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Dafydd Mac an Leigh

The music playing as Adora is hanging over the precipice. Learn it. Burn it into your brain. Listen for it in later episodes. And prepare to cry.

Jenny D

Oh here it is. The episode that made me stop watching the show until the whole series was finished…that sounds bad. What I meant was that the end of this episode was so heartbreaking that I was only able to watch one more episode because I had to know what happened next, but after that I realized I needed to wait until the show was finished so I could binge watch everything. It was also the first Netflix animated series I’d watched, and I assumed it would be like a year between seasons like their live action shows, so I was really surprised in 2021 when I found out that the show had ended a year earlier and had released 5 (4) seasons in like two years.

Jenny D

This episode is so pivotal, and it’s so hard not to accidentally spoil it when people first start reacting to this show—particularly the scene where Shadow Weaver restrains a really young Catra with painful-looking magic, literally threatens to kill her, and then turns around and emotionally manipulates Adora with that sickly sweet maternal voice. That one scene just explains so much about Catra’s and Adora’s character motivations, and perfectly sums up their backstories. While we’ve seen hints of the abuse Catra received from Shadow Weaver, it isn’t until this episode that we truly get the full extent of it, as well as the psychological manipulation Adora has experienced her whole life.

Frank Wales

I've seen this episode described as the end of the prologue, and the start of the real story. So many stories flesh out the heroes more than the villains, making it easier to understand, and sympathise with, the heroes -- not this one. You won't believe who you end up sympathising with as the episodes go on. Also, it is indeed the case that every season tops the previous ones, right up to the end. The whole thing is a masterclass in character-driven writing. This is just the start of the roller-coaster ride you didn't realise you were on.

Jenny D

Also, an underrated but I think super important detail throughout this episode is how Catra and Adora express their affection with each other through play fighting, or very subtle touches like Catra brushing her tail against Adora’s hand. Just last episode Adora told Glimmer and Bow that displays of weakness are strongly discouraged in the Horde. She was talking about being sick, but I think it’s safe to assume the Horde would consider displays of affection to be weakness. So if Catra and Adora wanted to be tactile with each other, it had to be through play fighting. It really recontextualized their prior interactions for me. Catra tackling Adora, dragging her away by her ponytail in the first episode. Tasing her in the second episode and being surprised by how strong it was, but then doing it again on a reflex. Adora tackling Catra and holding her up by her jacket at Princess Prom. They only know how to be rough with each other because for most of their lives—aside from when they were super tiny kids and Adora put her arm around Catra—they were never allowed to be gentle with each other.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

And yes, later episodes *will* blow you out of the water. Like the one where we find out that one of Bow's two (yes, two) mums is a shapeshifting princess who went rogue early in the First Rebellion, and betrayed King Micah to the Horde. That one's INTENSE.

Tabatha Cat

I'm enjoying seeing you watch these so much.

Tabatha Cat

I'd encourage to play through the credits at the end for the music. It's different from episode to episode, and always appropriate to what we've just watched.

Jenny D

For me, She-ra trying to get answers from the AI reminds me of having to call my pharmacy when the app told me I needed to speak to a pharmacist, but their phone goes to an automated system first. And when it asks how it can help me, I can’t just say, “Speak to a pharmacist.” The option on the menu I have to say is, “Help me with something else.” BUT I can’t just say that immediately either, oh no. First I have to let it cycle through all of the options, including it telling me that the pharmacist goes on a meal break at 1pm on Saturdays AND I’M CALLING ON A FUCKING TUESDAY, then I can say, “Help me with something else,” and then it’ll respond with, “Ok. I’m connecting you to someone who can help.” I will give the pharmacy automated system credit though, at least it does eventually get me to someone who can help, unlike She-ra’s AI.

Jenny D

Ah yes, love me some Gina and Macy, the most devious characters in the series!

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

It's like they make you think they're your enemies until you really think through what they've done and realize it's all helped you in some way, and then you're even more frustrated at them than you were before! No wonder Bow needed to run away from home. (Also, Macy's puns are just PAINFUL.)

Jenny D

The AIs insistence that Adora must “let go” in order to learn to control her power reminds me SO FREAKING MUCH of Guru Pathik telling Aang he has to let go of Katara in order to control the Avatar state. And what is She-ra if not Etheria’s version of the avatar? They even both have glowing blue eyes!

