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Christopher Bouzas

Remember how Shadow Weaver led the Horde for a few decades killed countless innocents and kidnapped children to brainwash into soldier, and tricked everyone into thinking Adora was completely insane so she could destroy mystacor kill Glimmers aunt and push Adora to rejoin the Horde, or how about when she tortured Glimmer and screwed with her powers before trying to mind wipe Adora right in front of Glimmer, yeah so apparently Glimmer forgets all of that


So a few minor details for you to consider: - did the move Glimmer pulled on Catra with electrocutting her with her whip seem familiar to you? Because it's the exact same move Shadow Weaver used against Catra in S3E4 - about the level half the woods vs capuring Catra decision, Glimmer seems to agree with you - if you pay attention to her before the ceiling falls, she starts going towards Catra, not towards the bot, she was willing to sacrifice the forest to catch he - and finally, I wanted to remind you, it's not just about using Adora as bait, it's about collaborating with her past abuser, think back to S1E7, this is the person Glimmer decided can be trusted and be advised by, it's a big deal for Adora on personal level


While Catra is a fantastic fighter, I think her biggest strenth is probably how smart and good at planning she is. She's proven time and time again that while she's really good at fighting, the reason she can go toe to toe with the princesses most of the time is because she can outsmart them. She's also a master manipulator, so she knows exactly what to exploit in a way that benefits her. As soon as Double Trouble mentioned Glimmer using Adora as bait, Catra knew how to use it right away.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

That bit with Bow getting nearly killed and She-Ra using her power to heal him? Get used to that. Now that Adora has unlocked her healing ability, Bow and Glimmer are going to take bigger and bigger risks because they know She-Ra can just heal them again. It becomes something of a running gag. (I will admit, though, the bit with Glimmer getting a hole in her middle you can see right through is pretty amusing.)

Tabatha Cat

I'm always so happy to get to see the next episode of She-Ra with you.


New! From the makers of "Catra, no!" get ready for the new sensation "Glimmer, no!" Notice how all Shadow Weaver's gardening is pruning and harvesting- cutting away the parts she doesn't like and taking whatever benefits her. Does that remind you of anything?

David Johnson

"Don't immediately jump to the conclusion." Adora has a major personality problem in that she feels she has to be responsable for *everything.* So, Bo gets hurt...her fault.


Double Trouble: Agent of Chaos


I feel like Catra feels more comfortable (?) with the way DT doesn't act very affectionate nor pushes her to be open about emotional stuff...but simultaneously she wants that actual closeness. Also, while this show has a lot of pretty dark stuff, I don't think the higher-ups allow them to show much physical injuries.

Tammy Ragsdale

Let me see if I can set your mind at ease a bit as per the "plot armor." What those bots are shooting out that they call a pulse is like a blast wave. It's perfectly reasonable for someone to be in Bow's position and survive one of those. In fact, it would not have been that unusual for him to have only minor injuries. Most of the damage would have been from the force it took to knock him over and hitting the ground. Once it knocks him down, that's it, it goes over him, no permanent damage done. The trees, however, are too strong to get knocked down, so they take the full force as the blast attempts to go around or through them to keep going. Same for the ground. If there had been a secondary effect, like wind, or heat or shrapnel or something, that's what usually injures folks near the blast while stronger things, trees, walls, buildings can't take the blast itself. Hope this makes sense. You can google The Blast Wave Effect if you are curious.

Tabatha Cat

From “The Battle of Brightmoon,” season 1, episode 13: Netossa: You still don’t know what we do, do you? Bow: Uh… no. Netossa: Seriously? It’s in the name. Net-tossa? Bow: (blank face) Netossa: Nets! I toss nets, okay? Spinerella: Yes, darling, you have beautiful nets.


About the garden, my headcanon is that it used to be Glimmer's father's for various spell and potion ingredients, but after he was gone the regular royal gardeners didn't know how to tend to the magic plants properly, so only the simplest ones (like the flower for the location spell) are still good for their intended use. However, Shadow Weaver has taken to tending and pruning to get the others back to their proper potency. Not there yet, but it's her ongoing project. It explains why the magic plants are so prolific, but doesn't require Shadow Weaver to have somehow planted them herself without anyone noticing. They were just already there, and is in keeping with what she was shown doing.

Rufus May

I think the more likely answer is that the show just doesn't care much about realistic physics.

Ryan Porter

Imagine if Double Trouble and Clayface met. Whelp, Bo's dead. Good thing he's secretly Catra's half brother, and has four and a half lives. Mosco: "Double Trouble, no!" Mosco: "Double Trouble, yes!" Mosco: "Hey! No impersonating me, ya wee cunt!"

Ashley Silver

Oh yes, welcome to the "Glimmer, no!" era. And of course Shadow Weaver would find a flower toxic to cats cheerful.

William Timmins

Honestly, using military assets as decoys/bait is... pretty standard in warfare.

William Timmins

Double Trouble is DELIGHTFULLY evil.

Tammy Ragsdale

Oh, absolutely. But it's also true that what happened in that scene including a short delay before they get knocked over is what happens in blast waves. Just a headcannon.

Joey Quixote

Catra slowly realizing that the only people who had personal interest in her, she's been pushing away. Adora joined the Rebellion, she sent Entrapta to Beast Island, told Scorpia to fuck off, and Shadow Weaver sought Adora when she broke out. All Catra has left is cronies, goons, and mercenaries. She's effectively leading The Horde now, but at what cost. What was it that Shadow Weaver warned Adora? "Power changes people."

Jenny D

This episode’s number is 6! I’m glad I screenshotted Nate Stevenson’s tweet, because I always lose track of what number we’re up to.

Jenny D

The headcanon that Catra has borderline personality disorder makes her dynamic with DT make so much sense. A common trait with BPD is trying to hang on tight to relationships so they won’t leave you, but also pushing them away if you feel like they’re pulling away even just a little bit. Catra did everything she could to push Adora away until it finally worked, and now Catra’s trying to pull DT in closer. I think it’s because DT doesn’t befriend just anybody the way Scorpia and Adora do, so if Catra can have their genuine friendship she thinks it’ll feel more secure.

Jenny D

Shadow Weaver’s abuse of Adora was much less obvious on the outside—especially with everything she did to Catra at the same time—but situations like this show just how much damage Shadow Weaver did to Adora as well.

Catradora fan

The way Mosco mocks Flutterina is almost exactly the way Morgan did in their reaction 😂😅🤣

Jenny D

In the She-ra subreddit they’ve set up two bots, a Swift Wind bot that replies to comments with his name and asks, “Did someone say Swift Wind?” Then a Glimmer bot responds with, “No one said Swift Wind!”