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The Very Last Day of the Rest of Their Lives

I LOVED that Azzy and Crowley switch up! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!



James W.

She doesn't know him but because of prophecy she knows the relationship will work out. It does not make it a good on screen relationship but it does fit her character to trust to the prophecy.


I’m really not impressed with your last two reactions to the show, especially your reactions to specifically the straight ships.. I mean three whole points off your rating of the show because a relationship ‘wasn’t explored enough to be valid’ is actually absurd. And the reason I say that is because I distinctly remember you watching hazbin episode 4 and finding huskerdust adorable and confirming that you ship it, despite every single interaction between them before that was negative. Another thing to bear in mind is this show had only 6 episodes. It didn’t have much time to fully establish a perfect relationship. To be perfectly frank, you sound super biased against straight relationships specifically.

Kayla Ryan

When you start season 2, please don't skip the intro. Can't wait for season 2!


Aziraphale getting all UwU right after being called a bastard by Crowley will never not be funny

Ana (Lariaenl)

I think you miss, to undertand this is satiric show, not a "serious" one. It really exist only to exagerate and kind of laught of normal tropes for this kind of show. If you fail to undertand this, you will have problem to understand why things happen in this particular show. So why the couples, which is what seem to anoying you: 1st Couple: Anathema + Newton. They are couple because Agnes Nutter said they were and Anathema always follow her prophecies. And probably Agnes Nutter wrote them as a couple, because she is her several times down grandaughter and should have a boyfriend after saving the world. Will this relationship last? Who know, Adam has also meddle on it, as she proclaim before him it was his boyfriend. 2nd Couple: Mr Shadwell and Madame Tracy. I am not sure if you notice, but Mr Shadwell, seem to be renting a room in Madame Tracy house. Probably for very little money, as i don't think they got more income that what Angel and Demon gives him. He is a really shady and distateful person and Madame Tracey seem to absolutly adore this. In both cases, just like the Anticrist, who have all the power in the world but it only uses it to create perfect weather and a perfect comunity for his town and the Hound, who found itself loving all the different smells and games only a small dog can appreciate, They are an exageration on tropes seing in this kind of genre. That is what satire is, after all.


It's interesting that you think that Aziraphale and Crowley is "one sided", I personally don't feel that way about it. Sure, Crowley is always shown to gravitate around Aziraphale, but I picture Aziraphale as the anchor in that relationship. In some sense, I'd sum up their relationship by "Aziraphale is always there" and "Crowley always comes back", if that makes sense : Crowley is always changing (the name, the appearance) and always moving (the Bentley is great symbolism for that), while Aziraphale is always "stable" (doesn't change name, clothes, appearance, living place), Crowley was ready to abandon humanity to run away to Alpha Centauri, Aziraphale didn't let go. So I feel that Aziraphale grounding Crowley is his way of reciprocating - it's not as flamboyant as Crowley's 'act of service' love language but it is real nonetheless. I'm only speaking from s1 perspective there, when you'll learn in s2 that Crowley was cast out of heaven because he had a kink watching Aziraphale eat, it will be another story :))

Phoenix Mackenzie

Not against them but after years of hetero-normative stuff shoved down ones throat it gets tiring, ive seen s1 over half a dozen times yet exept the 1st 2 watches i skip most of newt and anathemas stuff completely and shadwell and traceys stuff completly


I mean I get it but this is literally a queer coded show. Allowing such a tiny part of a show to ruin it so much for you is really petty honestly. And the bias is really not painting her in a good light for me. I’m queer myself and I love queer shows, but getting so pressed about the mere presence of a hetero ship or two is literally the exact kind of prejudice that caused the divide in the opposite direction


One thing I really like is that they swapped places at the *start* of the day. So when Azi is looking around the bookshop and noticing all of the new books, that's really Crowley and he just knows the shop that well. Also explains why Crowley didn't drive the Bentley - because it was really Azi, just delighted that his friend's car was in one piece.

largo778 .

well, personally I'm very pro Anathema/Pulcifer, but honestly the TV version sucked. A lot of what is needed for that relationship was added via the narration but had to be cut for time/budget


I agree that it wasn’t done great. What’s irritating me is the bias. She’s pro huskerdust which was quite rushed but she’s vehemently against this. The only different between the two is that one is straight and one is not. What annoyed me even more was the way she insulted pulcifer last episode. She literally called him ugly, dunked on his personality and said anathema deserved better. Personally I find him charming. I think it’s super scummy to insult a man when (I think if this is wrong mb) you’re not even attracted to men at all. Of course she wouldn’t find him attractive if she only dates women. She’s just been having horrible takes as of late and she hadn’t even really addressed it either as far as I’ve seen.


