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To all my FANTASTIC patreons who have still been donating in the Tier 3 and Tier 4 slots but haven't been sent anything I have an update for you: our post offices are back open! (In particular the ones around my area!)

A few of you who had to drop or stop payments don't worry I will be sending you what you were due!!!

To those of you who CONTINUED despite not being sent anything, I will be giving you a little extra than normal ;) So keep an eye open for this! Will take me a bit of time to get the packages ready and shipped but will let you all know!!

Thanks so, so, so much for sticking with me through these tough times, I really hope you love what you're sent! (Hint: to those in tier 3 it will be more than just a postcard if you continued your payments! For those in tier 4, your box will have some very cute extra special goodies!) 



Yaaaaaaaaaay! Can't wait! And hope the PO Box becomes a possibility again. Would love to send some local goodies back.


You're welcome. I continued working the whole time so there was no reason for me to stop my payments.


Loud and clear I will open it back up again, but really going to ask people to send small parcels because last time I got 2 MASSIVE boxes full of tins and it's only me... so getting it back home was a challenge and then I ended up donating most of the food to charity because there was no way I could eat that much! (Kept some bits of it though!)