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Kayla Ryan

Nice can't wait to watch later

Tabatha Cat

Yes, Micah is Glimmer's dad. Very happy to see you watching this one.

Ryan Porter

"Hasn't Catra been through enough!?" A full redemption arc requires hitting rock bottom. And she hasn't even let go of the metaphorical cliff. Yet. ---- "Is Mara still alive!?" Mara has been hiding out in the Whispering Woods for a thousand years, hiding in plain site. She used to run a bakery in Thaymor; her specialty is pies. But when Adora came out as She-Ra, she put the bakery on hold and took up a secret identity to help train the new She-Ra.


It hurts so much when you realize that back in season one, Scorpia said that her family joined Hordak and gave him their runestone but in this episode we see that it was taken by force and Scorpia's people were potentially enslaved or killed.

Sammy K

I wanna say that Catra is still holding on to the past, Shadow Weaver was apart of her childhood and I think its the same type of aggression she has towards Adora too. It's that approval she wants, but also to believe that she has power over them. Everything she also lacks from Hordak.


Oh yes, emotions warning for... basically the majority of all future episode? This is where the show really starts to get gooood... Okay, the very next one is kind of fluffy.


Even if you've forgotten Glimmer's dad's name, the shape of Micah's face, his mannerisms, and his personality all scream "related to Glimmer".

Catradora fan

Catra betrayed and abandoned by Shadow Weaver once again yeah no wonder Catra is the way she is trust issues and all great voice acting by both of them In my mind Catra gave back the sword to Adora because it was better than Shadow having it Catra was spitting Shadow Weaver

Tabatha Cat

The three moons of Etheria are shown shifting positions throughout the episode, both in the present and the past. When Shadow Weaver says "It's time," I think it's because the three moons are aligned. This also aids Bow finding that signal at the end.


True, but it just sounds extra foreboding when Shadow Weaver says it.


You're very quick with picking up various implied things! But one thing to keep in mind is that this show isn't afraid of presenting us with conflicting narratives, meaning that either one narrative is false, or both narratives contain parts that are true and parts that are false - case in point in this episode you noticed how the Horde is presented as taking the Black Garnet by force, even though in season 1 Scorpia said her family gave Hordak the Black Garnet. This episode shows us Shadow Weaver's point of view. But we know Shadow Weaver is a manipulative person who plays fast and loose with the truth. So what we see in this episode might not be entirely true. Shadow Weaver's actions towards Catra certainly scream manipulation. She tells Catra things that might ostensibly be true, but which at the same time play right into Catra's insecurities. Was Shadow Weaver lying to Catra to facilitate her escape? Or was she honest to Catra - perhaps for the first time ever? Its something the fandom has not reached a consensus about.


Plot twist of the series: Shadow Weaver is always a piece of shit.


We DID prepare you: "Five seasons of 'Catra, NO!'"

Blue Eons

The next episode is very sweet, but be prepared to be emotionally drained with season 3, 4, and 5…

Jaakko Nurro

This is neither a spoiler or a lie: please keep listening to the ending music because there is an amazing deep cut joke in one episode of season 5 that every reactor I've watched has missed. I believe in you Mosco!

Valentina M

After finishing this series, I would highly recommend Letts React's Shera reactions. Montana's insights are very interesting, especially regarding the psychological aspects of the characters

Ryan Porter

By creed, I cannot lie to a fellow ginger. Everything I say is true. Even the lies. Especially the lies.

Ross Snyder

Similar to Valentina's comment, after finishing the series I'd recommend checking out Five by Five Takes She-Ra playlist on YouTube. Especially the "Adora's a fantastic protagonist" video. These videos really dive into the psychology of the characters. https://youtu.be/YynSgRoE-ZY

Jenny D

Spoiler: Adora finds Catra in a cardboard box when they’re toddlers. When Shadow Weaver learns about this she tries to take Catra away, but Adora hugs Catra and says that this is her Catra, meaning Adora actually named her! That’s when Shadow Weaver put the responsibility of taking care of Catra on Adora’s shoulders. Also, Catra and Adora gave each other full names! Catra’s is Catra Applesauce Meow Meow, and Adora’s is Adora Happysmile Rainbowfist.


The implication here is (with little Adora being put with the rest of the orphans) that at least a large amount of Horde soldiers are orphans whose homes the Horde destroyed.