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Panic Blitz

Weird Al (who incidentally played the wizard Probabilitor in Dungeons, Dungeons and More Dungeons) has a song called "The Biggest Ball Of Twine In Minnesota" that's basically about how taking trips to see crazy roadside attractions is a common family outing in the US. And the Biggest Ball of Twine IS actually real and in Minnesota.

Night Raptor

Can 100% confirm that you can find stupid things like that all over the place throughout Midwest-West Coast. I highly recommend taking a road trip across the states if you can ever manage it. It's so worth it to see the gradual change in environment & making random stops along the way all adds up to being a great time. I totally ship Dipper & Candy now. She's smart, sweet, & obsessed with learning about odd things much like Dipper's obsession with Ford's Journals & mysteries. I hope they get to spend more time together & get to know eachother. P.S. Hope you are doing better & that special people are helping you feel better. 💙