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DnD anyone???



Frank Wales

The end title music on this episode is a rerecording of a song from the 80s show.

largo778 .

I offer my services of as a DM


First of all, I love that outfit. The blue head ribbon compliments your hair perfectly. Secondly, I love how everyone treats this serious war planning session like a D&D game, how in Bow's version of events, everyone's dressed as they were in the original 1980's She-Ra, (yes, Catra could actually turn into a cat in that version,) and and all of Scorpia's fangirling and freaking out over trying to impress Catra. This episode is one of my absolute favorites.

Ryan Porter

We've seen what everyone looks like in Glimmer's fantasy; I wonder what everyone looks like in Catra's fantasy. Unlike chopping off arms, puns are a love language. So are nerdy info dumps. ;)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

That music as Adora takes us through her worst-case scenario, where have we heard that before....

Tammy Ragsdale

I've been proudly blaming everything on Kyle for years now.


The funny thing is we don't actually see what everyone looks like in Glimmer's fantasy - Adora and Bow look the same as always. The fact that Glimmer would portray herself as different while not changing Bow and Adora says something about her character. This episode actually has a significant amount of character development for Glimmer, but its depicted in a subtle way.


As fun as this was, I think this is the one and only She-Ra filler episode in the entire show, in that it does nothing to advance the main story or major character arcs.


The funniest episode of the show! Also, probably the only episode of She-Ra that can really be categorized as fluff (though there's still plenty of character development happening). There's references all over the place. D&D and 1985 She-Ra are easy to figure out. Mermista's fantasy is actually a reference to He-Man. Glimmer's fantasy is indeed based on Cowboy Bebop, while Glimmer's Catra version is a reference to James Bond. Perfuma's plant-golem is probably a reference to Attack on Titan. I personally see this episode as a turning point in the show, as things become a lot more serious after this, and the quality of the episodes goes up and becomes more consistent.


The 80’s Catra could indeed turn into a panther. She would lower that mask over her eyes and transform. She also talked with lots of rolled R’s and purrs and such.


Incidentally, if you're serious about getting back into tabletop RPGs, there is an award-winning game called literally 'Thirsty Sword Lesbians'.

J. Jenny Jameson

I love combining pop culture stuff in D&D. The last campaign I ran featured elements from Owl House, Gravity Falls, Indiana Jones, Monkey Island, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Knives Out, and Joe vs. the Volcano. And that's just what I recall off the top of my head, I'd have to find my notes. When your players are down for that kind of silliness, you can get away with a LOT and just do whatever dumb thing comes to mind. It took over a year but was so much fun I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Jaakko Nurro

Perfuma's imaginary version of the plant golem is probably based on Attack on Titan, the "real" version is definitely based on the River God from Spirited Away.

Jaakko Nurro

I wonder what system would make the best She-Ra adaptation? My bet would be either Savage Worlds or D&D 4th edition (Adora is a Leader, She-Ra is a Defender IMO) 🙂 Ps. One on one fights counter Scorpia vs. She-Ra: 1-0

David Johnson

Yep, that last set of "battle figures" were basically the original show's designs...right down to its Catra being able to transform into a cat and Bo's 70s porn-star mustache.

Catradora fan

Bow's version of events are the closest thing to the original She Ra those outfits are just horrible 😅


And like half the classes in Thirsty Sword Lesbians are blatant references to this show


"I'm missing these jokes by a whisker" she says to the stream of painful cat-based puns.


You might want to hold off of any more checking of She-Ra-based D&D material, lest there be spoilers for later developments.


On the other hand, Rogellio finally gets a name.


Now that you've seen the most overt case of referencing the 80s version, I wonder if you'll spot the less blatant easter eggs later in the series.

Tabatha Cat

I enjoyed watching this with you.

Porpoise Power

I have to say Mosco's haircut makes so much more sense when combined with a hat/headband... Not that I don't like it without them but it's extra cute with.

Porpoise Power

Don't worry Kyle goes insane in season four and takes his revenge out on all of the Horde and ends up the big bad villain of the series.


Instructions unclear: My attempt to fuck a duck went... poorly.


It's kind of fascinating how Scorpia can be so terrifying in combat, and so... not otherwise.

Jenny D

Frosta may have ice magic, but the cold sometimes bothers her anyway.

Panic Blitz

Nnnnnggggg, it hurts so much seeing that episode and then not hearing the outro music! That song is one of the best parts of the 80’s show!

Amy Payne

I am actually writing a D&D campaign that will have the party jump between realms, never thought to have them jump between fandoms, that wouldn't be too hard to edit in.


Look, I just think it's INTERESTING that the Catra of Glimmer's imagination is like that, and also their ship name is Glittra