Rufus May

There are no limits to how much it's possible to hate Shadow Weaver.

Jenny D

With the simulated fight when they were teenagers, I think it’s the Ravenclaw in me that agrees with Catra. Work smarter, not harder. If you’re supposed to be simulating a real fight with an enemy, Adora made a mistake by checking to see if the enemy was ok after she hurt them. Then again, in a real fight the enemy also might have back up that you have to pay attention to. So yeah I think ultimately I don’t have a problem with any of those moves. I think it just shows that Catra is a better fighter than Adora 1v1 because Adora is a sweet himbo and Catra easily outsmarts her. But Adora is better at working in a team than Catra. We’ve seen that Adora doesn’t have a problem getting along with pretty much anyone, whereas Catra has seemingly only ever liked one person—and like a true cat she won’t even admit to that much.

Panic Blitz

For the later seasons, let's just say that Hamish will be spending far less time on the shelf.

Jenny D

For some reason I keep hearing Gina’s voice when I think of the puns. But I always get those two mixed up because I think their names should have been swapped, based on what one of them did prior to getting married. But I don’t want to get more specific than that because we’ve already spoiled so much about Bow’s parents.

Jenny D

Mosco at 29:17–“Human emotions are messy and complicated and tricky” Me—Yeah, and then throw in some cat emotions too, like whatever emotion it is that makes them act like they hate you while also demanding that you pet them.

Jenny D

No yeah, like Season 5 has all of my favorite episodes in it. Like I’ve never tried to actually rank every She-ra episode, but I’m pretty sure every one in my Top 5 would be from the final season. Idk if any from Season 1 would make the Top 10. But for me Season 1 of this show is just like Season 1 of The Owl House, or Season 1 of Avatar The Last Airbender. Still so much fun to watch and there’s a lot to love, but the later seasons are just even better!


The intro remains the same until the beginning of season 4. It changes again at the beginning of season 5, and changes repeatedly throughout season 5.


All of She-Ra is good. Season 1 definitely has some excellent episodes towards the end. Promise is one of the best episodes of the whole thing. But yes the other seasons have some really, really mind-blowing, great moments too.

Ryan Porter

Of all the characters in all the shows I've watched, Catra is in second place for "needs therapy the most".

Catradora fan

Here is the soundtrack to Promise in full https://youtu.be/pgI4XZ7l1R0 Loving the little details like Catra's tail lingers on Adora's hand and Adora smiles a little as she looks down at Catra's tail I like to think this show is free therapy but after you're gonna need therapy

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

That's probably because Gina is voiced by the amazing Ashley Johnson, who (besides voicing Pike in Vox Machina) made us all groan with her pun book in The Last of Us...

Frank Wales

Definitely. Not that I've counted or anything, but there are 47 different pieces of end title music in the show, at least one of which is a subtle spoiler.


This episode is amazing!! It hurts so bad :'''0 . Also, you mentioned Arcane right at the end, did you do a reaction series to the show? I can't see it on here or on your youtube! I'm just wondering since I just binged it for the first time and would love to know how you felt haha! Can't wait to see how you react to the rest of Shera!!!


Episode name is just "Promise", not "THE Promise"


ah yes, the moment "catra no" evolves into "catra i understand but CATRA NO"


Maybe I'm just dumb, or I'm missing something but I don't get how it was Adora breaking that promise. She was not the one to decline staying together. Catra was the one who decided to stay behind, even noting later on that she knew the Horde was evil and wrong. I mean I get that it is the only thing she knows but the same goes for Adora. It just makes me like Catra less, I understand where she is coming from but she is Blaming Adora for Shadow-weaver's favoritism and sees Adora's protectiveness as her feeling superior while you can always see her standing up for Catra. I hope i get to like her more, since i do like her personality and design but at the moment she just seems to be projecting her own problems and insecurities on Adora and I can't stand stuff like that.

Rufus May

Catra stayed with the Horde because she felt that Adora abandoned her as soon as someone better came along, without considering where that would leave Catra and only inviting her to come along as an afterthought, so she was hurt and angry and lashed out at Adora. Yes she is projecting her own insecurities but that's what years of emotional abuse will do to a person.

