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Christopher Bouzas

Finally the episode we’ve all been waiting for. Scorpia finally stands up for herself and leaves

Frank Wales

Catra's desperation to prove herself worthy becomes more apparent -- "then they'll all see!"

Christopher Bouzas

I like the contrast between Catra and Adora calling the people who are trying help them useless when extremely frustrated, Adora did the same exact thing to Light Hope last episode, I wonder where they learned that from

Sam Pamenter

I could be wrong about this but I think it's implied that scorpias family was wiped out by the horde and took in Scorpia because she's a princess. And this happened when Scorpia was young which is why she doesn't remember everything. It's also why we don't see any other people that look like Scorpia which is really sad honestly. Because of how loving and warm she is as a character I feel we forget her backstory is quite tragic.

William Timmins

'You're a bad friend' is my favorite line of anything. ever. god.

David Johnson

I get the feeling that Scorpia's moms died when she was very young - at least, that's my headcannon - so not only don't we know much about them, neither does she, really.


I just signed up as a patron today and LOVED seeing the full reaction! And such a good episode.


I always interpreted it as Scorpia saying she still had time to be a good friend to Emily, but it's probably a multi-layered meaning

Tammy Ragsdale

I think it's implied both in the show and by things the creator has said, that the horde is mostly found children who they turned into soldiers. "You're a bad friend," goes hard. It's one of the more devastating lines in the show and for me only one other line, still upcoming, beats it for raw emotion.


What we saw in the Light Spinner episode was an image of a lot of Scorpians on their knees while Horde soldiesr were tearing down the Black Garnet. I'm guessing Grandpa Scorpion's 'agreement' was a surrender. And this happened when Glimmer's dad was 16-ish. I'm also guessing that the garnet never worked for Scorpia because she's never actually been allowed to try making it work. Or because she's been taught that it doesn't work for her.


Never fear, there's always more "Catra, NO!"

Jenny D

This is the episode where I actually started to really like Scorpia! I was so glad she finally stood up for herself!


About Scorpia connecting to the Black Garnet: Don't forget that Shadow Weaver monopolized the Black Garnet for the entire time that she was part of the Horde. She was dependent on its magic, so it is doubtful that Shadow Weaver ever allowed Scorpia anywhere near the Black Garnet. Also, I will never stop praising the voice acting in this show. This episode has a whole bunch of excellent performances, but AJ Michalka definitely stands out. Her delivery of Catra's rant at the end is so incredibly good. The quivering voice, the cracks, the fluctuating pitch...its all done in such a way that is utterly convincing.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Scorpia can't access the Black Garnet because she's *not the reigning Princess of her realm*. Her white-haired mother is still alive and never officially retired, so the Black Garnet still responds only to her; she just can't tap into its powers from all the way over on Beast Island.

Joey Quixote

Scorpia became my favorite character in her first appearance, and that did not change for me throughout the series. I think part of why "You're a bad friend." hits Catra as hard as it does is because 1, it immediately reminds her of everyone she's betrayed. And 2, it was Scorpia to say it. Scorpia, who cannot say anything bad about ANYONE. The absolute nicest person on all of Etheria, telling Catra TO HER FACE that she's a bad friend. No malice. No cruel intentions. Just stating a fact. And her voice betraying how badly that hurt her. You KNOW you fucked up if SCORPIA has something unpleasant to say about you.


and so begins catra’s midlife crisis that ends in her getting bangs


Yeah, when Adora arrived, she was "put in with the rest of the orphans." It's not exactly canon as Nate Stevenson has emphasized that he likes to just say fun ideas and stuff, but he once described that Catra may have been abandoned in a box and little Adora went "mine!" before Shadow Weaver showed up and could intervene. He also (likely jokingly) said that maybe Weaver was originally planning to be nicer but then Catra scratched her and that went straight out of the window.


The big thing about Scorpia standing up for herself is, she is too kind to scream her grievances at Catra, which would have been understandable. Yet it's somehow more gutting and impactful to just so bluntly and quietly say, "You're a bad friend."


I wasnt sure from the picture but I hope we get to see them even in a flash back thatd be cool!


This makes sense! I defo need to rewatch this show! It's easy to miss some of the shows more subtle moments on a first watch


YESSSSS Scorpia's "You're a bad friend" probably has more weight to it than if anyone else ever said it!


Obviously we're not supposed to take the scene too seriously, but imagine if Glimmer hadn't used her teleportation on all those Horde soldiers Adora knocked into the sky.


The poor Horde. Being casually tossed aside while the Best Friend Squad has a therapy session.

Tabatha Cat

In season 2, episode 5, “White Out,” Scorpia said to Adora, “You may have left Catra, but same day she’s gonna see that I won’t. I’ll always be there for her, because that’s who I am!” It took Catra 14 episodes from then to drive her away.


Can't wait for catra to shave her head in the middle of the night while she has a crisis lmao. and when Adora reassures her with a freshly baked pie! You're gonna love it ;)