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This episode was painful for me. 

Like tear my nails off, choke on my own inhaler kind of painful. 




This episode is the definition of pain. I could barely sit through it either. Imagine, trying so hard to get someone you care about away from an abusive partner. Eventually you do, and once they finally start to put their life together the go right back to them. I can't imagine how betrayed everyone, especially Ivy felt after this. And I'm sorry it's the last episode you'll be watching until you get back from your trip. Worst note to be left hanging on.


That coffee mug is spilling the truth.

Sam Pamenter

i think what makes the "I need people I can count on" line even more heartbreaking is how ivy had romantic feelings for harley (this was confirmed by the writers) and this betrayal completely changes their relationship and ivys feelings towards her as you'll see throughout the rest of the season and next season too!


"Some things never change Quinn" is legitimately one of my favourite Batman moments. For all his raw big chested bravado I love Bats best when he's an empathy machine even with his deadliest foes

J. Jenny Jameson

"I HATE IT" yes, yes that is the correct reaction.

William Timmins

Harley Quinn and Joker has a lot of vibes reminds me of addicts in real life, as well as the obvious 'people in toxic relationships.' It's HARD to reach escape velocity and there's a lot of falling back into bad patterns.

Ryan Porter

Two reactions in one day? We have a Barbenheimer situation! Which one do you watch first? Fun fact - orcas are one of the only natural predators of moose. Remember the feeling you had watching this episode. The rage. The loathing. The disgust. The foul stench of gaslighting and mansplaining that lingers like a fart in an elevator. The next four episodes will build on that. You're gonna need a bigger fidget thingy. But you may get a new kink out of one of them. So there's that.

William Timmins

The plaintive, soft piano theme that plays with Harley Quinn... is amazing. So emotional, so evocative, and it's used throughout the series for her.


Sorry for the double upload guys clearly I messed something up LOL whooops! Oh well enjoy!

Jenny D

I can think of one episode this season that would’ve been worse for her to be left hanging on.

Tim Ryan

(yes I realize this is an old video) Umm.. I dont think its the chewy kind of fidget... Have you considered some Chewlery, Mosco? :)