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Hey all! packages and postcards have all been sent to those of you on those tiers, they were sent a few weeks back so let me know if there's been any issues. 

I've been distracted recently as two friends of mine have just recently broken up with their partners, one was with her fiance for 7 years and the other was with his partner for 4. It's not been a good time and so they've had my total attention so I am sorry in advance for my absence. Outakes and bloopers will be worked on as soon as I get time!! Hope you're all doing well <3 thanks for your continued support!



Hope that your friends are doing well


Hello MoscoMoon ! I am sending you this message so I hope you will receive this message I am sending. The message I am sending to you concerns protecting England's borders. In order to protect Britain's borders from another invasion, I advise, as an advisor, for England to participate in overseas humanitarian organizations , and one area of concern that we need to focus on for relief efforts include AMerica, particularly Atlanta Georgia. What we can do is work with already existing organizations including amnesty international. We need to address and help these peoples here who are particularly living in Atlanta , Georgia, USA and give them the help they need when they are requesting the help. I'm going to make it brief but I hope you get this message Mosco !!!