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Apparently between my brain and my mouth Anesthetic is the same thing as anaesthesia... Sorry everyone 🙄😂 what a fucking twat I am 😂😂 aren't you glad you're patreons?!?!


Dear Patreons


Paul Steele

Glad your doing better and the car is road worthy now . In my thirties I had cancer and my oncologist used a very aggressive treatment that rotted half my teeth (chemo is poison after all) and she worked with my dentist to get full replacements covered by my insurance. The coverage I had was very good the out of pocket for the full chemo treatment and full replacement on my teeth including all the PET scans and x-rays was only about 2,500

Lactose The Intolerant

I had a wisdom tooth taken out this past summer. After leaving the office I didn't feel like doing much so I went home parked on the couch, put my face in the deep freeze and watched television. As the hours passed the feeling returned to my face and I began to feel a strange sensation in my nose. I thought it was the anesthetic wearing off so I ignored it for a while. The feeling didn't go away so I went to a mirror to have a look. I found a pretty large chunk of what used to be my wisdom tooth in my right nostril. My oral surgeon didn't take the tooth out all at once, he cut then fractured pieces off until it was all out. So this chip flew out of my mouth, over my top lip and into my nose. Hope this gave you a laugh, without causing pain.