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David Johnson

Ah! Lore...nothing like it. Interestingly, Entrapta's update of Hordaks armor makes him look more like the version from the original 80's series. BTW, Geena Davis does Huntara's voice.


great reaction as always so much lore in this episode by the way i like the fidget cube it looks very familiar for some reason

Christopher Bouzas

Next episode is where everyone begins having a really bad time and the everyone is miserable


I saw the announcement on Elijah's channel, Congratulations! 🏳️‍🌈❤️ Also, I think it's hilarious that everyone was afraid of Hordak at the start of the show, and now we see he's basically just an emo teenager.

Stephen Ray

I think the term you're looking for is "clam jam". Huntara was 100% being sarcastic when she said she was princess of the Crimson Waste. The great thing about this show is each season is better than the last. I can't wait to see your reactions to future episodes.

Christopher Bouzas

I love your stitch mug, its Adorable where did you get it?


Huntara was just joking about being a princess. And Adora likes them muscles.

Frank Wales

The music at the end is the spaghetti-western version of Mara's theme. Mara's theme was also used at the end of 2x3 (Signals), when we saw Mara's ship for the first time, but didn't know what it was.

William Timmins

Huntara is voiced by Geena Davis, who has appeared in Beetlejuice, Thelma & Louise, The Fly, Long Kiss Goodnight, and many more. LOVE her


Hordack used the residence of the world to build his army. He is the only one to be stranded on the planet.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

That electric guitar during Adora & Huntara's 1v1? It's playing the Horde Sparring Theme — tells you right away where Huntara's from. Also, the next episode is one of my favorites of the whole series. Can't wait to see your reaction to it.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also also, how long has that plush King been there?

Jaakko Nurro

Fun fact of the episode, during production Geena Davis took the team to her private archery range and taught them the basics of archery. She was almost in the women's archery team for the last summer olympics, IIRC only getting cut at final round of qualifications so pretty amazing at the sport.

Jaakko Nurro

Well, them and what robots he could build out of his scrapped ship. But yeah, every Horde soldier except Adora is a born and raised Etherian. That makes it even scarier when you think about it, this is what a single Horde general can do, so when lots of them and their troops show up? 😈


IDK about y'all but I'd rather let "c*ck block" be gender-neutral than use that XD

Catradora fan

Geena Davis voices Huntara 😱 Hordak being a clone gives so much layers I didn't know I needed

Joey Quixote

I believe someone gifted it to Elijah with the intent of gifting it to Mosco, as Mosco does not have a public PO box.

Maddy Merwin



"Entrapta gets a goth boyfriend" is a valid summary for this episode.


Same. All the remaining season 3 episodes are, to be honest. Coming weeks are gonna be fun :)

Ryan Porter

"I've heard the rest of season three I've got to be emotionally prepared for. I'm not sure if I am." You're not. The musical episode will leave you in tears. The feminine form of "cock block" is "clitoris prohibitis" or "Wynonnus Interruptus".

Tabatha Cat

"I've heard the rest of season three I've got to be emotionally prepared for. I'm not sure if I am." Be sure to keep a box of tissues nearby.


you need tissues after the next episode, because the series was canceled, it's just old episodes after that.


I believe the popular femme equivalent to cockblock is clam jam.


A tiny detail that I missed on my first watch is right before the portal explodes, Hordak's attention is on Entrapta and her excitement, not the machine that could potentially be his way home.


Raise your hand if you share Adora's crush on Huntara ✋✋✋✋


Welcome to the group existential crisis that is "Entrapdak" shipping. Just endless circles of confusion over basically Voldemort being the best at making the most genuine and honest character feel seen and valued for exactly who she is..... And then getting pissed off because, you know HE'S FUCKING EVIL. WHY ARE WE ROOTING FOR THIS.... Also, in case you feel some type of way regarding ages, Entrapta is canonically late 20s, maybe early 30s, she's just super short. Anyone know the specific age of Entrapta? Can't remember. Thanks 😊

Panic Blitz

I’m convinced that the three-headed snake they’re running from is a shout-out to Tryclyde from the desert stages of Super Mario Bros 2.


most things i've seen about her pin her about late 20's - 30, she's likely among the oldest Princesses, at least of the main group of them


the Horde soldiers are all Etherian natives, like Scorpia said in the Princess prom episode, the Horde (Hordack and his broken ship) crashed in her families kingdom, the first soldiers in Hordacks army were likely the subjects of Scorpias family.

Porpoise Power

Damnit Mosco we've been telling you to pay attention to the intros because they DO change :{P


This Australia slander lol, The Crimson Waste isn't LIKE Australia The Crimson Waste IS Australia Complete with sand dune snakes, quicksand and ice cacti lol

Jenny D

Adora’s type isn’t specifically muscles. Her type is women who could kill her, but won’t.


When is Australia going to become a proper society? (kidding)

Jenny D

Yeah, you thought we’ve been battling Emperor Belos this whole time, but really we’ve only been dealing with Hunter.


For a second I thought, "Why would you need a compass to find north?", completely forgetting there is no sun or stars and the light sources are a million moons, so shadows might not help either, but the magnetism situation is also slightly different and maybe magical?


Ah, Adora does have a type, and it is muscle women


Ah, SURPRISE! this was a story specifically about empire and imperialism

Rían Laudano

Oh Mosco, Huntara was being sarcastic about being a princess lol. she was just being sassy bc glimmer was trying to use her princess status against her