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Once Upon A Time in the Waste, full uncut, early reaction!



Ryan Porter

"I like that whip. Does it work on blondes?" Pretty sure Tung Lashor is the first a character has died on screen. Whose next? I'm not sure what you Googled, because "Despondos" definitely does not mean "to walk or roam at large." It's canonically an empty dimension, isolated from the rest of the universe. Mara yeeted Etheria there in a fit of Sapphic ennui when her girlfriend broke up with her after they had a fight because she wouldn't share her pie crust recipe. Huh, I guess the whip does work on blondes. "Catra? No!" You'll be saying that a lot next episode. And the next one. And the one after that. And for as long as Catra has any of her nine lives left...

David Johnson

"Despondos" is the name of the empty pocket dimension Etheria was transported to.

Christopher Bouzas

Pretty sure those horde soldiers that Bow shot with explosive arrows in the battle for brightmoon were the first deaths, also that last comment… why’d you have to go and say that!

Christopher Bouzas

The snake biting it’s own tail is called an ouroboros

Ryan Porter

Fine, first character with a name and a face to be killed. As to why? I'm a left handed redhead. Mischief is in my nature.


Yep, Light Hope mentioned that earlier, something about "stranded in the Dimension of Despondos". Easy to miss, though.


What is truly terrifying about Catra in this episode is that she genuinely doesn't care what happens to her. The only options she sees are either to get the tech she was sent to retrieve, or die trying.


The snake symbol is just Tung Lashor's gang sign.

Christopher Bouzas

Adora pushed Catras Shadow Waver button, she shouldn’t have done that she really shouldn’t have done that


So, Nate Stevenson has mentioned that they had talked about Catra and Scorpia kissing in this episode, but it didn't happen (honestly I'm not sure if censorship would have even allowed them to do that.) From what I've heard, it would have been Catra basically going "fuck it, I'm gonna kiss someone before I die in this hellhole."


Unfortunately, Adora is known to be a bit oblivious.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Oh dear, kitty's gone and taken a running leap off the deep end...


Welcome to part 165 of ‘Shadow Weaver being either directly or indirectly responsible for every bad thing that happens in the show’. This whole episode is full of warning signs concerning Catra’s mental health. The monologue at the start, the complete disregard for her own safety, the recklessness of her actions… Things briefly seem like theyre going the right way for Catra, but then Adora mentions Shadow Weaver. I am pretty sure it actually induces a panic attack in Catra considering the way the sound becomes muffled and the background fades to black.

Ryan Porter

You're right! I forgot about him. I guess The Plot has already awakened and begun it's feast. Nobody is safe anymore...

Christopher Bouzas

Oh boy can’t wait for next episode where Catra sends Entrapta on all expenses paid vacation to a tropical island

Rufus May

The intro has small visual changes throughout the series as new characters are added and existing characters' looks or roles change.


The term "Despondos" comes from the 80s show, it's some dark evil alternate dimension. Pretty sure they just took the word "despair" and tried to make it sound vaguely sciency. Nate Stevenson just took the term for the reimagining and used it for the pocket dimension Etheria is stuck in.


The snake symbol is primarily just Tung Lashor's gang insignia. However, it's also an ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail. This has a wide range of symbolic meanings in various cultures, but the most applicable here are symbolizing cycles and self-destruction. Catra got fucked up by Shadow Weaver's abuse, and now she's doing the same thing to everyone else as well as herself.

Tabatha Cat

Yay! I've been looking forward to this.

Luke Teasdale

Despondos is just the name of the shadow dimension mara pulled etheria into, don't overthink it too much but it's the reason etheria doesn't have stars.

Tabatha Cat

From episode 12 of season 1 (about 11 minutes in): Light Hope: She was compromised. She gave in to fear and faulty reasoning. Her desperate actions led to devastation. Mara stranded us in the empty dimension of Despandos. She broke the She-Ra line. She nearly destroyed us. Adora, I have waited here for a thousand years alone. I did not know if I would ever see another She-Ra. You must stay here and train. Learn to be the She-Ra that Mara could not be.


I love Boss Catra. And I love when Catra warms to Scorpia.


