Don't let someone elses trauma lead to the creation of your own.

Jenny D

Idk if the show wanted us to feel sorry for her when she was having her breakdown. To me it read more like they were showing us that she’s not just a black and white villain, that she’s complex and has depth. I think it’s similar to how we saw the nightmare she had about sending Entrapta away, or all of those little flinches whenever Entrapta was mentioned.


Well, since you're apparently a horrible person, I guess you and Catra have something in common at least.😝

Rufus May

Pretty harsh take on Catra given that she's clearly in the middle of a mental breakdown tbh. In a real workplace she'd be forced to take a vacation but in the Horde she's just kept in charge as long as she gets results even though she's been spiraling since season one.

Rufus May

I'll just add that Catra did try to be kind to Shadow Weaver and was immediately betrayed and left behind to face punishment. Obviously Catra just makes things worse for herself every time she lashes out after feeling hurt, and would need to fix that about herself before she can expect that to change, but it's easy to see how this is an escalating response to her inability to cope with emotional damage rather than her just being an evil bitch.


Catra and Glimmer are such fascinating foils, especially this season. They’re both suddenly given an immense amount of power, they’re feeling betrayed by those around them, their control is slipping away, and they’re scared and desperate. Catra is doubling down on winning the war because then, like she told Scorpia, “it will all have been worth it.” She knows she’s fucked up and hurt people, she doesn’t know how not to. Last time she tried to be kind and vulnerable, Shadow Weaver tricked and abandoned her, so of course Catra’s going to be throwing up all kinds of walls to try and protect herself. Hurt and scared animals lash out.

Rufus May

Also the entire world has one working spaceship that we know of. Etheria seems smaller than the average planet but I still don't think you can cram everyone in there.


The question how she's so many people's favourite seems a bit misguided on multiple levels, starting with the fact that a good character doesn't have to be nice. Silco is a complete monster, he's still the best written part of Arcane and it's not even close. And the writing is the point with Catra as well. A lot of lesser media only depicts trauma in a romanticized way that is convenient for the audience. But this shallow "uwu, I'm so sad" is just not what trauma is, it's messy and it makes you do shit you don't want to do. And a lot of people who have endured abusive environments empathize a lot with this cat, because just this once, a piece of media didn't ask us to be "one of the good ones" to show some understanding.

Joey Quixote

Return of the cinnamon roll! I love how even though she's made to be a prisoner, it's immediately evident that she fits in here more than she ever did with The Horde. I absolutely love Scorpia and Perfuma's dynamic. Someone who's never known kindness but has it in abundance meeting someone who exudes positivity, acceptance, and concern for them. And the bit with Frosta was really cute too. This kid completely unafraid of her and just curiously asking questions.

Rufus May

After sleeping on it there's just one more thing I want to say and then I'll drop it I swear. Looking at Scorpia, she (finally) recognizes that Catra is being toxic and is just going to keep hurting her if she sticks around. Then when she sees Shadow Weaver in Brightmoon she recognizes that this is what set Catra off earlier and that her own leaving will exacerbate it. Scorpia understands that Catra's been going through it and this has been driving her behaviour, she doesn't use this to excuse Catra's actions but she doesn't hate her or want her to suffer either. So to my mind the 'Catra defenders' have the same attitude as Scorpia here. Understanding Catra's behaviour without excusing it, and seeing that it's necessary to separate from her for your own mental health without resenting her for her failings while she's struggling.


Right on about Double Trouble in the opening scene, unfortunately they can't be a wee shit because they have to be the biggest shit in the room. And with Shadow Weaver standing right there it takes some effort.


Catra's insanity didn't come out of nowhere. All throughout the show, up to this point, we see Catra being left. First, Adora, her childhood friend, switches sides and goes against her. Then, Shadow Weaver, who hasn't really shown Catra any compassion or praise to start with, also switches sides and is even more against her. Catra finds some semblance of happiness with Entrapta and Scorpia, but her desire for power and control ends up driving both of them away. All she has left at this point is control of the Horde, and she doesn't want that to go away and feel even more rejection and betrayl. That's why she's acting insane.

Rufus May

I think when you're yelling into the camera about how much you hate the most popular character in the show, particular when one of the reasons she's so popular is that a lot of people see their own issues reflected in her, it's easy to lose nuance or have people take your words differently than maybe they were intended.

J. Jenny Jameson

How I remember Over Sarcastic Productions put it: "They're going through the same character arc. Both of them are put in positions of incredible power they are NOT ready for, and both blame Adora when things go wrong."


Catra uses and abuses everyone around her, you might say Catra has become her mother...

Rían Laudano

i dont like glimmer in this ep. ppl keep trying to convince me why her side does make some sense but she's clearly not listening to her friends and trusting that they have correct information