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Hey Lads & Lassies, please don't ever feel bad if you need to stop supporting me on patreon! I don't get to see who left what comment on the exit survey but just wanted you all to know please don't ever feel bad for it! I understand that financial situations change and I know I can't always keep up with my reward systems (mostly the bloopers... whoops!) so please don't feel bad!

On another note, those that are signed up to the Tier 3, I was hoping to get Japanese postcards for you all... but after 4 days in Tokyo I've not been able to find any!!!! It's not like Scotland where there are loads and you can find them in every second shop for stupidly cheap prices hahaha x'D 

I will keep you all posted on this situation though, meeting a girl tomorrow from Japan who may be able to help a lass out... 




This lass has class! Hope your enjoying yourself in Japan!!!! Ow and Eric if she has Cash App you can send money straight to her like that.......


Hey in today’s economy a lot of us to pinch a penny any way we can. Tammy you have a heart of gold. x