“Imagine meeting somebody, fucking them within two hours, and then being declared together” I can name half a dozen lesbians who have or would off the top of my head without even including myself.


This is pretty much how I see their relationship as well. It's important to note that the two of them are complementary (in the regard of offsetting each others differences and deficiencies). They are often described as Yin and Yang and together they balance each other. Crowley, as you pointed out, is always on the go, always changing, always experimenting with new things. But as Neil Gaiman stated, Crowley's favorite place is Aziraphale's bookshop. Why? I'm guessing because it's the one constant in Crowley's life. Aziraphale is Crowley's home and the person he always comes back to. Aziraphale, on the other hand, is very slow to change and Crowley is the one who helps to expand his horizons and introduce him to new ways of viewing the world, which keeps him from becoming too static and set in his ways. Admittedly I also have a hard time viewing their relationship as one-sided when Aziraphale spends about 85% of his time with Crowley staring at him with that absolutely lovestruck gaze. Crowley is definitely more of the Grand Gestures type of person but that doesn't invalidate the fact that there are other valid ways people can express their love.


Then unsubscribe to her patreon. First things first i'm not trying to come to her defense. She was an adult who can handle herself, but she is attracted to men, she's bi. And furthermore you're literally playing for her input on something, if you don't like that input don't pay for it. Or if you still wanna watch her reactions to other things then just get the parts you don't like. You're her viewer, saying that you're disappointed in her take is Hella parasocial. Also husker dust is a ship that we have been waiting for for three years, and is build on showing the complexities of relationships. The ship that you're moaning about is literally meant to mock the trope that it represents, Mosco is getting annoyed at that trope. The only fair critique you've had is that she shouldn't have spoken negatively about his appearance, which is completely true, but again you are paying to watch her. If the entertainment you're paying for isn't entertaining, then stop paying for it.

K Cianci

Now I have not read the source material, so this is based entirely on my interpretation of the show, so someone feel free to correct me if I’m wrong and the source material explains it, but from my interpretation, Crowley gets to look “nice” while the other demons don’t because it shows that they embraced their demonhood while Crowley never did - hence the comments like “I never meant to fall” and the fact that the “evil” things he does are things like taking down the cellular network instead of instigating murder and genocide like the other demons. I think his external appearance is supposed to look good with just a smidge of evil (his snake tattoo and eyes) cuz that represents who he is as a person as well, fitting in a little with both sides but then not truly fitting on either side.


It’s called constructive criticism. Like I said, if the sexuality was incorrect then disregard. I am mentioning things that can easily make people annoyed. You are allowed to give feedback. As for unsubscribing, I’m already considering it. But the thing with Patreon is that you have access until the subscription has run its course so even if I did I could still comment Even if she was waiting for huskerdust to be potentially a thing, it doesn’t change the fact that she was extremely happy with a poorly developed relationship where here she is actively criticising it so hard that she’s under rating the show.


I know other people have already said it, but I might as well add on, the show is mocking the trope of the two similarly aged opposite sex people getting together, Agnes Nutter predicting their relationship and so anathema just going with it is a representation of screen writers with this trope. I do think the show could've showed that a little better but the show is not promoting this kind of writing. It's mocking it.


It's mocking it by still showing it, and we can turn any tv show or movie on right now and see it. I feel like the best way to poke fun at something like that would be to have it ALMOST happen, make a joke and move on and be friends or something to circumvent it.


Yeah, I'm not super happy with how it came across, but it helps me to know it wasn't meant to be serious. I think you're like season two a lot better. 🏳️‍🌈


I've had one night stands that were better developed than these relationships. Other than the "joke" trope of two characters getting together or the prophecy, tell me why these 2 ships in this show make sense & why I should ship them or even care? As for Husker x Angel, Angel has only ever had people like him for his body. He made that very clear, Husk only ever wants him to be himself and be open and honest and embrace who he is as a person instead of hiding behind a mask. They know more about each other than either of these couples in this show took the time. A buttload of my OTPs are straight ships. Some of them don't even really make sense, except in my head. But this? This feels like the show is doing what a LOT of shows do. queer bait us in with a "gay" ish romance, then just force feed us hetro bullshit instead. As if to remind us what's meant to be good for us, or just to remind us that gay ships will never be taken seriously. I think that's why I'm so triggered by it.