To be Scorpia with Boss Catra in the Crimson Wastes is the happy ending I'd want for myself.

K Cianci

The incorporation of the uroboros symbol in this episode is so interesting!! The fun thing about the uroboros symbol though is that in recent literature, although it is attributed to the idea of self-destruction most commonly (which can DEFINITELY be accurate in Catra’s case, or representing the cycles of abuse with her and Shadow Weaver), it was originally discovered as an alchemical symbol relating to the idea of the cycle of destruction and re-creation as alchemy was the study of trying to change matter from one form to another (thanks Fullmetal). So another meaning for it is actually the possibility, and in fact, inevitability, of change or transformation. Which who knows if ND Stevenson ascribed that meaning in the episode? But I wouldn’t put it past him. It’s definitely interesting to consider in the context of Catra’s character (as in this episode, she’s definitely thinking about the futility of her actions in her past and contemplating what would be best for her in the future - she seems to be in the process of change. Whether for good or bad in this season remains to be seen…at least for Mosco).

Catradora fan

I find Catra hilarious this episode she's such a boss this episode

Frank Wales

I love the implication that Catra is just going "aaaaaargh!" throughout the entire title sequence


Next episode.. "Moment of Truth." Happens to be the name of one of my favourite scores on this show's soundtrack. Expect to go "NO" at the end of each remaining episode in this season. >:) Also while I don't know if it has any special meaning, the snake devouring itself by the tail used by Lashor's gang is reminiscent of ouroboros.


33 Seconds in, and I am down for "Episode Fuck".


"Despondos" is part of the 80s show lore. Here, it's the name of the "shadow dimension" that Mara pulled Etheria into to thwart whatever she was trying to avoid. Also here: the symbol on the leather jackets are just Tounge-Lashor's gang sign, but leather jackets are cool, so Catra takes one (and another for Scorpia).


What do the symbols on the jackets mean? It means... crikey.


I'm on the record: Five seasons of "Catra, NO!"


This is probably the most "Catra. NO." episode for me


The intro hasn't changed, but the intro will change.

Jenny D

“And for as long as Catra has any of her nine lives left…” 👀


I love Scorpia's little "I'm helping" giggle when she takes down the four armed girl.

Jenny D

Does being a lefty and a redhead not cancel each other out in terms of mischief?

Jenny D

I’m glad they didn’t end up doing it, for a number of reasons.

Jenny D

For some reason I always think that’s in the final episode of the season. But it makes sense that the final 2 episodes fuck with my sense of time.

Jenny D

I think the word they took the name from is actually “despondent” but it is a synonym for despair.

Jenny D

With how hopeless and reckless Catra was, I’m honestly impressed she managed to not burn through any of her remaining six lives in this episode.


Despondos is (one would assume) from "despondent" meaning having lost hope.


This episode is so good but Catra pisses me off towards the end, especially with the context of the rest of the show. Also, the intro does change, just not till people switch sides or deaths start happening.


Yeah, Catra would probably regret it and it would confuse Scorpia and in the end make her more sad.

Porpoise Power

Watch the last 10 seconds of each of the OPs from each season. I think Seasons 4 and 5 have more then one ending to their OPs

Porpoise Power

Also don't watch until after season 4... but do watch the season 5 trailer it's amazing(and features an alternate version of the OP as sung by Catra's voice actress... you can probably find an audio only copy to listen to that'll be spoiler free


The trailer has stuff from the last season she shouldn't watch as a blind reactor, but yeah she can find the song on its own by searching for Warriors by AJ Michalka.

Maddy Merwin

Another Banger Episode

Jenny D

I think the season 5 trailer is fine to watch before the season, as long as she turns it off before the last clip. Nothing else is spoilery at all.


I'm pretty sure the design of the jacket was because Toungelashor was a lizard and they're just like the mototcycle jackets


There's a certain amount of cluenessless Adora has, she doesn't understand how Catra feels about Shadoweaver/(Shadow Weaver?) or realize what telling her she chose Adora over Catra again would do to her

Rían Laudano

despondos is just an empty dimension without other stars, planets, or galaxies. bc of the nature of this dimension, portals are hard to make, especially considering that mara disabled the planets portal capabilities that the first ones installed