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I often forget that it being 10pm at night and still not dark outside is normal in Scotland at this time of year but other people find this totally bizarre. 

Our longest day in Scotland... the sun sets and rises again like 2 or 3 hours later. The shortest day in winter though... the sun is only up for a few hours at most too. I hate that. I go into work in the pitch black and I leave work in the pitch black. 

Is it like this where you're all from?



Wow thats great to know! Winter sun is up from 730am to 4pm and summer 530am to like 1015pm! Im in Minnesota! Really hot this summer already hitting the 90's 5 or 6 times and this weekend is going to stay in the 90s during the day! So it rains alot there yea thats depressing! Ttyl cheers!


I live Hawaii.. Sun up at 530 down at 700... We don’t use daylight savings time.