I get what you’re saying. I haven’t finished this reaction yet but I hope you don’t decide to quit the show bc of what happened with Madame Tracy and Shadwell. I will make a point to say, season 2 is fully queer based. The way you insulted pulcifer kind of just rubbed me up the wrong way because it was completely uncalled for, so it annoyed me when I was commenting on the other things


I'm debating if I even want to continue the show tbh, the edits take ages because the episodes are so long and if it continues with very poorly developed relationships I'd rather take it offline to watch where I won't upset anyone with my annoyances about the show LOL


And you're totally fair in that, you're right I shouldn't have commented on his appearance, that was pretty shitty of me and I do deserved to be called out for that! 100%! I just didn't like how he was treating her, and kind of wanted to fire back at him for how he's constantly insulting her. But an eye for an eye and that jazz. I'll see about continuing the show. Right now it's left a bad taste in my mouth. Might take a break from it then do s2.


Taking a break is valid. From what I’ve seen of your tastes tho you’ll absolute love it


I don't wanna spoil anything but I don't think you're going to be too annoying at season two, and I for one would love to see your reaction, plus everyone throwing hissy fits are still engaging with your content and making you money so... I hope they don't put you off reacting to it. Season two is a lot better at establishing interesting relationships, and it's more than just queer coded, it's gay with a capital G.


Regardless of if you decide to keep recording your reactions to this and without spoilers, s2 is way better in terms of relationship development, and not a single case of straight agenda to be seen


BAHAHAHAHA thats a fair point actually you're right. Yeah okay, I'll keep going then, I did debate maybe doing a small week or two break before returning but I'll see how I feel next week and decide. Thanks for taking the time to comment.


I appreciate you responding a lot. I was really doubtful about all of this and it had me worried about your outlook. Certain creators I can’t watch because of their views but now that you’ve explained it it’s a lot more simple than I worried. I doubt it means much because I’m one person but I will keep my subscription and keep watching your stuff. I feel like I understand you better. Stay safe :) 🩵


The show does stop queer baiting in season two, there are multiple canonically, queer characters and queer relationships shown on screen. If you need to take a break, please do so, your critiques are obviously very valid, as are your feelings towards them. But I do hope you watch season two even if it's not on camera cause it's really good, indisputably better than season one


Facts! I'm actually struggling to think of a straight relationship in season two, it is all for the gays


Oh my God! The kinky food seen is my favorite! Lol


I just fucking realized that and I'm dying. 😭💕


That will be a nice breath of fresh air! Even if they did do straight ones... just.... just do them right man please ftlg

KJ Benson

YES please keep with it Mosco! I'm in the same boat where I really didn't care for the other storylines outside of Azi and Crowley's (*especially* the straight ships) in S1, and now that I've seen S2, the difference between the two is *astounding* to me. Season 2 is LEAGUES more gay, yes (like Lin said, I don't think there are any straight couples that I can think of in S2 lmao), but it's also a lot more grounded, intimate, and focused on a much smaller cast of characters (specifically on our Ineffable Husbands), which I think they knew was what the fans wanted. We would not have even gotten a season 2 without the popularity of Aziraphale and Crowley as characters and as a romantic ship tbh.


Yeah, season two is a lot more focused on the husbands and the intricacies of their relationship. There's also some sapphics which I am in love with, but everyone else really takes a backseat to them, more so than in season one. There's not that many ships and the ones that there are are queer and really well written, i'm actually surprised I like one of them.


Azirapalala, You just reminded me that there's recording season three soon and I'm dying all over again


"soon" is the lie I tell myself every night before I go to sleep xD


There is one straight pairing fairly early on but it's preestablished and fairly minor (only in one episode).


I believe it was confirmed to begin filming in January 2025

Sav Miller

You’ll be glad to know none of the straight relationships feature in season 2

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

As a long-time fan (has it really been nearly 30 years? holy crap!) of the book, I'm also disappointed with how the Newt-Amathema relationship was portrayed onscreen, especially in the Sunday chapter. That whole scene of them waking up cosily in bed just does not work at all.

