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In the shadows of mystacor full uncut early reaction!


David Johnson

"Catra, no!" Yeah...that never really works with cats. I'm not sure those are tattoos. Remember, her Mom has wings.

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Catra's fear there is not simply PTSD from childhood; Shadow Weaver has *never stopped* being abusive toward her. (Technically, she's abused *both* her charges all their lives, but Adora was the "golden child" SW praised and encouraged and doted on — as long as she behaved as SW wanted. Catra was the scapegoat, the one who could do no right, who always bore the blame, and the full punishment, for whatever misbehavior both girls got up to. Sadly, this abuse lies has fundamentally shaped both girls' personalities, as ye shall see throughout the series.)

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Also, Castaspella is voiced by Sandra Oh, in case you're a Killing Eve fan.

Tabatha Cat

Yay! I've been looking forward to this.


Indeed, the writing fantastic in this show. Combined with the voice acting and the subtle body language & expressions despite the simpler animation style, it propels the show to far beyond most others I've seen of any type and genre. (For one I don't remember rewatching anything else this much, and having this many episodes and scenes that are on that level.)

Jaakko Nurro

Me too, since it was where I first realised that Shadow Weaver was a bit more than a normal cartoon villain, she's the GOAT (in the sense that she's best written, of course.)


Yeah your gonna be saying “catra no!” A lot lol

J. Jenny Jameson

This is the episode where I realized that She-ra was legitimately good. Having a whole plot be an allegory for escaping abuse is way more than I expected from a kid-friendly show.

Catradora fan

Sleepy Glimmer gives me sleepy Eda vibes Eda: "I'm a sleepy owl" Glimmer: "today's cancelled" 😅


How many times are you going to be surprised how loud the clapper board is?


No it’s not just you, catra’s “hey adora” is literally famous lol


I love that moment in the steam grotto when Adora wakes up and Glimmer's asleep leaning against her. I'm a hard Catradora shipper, but I still found it really cute. Such a shame Cunt Weaver had to ruin it.


as many times as it continues to surprise me :3 sometimes its fine, but I think its when I do it a certain way it rings in my ears for 3 seconds after but that may have something to do with my lame deaf ear


Agreed!!Even when characters arent shipped I still LOVE cute little friendship moments where friends get to be vulnerable around each other


Those aren't tiny wing tattoos. They are tiny wings. From her mother's side.

Jenny D

Catra: *pushing a glass closer and closer to the edge of the table* Mosco, and everyone else: Catra, no! Stop it! Catra: *staring you right in the eye* *push* No, but this is a word-for-word tweet from Nate Stevenson, “yes Catra is a complex character whose story we worked very carefully on but also, literally just a cat”

Jenny D

Also, people will describe Adora as a golden retriever, and those people are wrong. I mean “Labradora” is right there! She-ra is obviously the golden retriever, with the longer hair.