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So I was seriously going to drop the show after season 1, but a lot of people have managed to convince me that the show gets better and is worth still watching.

I'm choosing to trust you all, since you all seem like pretty honest folks, but I need a weeks break. So there will be no Good Omens episode this Thursday.

On Youtube I will take a break that week from posting Good Omens as well between seasons so that Patreon is still 2 episodes ahead when I pick it back up again next week, I just really need a break from it.



Can't wait!

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

Season 2 is *gayer* than season 1, but it's a far cry from *better.* It's more like a shipping fic to bridge the gap between seasons 1 and 3. And I have to give a wicked hahd* disagree regarding the comments above that the original book didn't translate well to the screen — the problem was more that certain aspects (like the Newt/Anathema relationship) were translated *badly*, and would have worked a lot better if they had been left closer to the source material. *why yes, I am from Boston, why do you ask?