Kourtney Ragsdale

I was pretty disappointed by both of the straight relationships in this season, although I do think it makes sense for Anathema’s character. She’s used to being told what to do and just going with it. That’s been her whole life and all of her parents’ lives since Agnes, so it’s all she knows. She’s not used to making her own choices or the uncertainty that comes with that. Newt, on the other hand, has spent his whole life making choices, having them go spectacularly wrong, and dealing with the consequences. He tried to be a computer engineer and we see him later trying an office job even with his ‘curse’ instead of going into construction or landscaping or something that involves less computer work. So we see he’s not afraid of failure, which seems to be something Anathema’s terrified of. So, while it’s probably intentionally badly done here as a foil to the 6000-year, emotion and trauma-soaked slow-burn, I can see how Anathema could like that about Newt and be willing to just jump into it. Now, why Newt would be okay with his one night stand suddenly claiming a relationship and being referred to as ‘boyfriend’, I don’t know. Other than, you know, she’s gorgeous. As for Madame Tracy and Shadwell, I see that as more of him being a mostly-harmless place where she can find companionship without having to play a part. She’s running multiple jobs, sex-worker, medium, and landlady and having to play a role in each one. I don’t know if we ever see her actually behaving completely honestly until that last scene where she’s talking about moving. She offers him money and food throughout so maybe she just likes having someone to take care of. They’ve clearly known each other long before what we see in the show so maybe there’s something in the past going on there that we haven’t been shown. I’m willing to give that the benefit of the doubt since there were only 6 episodes and they’re in the background of the background pairing and clearly had an established acquaintanceship when we meet them. And Shadwell… we’ll, he’s just an inept man being led by his nose. She’s making all the decisions there and he’s lonely enough to accept that. You probably have different ideas but that’s what I see going on there… though I reserve the right to hate how Shadwell talks to and about her and think she could definitely do better if she wanted to.

rainee tommo

If I didn't have straight friends I wouldn't understand this relationship either, I think. I'm "give me 6000 years to know the person before even think about any romantic interaction" type of person. But, eventually, I learned that it is quite realistic to be attracted to someone you just met, having sex before even get to know eachother, considering it as "a relationship" while in process they'll learn about each other. At least, it's very common among people I had met. So, at this point, it wasn't confusing watching Anathema and Newton get together. Anyway, season 2 is like "f this nobody straight"~

Willow Arkan

Every time I hear Satan complain about his rebellious son I think:"Wait isn't that exactly what you did, though? Rebel, like shouldn't you be proud of him for standing up to authority?"

Kourtney Ragsdale

Yeah, but I’m not surprised Satan’s a massive hypocrite. It seems to be a running trend among a lot of the angels both fallen and not. What with angel that refuse to forgive and demons condemning Crowley for working with Azi and killing another demon meanwhile they work with angels and kill a demon just to attempt the holy water trick

Kourtney Ragsdale

There is one straight couple, I think… but they barely get any screen time because Azi and Crowley steal it all. I’m not sure they even count as tertiary characters really, more a vehicle to get the husbands together and essentially do a these two characters that definitely have feelings for each other but won’t admit it are now stuck in a confined space together trope. I barely noticed the straights after that food scene

Willow Arkan

I mean Hastor seems to at minimum discorporate demons at a whim, but it looks like he wipes them out completely, as the demon quadruplet keeps shrinking every time we see them. Also both sides seem to truly believe they understand the plan, that is supposed to be beyond understanding and neither side see the inherent flaw in that.

Ashley Silver

Keep going, the het bullshit ends with the book adaptation. S2 is super gay. Well, except for that graphic sex scene involving an elderly Iraqi couple.


Sad to see some negativity in these comments but dw I completely get where you're coming from with your critiques for season one! I also never cared for newt and anathemas relationship, and I fully agree with every single rant in all of your good omens reactions It's tiring seeing hetero content just written for the sake of it being heterosexual, ESPECIALLY when it's the strong, smart independent woman being shipped with the loser guy , never cared for that trope and I'm honestly relieved you call it out as much as you do in your videos. I always felt so frustrated by the ship and only ever saw ppl defending it or not caring enough to point out what exactly is wrong with it. I'm glad someone finally has Season 2 focuses mostly on Aziraphale and Crowley's storylines, and heaven and hell in general, and has new characters who are all fun and interesting, there aren't any sexist men like shadwell or forced hetero couples hogging the screen time in season 2, thankfully , and I do think you'll enjoy all of season 2 in its entirety, Neil definitely understood his audience better when writing it

Ryan Porter

Preach! How many stories would turn to dust if you removed the obligatory heteronormative love story? And hetero love stories are almost always rote and by the book... ---- Writers: "The next morning..." Fanfic writers: "So the night before..." Writers: "Nothing happened!" Fanfic writers: "They. Fucked."


