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The Valley of the Lost full uncut reaction!!! I loved the new character introduction!!



Christopher Bouzas

Everyone’s favorite Sassy gay gecko finally makes their appearance, can’t wait for the chaos they will bring to the show

Christopher Bouzas

Double Trouble is non-binary and use they/them

Christopher Bouzas

I saw someone in a fic call them a sassy gecko once and it’s just stuck with me also their appearance is more like a gecko than chameleon

largo778 .

Double Trouble, I'm calling it now, they will be Mosco's favorite character by the end of the series

Luke Teasdale

They are here, they are fabulous


About Double Trouble not getting Scorpia's character down: they did immediately pick up on the fact that Scorpia has a crush on Catra. They just proceeded to flirt with Catra in a way that Scorpia wouldn't do :P


I definitely ship Huntara and Perfuma. It's so gay and I love it.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Oh yeah, DT just broadcasts Theatre Kid energy at the gigawatt level. It's fantastic. Also, I love that the animators gave them a clearly distinct fighting style so viewers could tell Adora isn't actually up against Catra, no matter what the music wants you to think.

Catradora fan

Meet Double Trouble chaos incarnate In the 80's She Ra Double Trouble and Glimmer were cousins

Jenny D

Yeah, looks-wise, Season 4 Catra I think is my favorite.

Panic Blitz

Not only is Double Trouble non-binary, but so is their actor, Jacob Tobia! This show does so many things right.

Ryan Porter

Apropos of nothing, at a rate of one episode a week and a week or two off for this or that, your reaction to the series finale should drop around April 1st. I am sure this information will not lead to any plots, any schemes, or any ruses... "Yay look this episode is happy and fun. I don't trust it!" Don't worry, this season will lure you into a false sense of security, and then BAM! It will hit you with all the feels like a pie to the face. Everyone who voices Double Trouble has so much fun. Their level of sass starts at 11. And yes, they are a dyed in the wool thespian. "This whole episode is going to end with the shape shifter going home with them as Adora." Actually, they go back to the Fright Zone with the Horde, and keep transforming into Adora to mess with Catra by flirting with her. At first Catra is furious, but eventually she starts to like it... until it leads to a hilarious comedy of errors when she runs into the real Adora and doesn't realize it.

Jenny D

Adora, my favorite himbo, trying to out-butch Huntara is my favorite sideplot of this episode!


Double trouble is just so chaotic and we all love them for it. Adora really held onto the "It was fun distracting you, though" line since Princess Prom, only for it to turn out she didn't say it to the real Catra.

Jenny D

Fun fact: the voice of Huntara’s friend (Grox?) is Grey Delisle/Griffin. She voices Madam Razz, as well as all the Bright Moon guards, and probably some other background characters I’ve forgotten. She’s also the voice of Azula in ATLA, and she’s been the voice of Daphne in the Scooby Doo franchise for like 20 years!


Adora: It was fun distracting you, though. ;) DT as Catra: ...Okay then. And yeah, they're notably tall. Though they look even taller next to Catra who is pretty short (I like to think the cat people are just on the shorter side in general because heheh tiny kitties.)

Luke Teasdale

Double trouble, the secret main hero of the show. I love the part where they give catra therapy and then throw prime off of a cliff, truly a she ra moment of all time I think you will love them a lot especially in a .....certain scene later on. Btw the scar is more to show that at this point Adora has taken her gloves off when it comes to catra because in their previous fights she goes easy on catra and in this one she straight up yeets her through a wooden walkway and causes a visible injury.

J. Jenny Jameson

I'm fairly certain the main reason that ship didn't sail was Geena Davis being the most famous/expensive actor in the show.

Joey Quixote

Double Trouble stealing the show aside, this episode really made me like Perfuma that much more. The silent rage, the passive aggressive sniping about how Glimmer disrupted her morning, just the realization that for as much of a peace-loving flowerchild as she is, there is some thinly veiled anger just under the surface. Looks harmless, but it actually terrifyingly dangerous.

Catradora fan

Wanna see a magic trick? Mosco's perspective on most characters will change especially at the end of this season hehe

Ashley Silver

Just wait until you get to the bitter toxic yuri Huntara/ Perfuma friends to Enemies to Lovers dynamic that makes catradora look like Lumity in comparison. Or the episode where Catra uses Double Trouble to cheat at a horde baking competition, that one's fun.


They're not that tall... It's the stiletto heels.


Considering the clothing is all part of the change, I don't know if you can exclude the heels from their height.


DT is one of my favorites, especially when they sit Catra down by a fire and have a small chat with her about how cunty she’s been :D


DT is definitely a theatre kid


Fun fact: Double Trouble can be seen in the background of the Princess Prom episode.


I love all the callbacks to Book One at the carnival, especially The Cat. Fun Fact: When this episode premiered on Cartoon Network, the shot of Greige the crystal man playing the DDR-like game still had an editor's timer from the production process in the upper-right hand corner. It was removed from reruns and DVD and most streaming releases, but was still present in the iTunes/Apple TV version for a time. I'm not sure if it still is.


You say Double Trouble got Scorpia's chacter wrong, but one look was all it took to see how she feels about Catra