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Thanks to everyone who is supporting me on patreon you guys are awesome! How was your weekend??



Greetings from Memphis, TN. Stumbled upon your YouTube channel and was instantly hooked! Weekend was great. Saturday pool party that I'm still recovering from lol. But alas, back to work I go.


YEY glad you found me!!! We don't get pool parties in Scotland because everywhere is a pool xD haha what were you drinking?

Riley Blake

Hey Mosco, my weekend was great! I started a podcast earlier this year, and I've had some guests from time to time, some from Scotland recently, and I've got another guest booked; someone I have wanted to interview for a while, so I'm happy about that. Oh, and I also bought some honey bbq fritos. :)


Mosco, the operative question is what were we NOT drinking? That would be tequila because we've all been down that road before.


OH!! What's your podcast? =D Can I be on it? Or do you wanna wait till I get a bit bigger first? I have a microphone but an ancient laptop until I get it updated (soon!)


I mean ... after 4 hours floating around treading water and sipping from cups you tend to lose track of such things like what is in aforementioned cup.


My weekend was good thank you. I binged Still Game yesterday. It's so exciting that you reached your goal, congrats. I'm super excited to hear about your upcoming travel adventures!!! Wooo!


My weekend was pretty great, got to go to my first film premier (of a film I'm in) small little indie film, but fun non the less!

Riley Blake

Mosco, I think you're big enough, (that's what she said(, to have on my podcast. My podcast is Anarcho Agenda and can be found at anarchoagenda.libsyn.com I cover world events from a liberty-oriented perspective with a dram of Scottish culture. I’d be happy to take a break from world events and geek about Scottish culture with you. :) Send me an email to crblake86@live.com and we'll figure out when we can get you on. What mic do you have? Also, if you're interested, since you're a big enough vlog, I'd be willing to work with you to help you sound really good as a vlogger, even though video isn't my specialty, but audio is. I look forward to having you on.


It was a friend's project called The Absence Of Light, a paranormal film noir style movie, a lot of fun to work on!


Greetings from Worcester, MA, US. It was a decent weekend, I mainly relaxed and caught up on current films that I'd been meaning to see. Friday night I went to a Cruise Night that I try to hit any Friday I'm free - unfortunately it rained so hardly anyone showed up, but after the rain cleared I did have a few people stop by to check out my car. For movies I ended up seeing Baby Driver and Spider-Man back-to-back on Saturday, and then caught Despicable Me 3 on Sunday. I like movies, but I've been busy lately and just hadn't been able to get out to see things lately, and I'm going to be traveling soon so I won't have too many opportunities coming up. Thursday I'm off to California for D23 Expo <a href="https://d23.com/d23-expo/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://d23.com/d23-expo/</a> and Disneyland for a week! Looking forward to that. Then I'm home for a few days before I head to Las Vegas for work on July 25th, to attend Black Hat and DEF CON. I get home on the 31st - this summer is going to fly by. Oh, and this cool Scottish blogger released another video this weekend about Korean Snacks. ;-)


Tequila is a lovely liquor - you just need to sip the good stuff and not shoot the bad stuff. ;-)


Are you located in Scotland? Do you have a recording studio or do you do it all from home?


Apparently enter makes it send when you're not done x'D The microphone I have is this one: KLIM Desktop USB Microphone stand for computer laptop PC - Gaming mic PS4 (Blue) Geeking out about Scottish culture would be awesome =D maybe a bit about what it was like for us growing up in Scotland? Or anything like that? I try to stay away from politics if I can ^^


DISNEYLAND! You lucky git xD Loads of Expos and cons you're so lucky! We don't get many in Scotland and the ones we do get are tiny so I'd love to go to some in America (will try!) What did you think of Spiderman? I loved it &lt;3 thought it was hilarious The intimidation voice bit had me in stiches x'D

Riley Blake

I don’t live in Scotland, I live in America, western United States. I podcast from home and have had some good guidance from someone who does radio to help me sound good. I’m fine with steering away from politics, and focusing on growing up in Scotland, education, travel, maybe some Scottish history, etc. Also, if you would be willing, I might need to have you do a little research for me, that I’m willing to pay you for and you could talk about on my podcast. I think your mic should be fine, but I’ll want to check your audio before recording just to be safe. :)


I really enjoyed Spider-Man, it was my favorite of the three movies. I liked DM3 the least. I've loved the Minions since the first film, but this one was just kind of meh. Not bad, just not as good as it could've been, IMHO. I think this was the best Spider-Man in a while. I'm liking this character and I'm glad they made him part of the MCU (and I wish Fox would pull their head out and do the same with Fantastic 4, etc.). I found the changes to the secondary characters interesting and I wonder how they'll evolve them over future films. I really liked MIchael Keaton as the Vulture as well. He wasn't a typical supervillain - he was a family guy who got fed up with what he saw as unfairness in the system and he went all Walter White in response. He wasn't the caricature pure-evil villain you see in so many films like this. I do wonder if he might be back for a Sinister Six film. As for Disney - yeah, I'm a big fan. D23 Expo is biennial - so the next one is in 2019. Hey, aren't you going to be coming to the US in 2019? ;-) I take any excuse I can to visit a Disney park. I've already been to DL once this year - I had to attend a training for work and I found one offering in Anaheim, so I signed up for that one so I could make a side trip to the parks on the weekend. I usually go to Walt Disney World since JetBlue flies direct from Worcester, MA (where I live) to Orlando, so it is easy. I've been down to WDW once this year visiting my dad (who was living in FL at the time), and I'll probably go back in the fall for the Epcot Food &amp; Wine Festival. (Another good time to come to the US...) My dad and I also managed to get over to KSC to see a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch in person while I was visiting - that was epic. I'm going to Disneyland Paris September 3-9 to enjoy the 25th Anniversary Celebration (I had airmiles to use up too). And I'm signed up for a Disney Cruise Lines Star Wars Days at Sea cruise next April with some friends. If we can find a way to get you to WDW I'd definitely support that goal. We need to get you to Orlando for like a week (or more) for all of the Disney parks, Universal Studios (I mean, if you're coming all that way), and a visit to Kennedy Space Center (which is an easy drive due east from Orlando).


Say, what ever happened with the 'First time trying Irn-Bru' videos you had people send in a while back? Just curious - I just remembered that for some reason.


I was a bit part at the end of the movie, I was a gangster who had to come tell my buddies about a paranormal attack on our boss


Great question! So I wanted to wait until I got the majority of my 'bad language' videos out the way. I don't think Irn Bru wants to be associated with someone who swears as often as I do, not good for their brand. So I'm holding off on Irn Bru videos until my other ones are done then I'll be piecing together that video =D