Jenny D

I don’t think you’re truly considering things from Catra’s perspective. Catra has been abused her whole life. Being raised in that kind of environment messes with a person’s mind. Most people who leave abusive situations end up going back, and it takes them multiple tries to finally break out of that mindset. Catra may not have fallen for the Horde’s propaganda like Adora did, but that doesn’t mean Catra sees the world any more clearly than Adora. Just because Catra knew the Horde was bad doesn’t automatically make the princesses good. She didn’t spend time with them like Adora did. From Catra’s perspective Adora spent less than a day with a princess and another rebel, and suddenly she’s willing to abandon their life together. Before that, Adora had spent years watching Shadow Weaver be physically and verbally abusive to Catra, yet somehow still thought the Horde was good. But as soon as the Horde attacked innocent people Adora defected. To Catra this would imply that Adora never saw her as innocent. Catra’s been taught by the woman who raised her that the world is a cruel place, and she figures that the only way for her to be safe is to gain power. Then the one person she thought she could trust to always have her back abandoned her to suffer Shadow Weaver’s punishment alone.


Catra was literally told by her "mother" (aka, Cunt Weaver, as she's known here) that she was disposable and that the only reason she's allowed to exist is because Adora would be upset otherwise. That's infinitely fucked up. And the way She now thinks Adora was trying to hold her back, that whole scene at the cliff, that just really hurts.


! Just to be sure, TW for Abuse ! You say I don't look at things from Catra's perspective, but I do. Thing is I have been in her place almost exactly ( without the army, even though "army- methods" were used in my upbringing ). Now all the genders were swapped ( my "adora" was my little brother and my Shadow-Weaver was my step dad) but the rest, the physical/mental abuse and manipulation were all there. But I always tried to tell my brother how thing's really were, unlike Catra and when he finally saw the light and left our household I didn't see it as him leaving me behind but as him finally being safe. To the point of Adora seeing Catra being abused and still thinking the horde was good is quite simply indoctrination and since Catra knew better she could have helped her break that indoctrination and leave together. And though all the memories we have seen Adora has shown nothing but support for her, even if it felt condescending she always hid that contempt from her. She never communicated what she knew or how she felt but feels justified in her contempt for Adora not magically knowing all these things. That just rubs me the wrong way. I too was thaught the world was a cruel place, even that I was being prepared for it, but I never let that stop me from going my own way and trying to help my brother be safe and see the light. His leaving wasn't me being abandoned and if I would have gotten an invitation out of that misery I would have trusted him and taken it. But that is just my two cents, no worries if you don't agree it's just how I see things.

Jenny D

Yeah, but we’re seeing things from an older perspective. Catra was a child, the same age as Adora. And arguably Adora was in the position of the older child, because as we see in this episode she was made responsible for Catra. Adora didn’t see anything wrong with the Horde, and believed that if Catra wasn’t “disrespectful” (her words in the episode 1) then Catra would be treated the same as Adora. Because of that, she wasn’t able to encourage Catra to leave their abusive situation. Instead the two of them made plans to rise in the ranks of the Horde together. And Catra didn’t necessarily know that Adora fully believed the Horde’s propaganda before their conversation in episode 2, the same way Adora didn’t know that Catra didn’t believe it. It’s not the responsibility of one child to save another child. It’s great that you were able to, but not every person is the same. And why would Catra believe there was anything better for her and Adora outside of the Horde? Before the first episode they’d never left the Fright Zone. As far as she knew the rest of the world was the same or even worse. Catra’s idea of making life better for the two of them was for them to gain power within the Horde. That’s why she was initially excited that Adora got promoted. She said, “We’re gonna see the world, and conquer it!” And in episode 2 when Adora was talking to Catra about leaving, Catra said, “It doesn’t matter what they do. Soon we’ll be the ones calling the shots.” If you haven’t seen them before, I highly recommend watching Letts React’s reaction videos to this show. One of the reactors has a degree in psychology and she’s very good at breaking down what Catra goes through throughout the series. Also, if you haven’t heard of Borderline Personality Disorder I suggest looking into it. While it’s never been confirmed by the writers, Catra does meet the criteria for the disorder pretty accurately. One last thing to keep in mind with Catra is that she’s part cat. Cat’s are stubborn, and they tend to do the opposite of what people want them to do, even at their own detriment. I like to think of her rising in the ranks of the Horde as like a house cat who climbs up a tree or some other high place and then gets stuck. I’m not saying it excuses her, she’s still a person with the same level of higher thinking as any other sapient species. But it does help explain some of her frustrating tendencies.

