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With youtube demonitizing videos you guys have no idea how much it means that you're supporting me. A tiny section of my lighting equipment just broke, but not an issue for me because your payments this month means i can replace it with ease!!!

Thank you!!!! <3 

There will be changes coming to the patreon, the reward costs will be lowered to try and encourage new patreons to help and also for you guys to get a few more rewards for your bucks. Keep an eye open, the changes will likely be coming before the next payment next month is taken =D 



Glad that you're able to get a new lighting right and keep on producing your videos. I hope your vacation fund doesn't take too big a hit. :-)


Hey Jeffrey That wasn't the message of my video at all. Women are raised believing that because of the news, watch the news from the point of view of a woman and tell me I'm wrong They don't post the stories of how awesome men can be, they only talk about the rape and murder and how awful it is. Crimes by women are very rarely reported on or swept under the rug too which just adds to it. I didn't mean any offence I was just trying to point out how women (who only watch and focus on the news) see men and how they project rhat onto their children 'beware the big bad man will get you' That's what I raised being told Never a woman, always a man. And when you watch the news it sort of confirms that. It's shocking There are no stories of how awesome men can be How superhero like they can be It's always just the shit and the scum Watch the news and tell me I'm wrong