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full and early and uncut like DADDY promised



Daniel Davies

You’ll have noticed how for the past two episodes, Loona hasn’t said a word. This was because her voice actress, Erica Lindbeck, her fiancé sadly passed away during production, so they’ve given her time off to grieve.


Blitzø's problem, from what we can gather right now, is that he either doesn't know how to, or is afraid to show genuine compassion or intimacy beyond basic carnal pleasures. Hence why, despite being a great lover, (at least according to Stolas,) he rarely shows the actual "love" part. Hence why he puts as little thought into sentimental or empathetic responses as possible. It's like Moxxie says in his trippy dream sequence in "Truth Seekers", he fears intimacy, yet also craves it. He fears pushing people away more than anything, and so tries to never get to close on an emotional level. And yet by doing so, pushing them away is exactly what happens. Hopefully, we'll get an episode soon going more into detail about it. As for the "He can get hurt?" line, up until now, Stolas has not only been able to handle himself, sometimes to a terrifying degree, but it's been established that nothing can hurt demon royalty except holy weapons, which I imagine are very hard to come by in Hell. It makes sense why Blitzø didn't think he could ever get injured, at least not to that degree. I'm not defending him, by the way, just trying to explain his psyche.


Just realies during editing Blitz was going to say an "r" word that he couldnt say anymore... gonna cut it from the YT version but I thought he wanted to say the "c" word which is one of my faves.... so ignore that part LOL


I think he said it uncensored in the pilot and people complained, so this is a little call back to it.


I also noticed Moxxie not really getting to hold his own in a fight before. I'm glad they showed him doing so and winning here. Twice.


I'm actually sooo glad you said something, bc I was really sad thinking you thought saying the R slur was okay. But the C word makes more sense for you.


I know Blitz is meant to be the main character, but like.. Stolas deserves better imo. I feel like their relationship is about to shift and Stolas is likely going to step back from Blitz a bit ( at least I hope).

David Johnson

One thing I noticed is that, while terse and with no follow-up, in all those text messages, Blitzo asking Stolas to get well soon is the first time *he* initiated the conversation. Everything else was just him giving one, two word responses to Stolas's texts. I think Blitzo is less aromantic and more just royally fucked up. I mean, we met his father...and *something* they haven't shown us yet happened with his sister. He is damaged beyond belief and it's anyone's guess if it's repairable.


I have not been sleeping well recently... I'm so glad I could cut that out coz I just assume everything is the C word hahaha

Zoey Schrijver

Hey Mosco! new peep here, love your stuff and will support as long as I can! (Might have to cancel at some point or another cause ban account is barely in the green each month but will re-up whenever I can.)


this intro hit differently since the trevor project :p really good :p


LOL especially when you know that shes the one who always calls me a "Dork" hahahaha