Ryan Porter

Jynx (Arcane, 2021) is in first. Alice (Batwoman, 2019) is in third.


With my experience with psychologists I don't really hold such a degree in very high regards, but that's just me. And I have been around both people with borderline and bipolar diagnosis. Now I haven't seen enough of the show since I'm trying to follow along with Mosco on a season basis so I can't comment on that specifically. To your point that it's not one child's job to save another, why does Catra get to feel Adora needed to stay there to have her back/save her from the others back in the horde. Final point, if everything I know is being in a terrible place, I would (and nearly have if it weren't for external circumstances) have left it for the unknown, especially when it would have been with one of the only people I felt I could trust.

Zoey Schrijver

recently watched the entire thing... and my heart... my poor gay heart. Here to watch you go on the journey and sob along <3


Where are the reactions to Arcane? I love every season of Shera.


I watched Arcane before I started my reaction channel sorry :( but I plan on doing S2 when it drops

Jenny D

I never said Catra was in the right for blaming Adora, or that it was Adora’s responsibility to save Catra either. The blame falls on Shadow Weaver and the Horde as a whole. Both Catra and Adora clearly have a lot of trauma and neither of them have learned good coping skills to deal with those things. To your final point, that’s greasy that you have the mindset of facing the unknown rather than staying in something horrible. A lot of people who’ve suffered abuse and/or indoctrination struggle with that. I’m not saying Catra’s backstory gives her a pass for the harm she’s caused. I’m just saying that we can criticize her actions while still having sympathy/empathy for what she’s been through and what she’s feeling.

Jenny D

Hmm, I think I might put Alice above Catra actually. I only recently went back and finished the final season of Batwoman (and have subsequently been on a month and a half long Wildmoore bender because 3x11 took me OUT) so from what I’ve seen in that season as well as what I remember from the earlier seasons, Catra doesn’t seem to get to as dark of a place as Alice…at least not for nearly as long as Alice did. Sidenote, I remember everyone comparing Jynx to Harley Quinn and I did too, until I watched the rest of Batwoman and realized that no, actually Jynx is Alice. From the sister drama to the name change to the hallucinations to the being raised as a teenager by a villain.

Ryan Porter

It's difficult to discuss why I rank Catra higher than Alice in terms of needing therapy without getting into real spoilers for both shows, and we're only supposed to post fake spoilers here. The non-spoiler answer comes down to what came before; Alice had a normal childhood (probably). Catra, not as much. I absolutely agree that Jinx and Alice are cut from the same cloth, although again, it comes down to what happened before. Jinx already needed therapy before the events of Arcane. I 100% understand that reaction to Wildmoore. They were one of the best ships in the Arrowverse, up there with Avalance. ...y'know, half of the fun of recommending shows you've already watched to a reactor is just for their reaction to certain scenes. See also, Wynonna Earp. If you know, you know. And if you don't know... you will.


Look, this is the last I'll say on it. I never said I didn't have empathy for what she's been through. But at the end of this episode she doesn't mind killing Adora, she doesn't know how deep that ravine is, or that she can grab onto something in time. She just gets rid of her. No amount of sympathy is going to give her any justification for doing something like that. Hope you have a good day.


I think no one has mentioned this yet: If you take a look back at episode 2 when Catra tries to bring Adora back, she quotes Adora's promise - almost verbatim - and Adora doesn't even acknowledge it. That had to hurt. This episode brings the core conflict of the show up to speed – we see how both of them can’t fully see the effect of Shadow Weavers abuse on the other. Catra doesn’t see that Shadow Weaver’s favouritism isn’t privilege and Adora managed to grow up watching Catra being treated like that and didn’t notice the Horde was evil. That btw. Is another thing that had to sting in episode 2. “Hey Catra, I just found the woman who tortured you with electric shocks since you were 6 is actually evil”. Catra’s answer only being “Well, duh!” is even more appropriate in hindsight.

SK- Eferthigra

hello I'm here from YouTube I caved in and bought Patrion I wanted the full reaction

Jenny D