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Currently a Patreon only series (this may change in future!)
Until Death do is Part, raw, early and uncut! 




This should be fun

Jeff Nunez

Awesome! I'm on season 3 of this series and I'm loving it so far. Really interested to hear your thoughts and reactions to it, assuming you stick with it all the way through.

Daniel Davies

R.I.P to Arleen Sorkin, the original voice actress for Harley Quinn back during ‘Batman: The Animated Series’. Nice to know she lived long enough to see the character she brought to life getting her own show.

Rufus May

I think Batman didn't save Harley because he knew the acid was fake.


I'm so hyped for you to see this. It's easily the best thing DC has made in the last few years. Kaley Cuoco and Lake Bell absolutely crush it as Harley and Ivy. I love how it brought back so many obsure DC characters and what it did with the big ones. I know Elijah loves this show for how chaotic it is, and spoilery reasons. I can't wait to see what you love about it.


I see Mosco was REALLY not expecting some of the darker ways this series goes over the top.


Now I want to see a YouTube edit just so I can read Hamish's comments

Joey Quixote

Your lack of preparedness for the violence was... a sheer delight! Just remember, ultra-violence is perfectly fine, but god forbid the show have naked people. Heads up, it does, but it should already be censored enough. For Patreon at least. No visible saucy bits. This is gonna be a fun journey! Special thanks to Elijah as I'm sure she has something to do with this. Dunno how many times in her reactions that she stated "I'd so be the Harley!" This show has my favorite versions of all these characters. You're gonna love... most of them. Some like the Joker are so repugnant you're gonna love watching them getting wrecked. And it looks like the humor is right up your alley! And yes, mad props to Lake Bell for her portrayal of Poison Ivy. Her voice is incredible!

Ryan Porter

"This is NOT what the Patreon's are paying for!" Wait, we're not paying for the early (exclusive) access to the full, uncut, raw disaster? I imagine that Kaley Cuoco, who spent ten years on a milquetoast sitcom, probably has so much fun being able to curse with impunity as the voice of Harley Quinn. This is rated 15 in the UK? Fuck me with a rake, what does it take to get an 18 rating over there? A scene where someone makes tea in the microwave? I'm just cackling like a hyena at your reactions to the gore (and more!) I wonder if this is why Elijah puts her full reactions up on Vimeo... Hi Biscuit! We'll be seeing a lot of you. This is going to be so much fun. The are some plots that are so batshit crazy that we could spoil them and you'd assume they're fake anyway. Particular the Hooty episode. Especially the Hooty episode.


How did no one prepare mosco for the crazy violence, sexual themes and overall absurdity for this show???! 🤣🤣🤣 Needless to say if you can still stick with it, it’s a pretty good show :)

David Johnson

"This is not what patrons pay for." Actually, yeah, it kind of is...😁

William Timmins

Don't worry, this is the only really violent episode. They wanted to make a big impression, it's pretty tame after this.

William Timmins

One thing I love about this Joker (other than it being voiced by Alan Tudyk, who I ADORE) is that he embodies all the toxic white male bs. 'Women aren't FUNNY' is something many men (particularly comics) have said. It's a lot different than the usual Joker, and highlights a different, more raw approach to this stuff than the usual boy fantasy of being big and tough and stoic and beating up shallow bad guys.

Skye Living Her Truth

If you like Harley Quinn as a character, consider doing the Birds of Prey movie it is absolutely fantastic.


The first episode is probably the most violent-there's still violence throughout the show but it's nowhere NEAR this over the top It's also arguably the weakest episode of the show so if you enjoyed this you're in for quite a treat. Love this show

Tsu Aloe Vera

Hello villains and vigilantes… just sharing my two cents lol

Amy Payne

Oh hell yeah! This is what I am here to see!

David Johnson

There are going to be a lot of villains you surprisingly find you like.

Tori Costello

It looks like Elijah has found her poison Ivy! Love your reactions to the episode and can’t wait to see more! You are most definitely going to need Biscuit for this amazing series.

Ross Jennings

As a fellow person who probably would never have watched this show were it not for Elijah, allow me to say: The level of over-the-top violence on display in this first episode would normally get me to "nope" out of a show pretty quickly. But I find I am surprisingly OK when this show does it. It's probably because of the unusually healthy attitude and good sense of humor underlying the whole thing.


HEY!!!!! Don't you DARE disrepect tea like that in my comment section, you teaphobic holigan... why I otta- LOL Elijah has to put hers up on Vimeo because her whole Patreon provides NSFW artwork which is instantly labelled as NSFW so Patreon wont allow video hours to go to content creators who do ANY NFW content (yet)

Ryan Porter

Americans make tea in the microwave because it's the only way to boil water quickly. Most US households only have 15 to 20 amp circuits and an electric kettle would trip the breaker or blow a fuse. Have pity on those who live in this shithole country with inadequate infrastructure to support the trappings of true civilization.


You ARE Poison Ivy!! 😆💚 And yeah, this is honestly prob the most gorey. The rest of the show has some here and there, but it gets more story driven. 👍🏼

Jenny D

In the future, you could refer to us as “heroes and villains” or maybe even “clowns and eco-terrorists.”


The thing that Harley is flashing back to is from one of the really famous episodes of the 1990s Batman cartoon, which I think the creators of this show are leaving it to the viewer to decide what parts of it you consider "canon"

Christopher Bouzas

Sad fact but Harley Quinn’s original voice actor from Batman the animated series died a few days ago


Unexpected but not unwelcome. It's always a hoot watching someone come in blind to this one.


In french de voice actor for Harley was Also make Catra voice :) she was my Ashley Jonhson :p

Sam Pamenter

Harley Quinn is one of my favourite shows ever just because it was the first lgbt show I ever watched so it means a lot to me! Getting to rewatch this again with you as season 4 is coming out is so cool because I'm already seeing so many parallels to how harley is at the start to how she is now. The growth is amazing to watch! And no one talks about this but harley is actually incredibly physically strong as well! You see it a lot with her taking on all those guys here but you'll be able to notice it in future episodes as well. Ivy has grown so much too but her love for harley (platonically or romantically however u wanna see it) is basically the same all the way through which is so sweet to see! Also one final note, seasons 1 and 2 were actually meant to be one season but they split it into two so just know whenever u get to s2 what happens was planned from the start and it makes watching harley and ivy even better!