The boyfriend thing is ridiculous. I agree completely. She had sex with him because he'd never kissed a girl. Bit weird but ok. And played for laughs, which I get. But boyfriend? Really? That doesn't make any sense.


If the straight couple you’re referring to is *that* one, it’s not straight bc they are both technically enby. The ‘female’ is definitely enby at least the ‘male’ may be using male pronouns but I’m not sure


Welllll……. Anathema has probably been thinking abt this guy all her life.. + he seems like a harmless puppy, and let’s be honest Anathema doesn’t exactly have the best grasp on social cues / relationships aka: the airport scene.. it would make sense for her to Ttust Agnes and fall first (in my opinion)


Anathema is crazy and the newt the poor bastard is just going with it😂


First, nice that this was posted on David Tennant's Birthday! It's a great way to celebrate. Second, I'm sorry people are giving you a hard time about your opinion of how under developed the straight relationships are. It's an opinion I share. I get that the point of them, or at least Anathema and Newton, is that it's supposed to be making fun of the "people of similar age and opposite gender who interact must get together" trope, but actually getting together without giving us a reason to care about it kind of defeats the purpose of the joke.

Steve Przybylski

I’m really glad the nonsense relationships aren’t keeping you from continuing on to s2; was a little worried, honestly. Something a friend suggested is that with Terry having passed, Neil didn’t feel as empowered to update those dated parts of this story as he did with something like his own Sandman (which you should check out if you haven’t!) Don’t know if that’s true, but I can see the possibility.


There is an actual straight couple in S2, but it's only in one episode, it's preestablished and I believe it's two scenes in total.

Kourtney Ragsdale

That’s actually not the one I was referring to. I’m actively trying to avoid spoiling that. I was referring to the one-episode pair who have even less screen time than their kids


The "I believe in peace, bitch" line Pepper said before undoing War is quoting the Tori Amos song "The Waitress". Neil Gaiman and Tori are good friends and there's a number of fun crossovers in their works.


And she knew it was one of the prophecies. Which I find even more pushed on her imo

Paul Steele

I enjoyed the end of this and the other couples were rushed but they only had 6 shows to wrap everything. something I think you would like is on YouTube Good Omens Parody by The Hillywood Show I won't put the link unless you give me permission they did a great job and even got NEIL GAIMAN to do a cameo in it.


Thank you for sharing your reactions with us! Your reaction to the switcheroo was so funny. I agree the pacing for Anathema/Newt was a big old mess, and it can be hard to watch them having unearned pillow talk while Crowley and Aziraphale's existences seemingly hang in the balance. I think there's only one potential point of interest you may have missed by skipping the scene: we find out why Newt's car is called Dick Turpin. It's named after a famous highwayman because "everywhere it goes, it holds up traffic." I wish I'd thought to skip over the final Shadwell and Tracy scene. She IS way too good for him, I'm bitter over it every time.


Wow, i was not expecting how much people were yelling at you for not liking the straight ships! I’m very neutral to them personally, and I do like the whole “married for tax benefits bit” but when i was first watching good omens all i wanted was more Crowley and Aziraphale screentime instead on some bs straight tropes. It is sad to know you almost didn’t continue to season 2 because that dilemma was completely obliterated. Whenever the plot wasn’t on the infeffable husbands it was on a sapphic ship, THAT was very refreshing for me. I can’t wait to see your reaction to season 2, it’s queer, camp and generally up your alley.


The way Aziraphale looks at Crowley during the “to the world” part has me SOBBING. HIS EYES. HE IS IN LOVE.

Emily Marriott

Just a thing to remember about the series: Season 1 is an adaptation of a book written in 1990. It's not very surprising you'd have the obligatory straight couples in a book from that period. Season 3 is going to be based on an unreleased manuscript for a sequel to the original book. Season 2 is an original bridge season more or less moving things into position for season 3. Season 2 is much better on the comp het.


Newt was the one who had the car accident, and Anathema acted like she had the concussion. Genuinely the worst part of S1.