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I know it's been a while everyone :D sorry for the lack of updates! The diet de-railed a littleeeeee bit.... BUT I am getting back on that this week! 

I'm in the process of starting to rebrand the channel, I want to refresh things for coming back, but my week off from work was interrupted by a work trip I need to make outside the country! So... um...
I'm going to be coming back early August :D 

August the 8th to be exact :D but the week before I'll post little previews etc :D 

Overall I am feeling slightly better, the break was amazing and I want to thank you all for supporting me through it! Let me know below any video ideas or topics you'd like to see me do / my friends and I react too on "Scottish People Reacts" videos. I'll take everything into consideration, especially if they're easy enough to set up :D 


Carl Johnson

I like food or beverage reaction videos. Sure you could do American vs Scottish on a variety of things, but are there some Scottish vs Scottish foods you could do? Like does the haggis from the west of Scotland differ from the east? Are there any foods or beverages that are being "modernized" like is vegan haggis a thing and if so what does it taste like?

Carl Johnson

Here is a link to a store you can order the Creamola foam -- https://mccandlishfarmhouseconfectionery.com/creamola-foam/