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Full uncut reaction / disaster that I am :3


William Timmins

Friends to enemies! A powerful trope.

Catradora fan

Are you ready to be emotionally destroyed by this show? Oh yeah, Catra's a complex character she contradicts herself all the time

Gregor Wolff

Horsi, that is a stupid name for a horse.


Catra is a very complex character, she reacts to and copes with her traumas by emulating them. You'll definitely disagree with or not understand why she does certain things at points throughout the show. But from a psychological standpoint they are common reactions and coping methods that people in a similar situation may have.


I'm excited to be on Patreon to see your full reactions to this show! I hope you enjoy the ride; I actually watched it as it came out. Initially I started watching the series out of spite -- to spite all the whiny man-babies who were crying/raging about She-Ra's less sexualized design (I think I saw someone already mention how the 80's design was essentially a ploy to sell dolls) and many were fat-shaming a noteably curvy character. It's hard for me to start new shows because of my attention span, but that spite brought me to start S1 - and then interest did the rest of the work, as the seasons only improve as they advance. EDIT: ALSO, good luck with submitting this on YT.. it's probably on-par with TOH in terms of how much copyright has sucked for reactors. That probably won't surprise you with your experience, but fair warning. :(

Sean Shepherd

I reccomend getting a squirt bottle for that damn cat.

B. Vaughn

24:48 "Catra, no, no no no!" - everyone, all the time


My favourite part in a future ep is where Bow says nothing but ADVENTURE for 7 full minutes

Jenny D

The scene where Adora realizes she’s turned against the Horde and starts freaking out reminds me of Hunter at the end of TOH 2x16! Really Adora’s journey the last two episodes reminds me of Hunter’s arc throughout TOH season 2. Teen prodigy of the conquering empire gets a promotion, starts to see the world and make connections outside of the compound where they were raised, and discovers they’ve been raised on propaganda and brainwashing by the villains.

Jenny D

I like to think of She-ra as being kind of like the avatar state. And Adora’s always reminded me of Korra, but way less hot-headed. Adora is basically like a himbo version of Korra.