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Christopher Bouzas

This is essentially just Catras wish what with Shadow Weaver being nice, Scorpia taking personal space seriously, Adora never left the Horde, this is what Catra really wants


I am so sorry you had to react to this right after "The Ball Pit Car." I find it so sad that the only things Catra truly wanted in her perfect world were not power or the position of second-in-command, which we saw her work for the entire show. What she truly wanted was for Adora to be with her and Shadow Weaver to love her.

Christopher Bouzas

Can’t wait for Johnny Gat from saints row to show up next episode

Paul Steele

Keep Hamish handy for the next few episodes


You have to take a shot every time somebody says “Catra, No!”

Luke Teasdale

Catra destroyed the world to have her perfect life with a girl she *doesn't* like. I don't know guys but that seems pretty gay.... 😂


*Mosco sees Shadow Weaver being nice to Catra* "WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING!" Always love watching people try to figure out what is going on. And you actually had the correct train of thought about 'what Catra wanted'. The key line is 'everything is perfect'.


Many fans interpret this reality as Catra's perfect world, but I wouldn't go that far. Sure, things are better for her (Adora is still with her and Shadow Weaver is nicer,) but she still isn't fully honest with herself nor Adora, like when she hesitates when Adora asks if ruling the world is what she really wants. Nate Stevenson has described this as Catra wanting to hide and not being ready to face stuff.


Next episode, Bow and Glimmer are married due to the weird, messy reality.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Next episode has one of my favorite moments in the whole series. We need more cutaways of Huntara eating breakfast, dammit!


So yeee, Catra is not handling their breakup well XD

Kieran O'Connor

Don’t worry pretty much after this one Catra stops making huge mistakes and starts fixing her relationships. The entire universe is rewritten and yet Kyle is still treated like Kyle. Well it just makes things more interesting when he gets his true memories back as Adam when he gets hold of a certain sword and says the magic words!

David Johnson

Razz has a...complicated relationship with time. "Before," therefore, can be very subjective.

Catradora fan

Not the use of Promise 😭😭


Next episode has Adora going to New York City, it turns out Etheria was Earth all along! Yes, this was the ill-advised Spiderverse crossover episode, only this was that one from the 90s cartoon. It was the final episode for this season too, so of course it's very sappy, but very educational because, 90s American cartoons were always full of those sappy platitudes; "Always eat your vegetables", "Take care of each other", "Never let Scorpia drive"; those sorts of things. I have to admit, the part where Mara turned out to be Mermista's mom was certainly a choice, it takes some getting use to Mermista being She-Ra for the next season or so but the fact that her faithful steed is a manatee is pretty cool!

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

We're one episode shy of Catra, No!: The Season — nobody would survive a drinking game like that.


If we assume that the reality changes come from Catra's subconscious, this is actually interesting: She isn't Force Captain anymore, that's back to Adora and Catra doesn't seem to mind. That's actually quite the opposite of what she claims she wants. The changes to reality are just that Adora stayed, Shadow Weaver doesn't mistreat her and Scorpia respects personal spaces. That's it and it isn't much - that's quite sad tbh. Also, even if Catra lashes out at the wrong person as usual: She has been verbally abused, electrocuted and suffocated for three seasons. Maybe Adora calling the return to that reality "fixing things" isn't exactly the best approach to get a positive reaction out of her.

Ryan Porter

Oh, Catra's dead. Good thing she has nine li- HOLY SHIT ZOMBIE CATRA. In "Promise", Adora fell. In "Remember", Catra fell. These things come in threes... Madam Raaz told Adora to go back to the VERY beginning, so next episode is actually a cross-over with the original 80s cartoon. If the creators really wanted to fuck with people, they would have animated new, Horde-centric opening credits.


Yeah, but it's them being married to Loni and Kyle, respectively, that make it really confusing.

Christopher Bouzas

Next episode a coward finally chooses to be brave, also Scorpia and Hordak get turned into robots!


I love how clever people get with the spoilers :D

Catradora fan

Next episode Catra and Adora swap minds/bodies it gets crazier 😅


The scene with the two Shadow Weavers doing the "Spider-men point at each other" bit dragged on a bit too long for my taste.


Definitely gonna want some Hamish next time. A seagull told me.

Tabatha Cat

Entrapta's description in the previous episode of what opening a portal would do helps a tiny bit in following this episode. “If my numbers are right, and they are, if we open a portal the anomalies will be catastrophic. It will unhinge time and space creating a warped reality that will collapse in on itself, erasing us from existence.”


So yeah, not like that thing where it’s just Adora in an illusion, it’s space and time falling apart and deleting events and people and skipping over seconds and weeks of time


I love Catra’s writing, but she infuriates me. Towards season four/now-ish, I stopped caring as much because I was mad at her like Catra…. Why….

Jenny D

I think Adora summed up dealing with Catra perfectly in the previous episode. When she was talking to Entrapta she said she used to be friends with Catra, but Catra makes bad decisions. We can love Catra and feel sympathy for what she’s been through, while also keeping our (emotional) distance from her for as long as she keeps making bad decisions.

Jenny D

I might occasionally comment a number, and it’ll seem random, but I’ll explain after a certain point when it won’t be a spoiler anymore. This episode’s number is 4. Huh. I thought it was higher than that, but I just checked and it’s 4. Also, I went back and commented on 1, 2, and 3.

Stephen Ray

I have only seen the intro, but I don't know what you're worried about. This is a kids show. There won't be any crying of any kind.


I can't relate, I love villains and I was at her side through the entire show, the only time I didn't like something she did it was when she acted out of self hate.


Without giving too much away, there is a thing you've thought about that will serve as a magician's misdirection so you'll be unprepared when a different thing happens