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LETS GOO RAYLA!!!!!!!!!!!



Ryan Porter

Remember back in episode one, Runaan said, "When it is done, I will send a shadowhawk with a blood ribbon message to the Queen of the Dragons." And in this episode, he said, "we bound ourselves. There's only one way to release." The blood ribbon means they finished the job. But there were two ribbons - they were here for the King, and the Prince. And the Prince lives... Callum would have no trouble communicating if he had permanently lost his voice. As we will learn, he is very good at charades.


Rayla is the Queen of Sass.

David Johnson

Like real life, nobody is all right or all wrong in this series. Unfortunately, both sides have viewpoints you can agree and disagree with. And no one is all good or all evil...probably.


I don't know if this is exactly a spoiler, but other people did clarify this for Elijah after this same episode so idk read at your own risk:


This is supposed to be implied in the first two episodes so that's why it's not technically a spoiler. They just never outright say it to be wee shits and confuse some people-- The ribbons signify the oath an elf assassin takes to end a life. The ribbons will fall off once you are no longer bound to that task, aka the task has been completed. This mission had two targets, Ezran and the King, hence two ribbons. One ribbon has fallen off, and the other remains. Ezran is still very much alive so.... do with that information what you will


Based on what Viren said to his children before going to speak with the king, I'm pretty sure he was planning to offer to take his place and die in the king's body.

Porpoise Power

Claudia loves her brother, a little too much.


There are so many complicated characters in this show, I love it so much!


Sokka, the Last Airbender


And then there are people who are genuinely good, but don't fully understand the situation.

Ross Jennings

Here's an interesting detail: When Runaan shoots that arrow, he says "Regina Draconis", which is Latin for "Queen of the Dragons".


The ribbon around the elves arm is/was a bind. If you rewatch the first episode they explained it. Basically, they bind themselves to a task (in this case, the task was killing the king) and the ribbon doesn't fall off until the task is complete (put two and two together). If you don't finish the task, then the ribbon never falls off and the body part that the bind is around will slowly lose cirulation and fall off.


I knew it! I knew you'd grow to love Rayla, a lot sooner than I thought too. I know how much you love sassy characters, and she is the queen of sass. Also, I swear when Callum finally yells out "Dad!" it hits me every time.

Joey Quixote

I felt the same way about Callum, honestly. He was looking like just another cookie-cutter protagonist until Rayla and Ezran called him a mage. That made him more interesting to me. I'm sure Elijah is keeping you informed between episodes, and I'm pretty sure you picked up on it, but worth noting: Dark magic incantations are played in reverse. Play the audio backwards to hear the spell.

Michael Petersen

Found you from Vox Machina. I made a patreon account and followed you just for this show. It’s one of the best fantasy shows of all time. Can’t wait for more!