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Full, unedited, uncut and early, just like mama promised!




i dont understand what the hell is happening... dose this ever get explained?


I'm pretty sure the "cryosleep chamber" was for the humans and "Eldritch J" was just being reassembled there. Her corpse os what Thad saw crawling away, not the gun. Also, they're called worker "drones", not "bots". And something about Uzi's teacher saying her "programing is damaged" always rubbed me the wrong way.

David Johnson

I've been thinking of the "Murder Drones" as kinda a vampirism program ("absolutesolver") mapped onto regular drones. Well, if vampirism came with an outside administrator login. Basically, if you think of this whole thing as a Horror Movie instead of about robots...but I'd be lying if I said I knew what the heck is going on beyond that.

David Johnson

Exoplanets, not exoskeleton planets...it just means planets not in our solar system.


Exo- is just a prefix that means "outer", so a bug's exoskeleton is their skeleton that's on the outside, and an exoplanet is any planet outside our Solar System