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Christopher Bouzas

Get ready for Catra’s mental health is going to fall off a cliff

Rufus May

I see it as more of a steady tumble down a very steep and rocky hillside.

Phoenix Mackenzie

I will say catra never actually agreed to be friends with scorpia, and Emily is likely a reminder of what happened with entrapta

Tabatha Cat

See? Every once in a while an episode of this show has a happy ending. There they are at the end with their cheerful sweet new recruit, and. . . oh. . . never mind.


Yeah, I feel bad for Scorpia, but I think Catra snapping at her and telling her to back off wasn't completely because of her most recent issues, but also her letting out her frustration that's been building for a while with Scorpia not respecting her boundaries.

Phoenix Mackenzie

Yeah, I adore scorpia and yes in the beginning she did say "I'm a hugger" but despite catra clearly being unhappy she put up with it for the most part, and with scorpia constantly hovering around and clearly thinking they're friends which is a 2 way street despite catra never agreeing to that then being surprised that catra reminded her "hey you assumed something I never agreed too just because we work together" it's a great way of showing how scorpia doesn't fit in the horde though, I hate how much people shit on catra for snapping when it's clearly been a long time coming

Phoenix Mackenzie

Yeah, it just shows that she didn't actually want to snap at her and had been holding it in but it(everything in general) just built up too much and she lost control

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

This episode is an excellent example of how the trauma from SW's abusive parenting is still affecting both girls' psyches. Catra is doubling down on seeking safety in power and control (and the toxic "aggression = strength" mentality of the Horde) despite the psychological toll it's clearly taking on her. Adora is measuring her self-worth by what she can give to others, both in letting the adoration of the villagers go to her head, and in beating herself up at the thought she's let anyone down. Both girls are in dire need of therapy. (Maybe not couples therapy at this point, though....)

Ryan Porter

"(Catra) really needs some therapy!" is probably the most greatest understatement in the history of everything. Maybe she could do group therapy with Jinx, Alice, and other traumatized "close to the main character" people. "Since Entrapta returned to them..." If you recall in season three, Catra lied to Hordak and said that Entrapta let the princesses in. So yes, if he ever finds out what she did, Catra is DEAD. Good thing the only other person who knows is Scorpia, right? ...right? Yes, there is a She-Ra themed cookbook, but only for the Fright Zone cuisine. It's 100 different varieties of ration bars. "I hope (Scorpia) gets her time to shine in the upcoming episodes." Careful what you wish for! Wait, how did you predict that Scorpia is the one person to get to drop an f-bomb in the fifth season when the show ups to a PG-13 rating?

Catradora fan

Big Buff Lady is the same voice as Flutterina 😱

Luke Teasdale

You shouldn't be ashamed for wanting to like the villain especially one as well developed as catra. Shadoweaver is truly mum of the year: one of her daughter's seeks validation from authority figures that will never give it after being belittled and dehumanised all her life. The other one has a self destructive hero complex, takes all blame onto herself and seeks the impossible goal of being the perfect warrior that can solve all of the universe's problems with perfect hair and a smile. And both of them are gay disasters. Wait till you meet her secret third child this one comes into power and then believes they can do no wrong.

Ross Jennings

Catra is definitely hitting new lows in terms of mental health and general human decency this season, but you've got to admit, that was a very clever evil scheme.

Ryan Porter

More like falling of a ledge with no safety railing. The Fright Zone is OSHA violations on top of OSHA violations...


It's never clarified, either in-show or by the show's staff, whether Flutterina actually exists or if she's just a character invented by Double Trouble. What little evidence we have available, however, suggests that she IS real. The villagers don't question her presence, and both a character that strongly resembles her AND a character clearly identifiable as Double Trouble actually have cameos in the background of Princess Prom. It's best not to think too much about what might have happened to the real Flutterina.

Ashley Silver

Catra's response to hurting the people she loves is to double down in driving said people away out of guilt. She's a silly billy of a kitter like that.

Tabatha Cat

Hmmmmm. That was too easy. I don't trust it. I don't trust it at all. Double Trouble was nowhere to be seen in any of that. My gut is telling me somebody here isn't who they appear. Is it Bow? Has he been replaced by Double Trouble? Fuck. I'm nervous. Awwwe, Flutterina is cute! But it was all too easy though. I don't trust it! Where is Double Trouble?!? Where the fuck are they?!?


Brace yourselves the only 'Hey Adora' we get this season. Shame. Also, Adora and Catra both hit exactly where they knew would hurt when they talked. It was genuinely painful to watch.

Joey Quixote

Scorpia is certainly going through it this season. My hope at this part of the season was much the same as yours. She's too good a person to be part of the Horde. Protect the cinnamon roll! Not sure spelling out your favorite word is gonna help you avoid censors. There's always the classic "C U Next Tuesday." Personally, I'm a fan of "Can U Not? Thanks." Popularized by trans indie wrestler Dark Sheik. She sells merchandise with that charming little slogan and the acronym it provides.


Catra's To Do List: Monday: Postpone dealing with the problem until tomorrow. Tuesday: Lash out at anyone who mentions what happened yesterday.


You know, I wouldn't put it past DT to travel around, creating little personas, and giving them just enough history that they can step into when needed.

Jenny D

It’s a popular headcanon that Catra has borderline personality disorder, and as someone who’s been through dialectical behavioral therapy (the therapy program specifically designed for BPD) I can concur, Catra REALLY needs therapy. Even though I ended up not having BPD (women with autism are often misdiagnosed with a personality disorder) the therapy program still helped me out a lot with my anxiety and with emotional regulation. And I saw quite a few people with BPD in my group whose lives improved so much!

Ashley Silver

Not just a popular headcanon, but it's Nate Stevenson's take as well, so it's practically canon.