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In the Beginning 

What an intereting start to the show, can't wait to see where it goes from here. 



Kayla Ryan

Nice can't wait to watch later! Also I'm a scorpio!

Chris Dryden

I’m a Scorpio 😁

Blue Eons

Yay I’m excited for this! Love this show and love David Tennant 💖

Dafydd Mac an Leigh

"I wrote the first 5,000 words of William the Antichrist. It had a demon named Crawleigh. He drove a Citroen 2CV, and was ineffectual. Proper demons like Hastur and Ligur loathed him. It had a baby swap. I sent it to a few friends for feedback. Then my graphic novel Sandman happened, and it was almost a year later that the phone rang. 'It's Terry,' said Terry. ' 'Ere. That thing you sent me. Are you doing anything with it?' 'Not really.' 'Well, I think I know what happens next. Do you want to sell it to me? Or write it together?' 'Write it together,' I said, because I was not stupid, and because that was the nearest I was ever going to get to Michaelangelo phoning to ask if I wanted to paint a ceiling with him." —Neil Gaiman

David Johnson

If you haven't, you might want to check out Terry Pratchett's "Diskworld" books - or even the few "Diskworld" TV specials out there.

Liam Gradwell

Any show with David Tennant in it is a certified classic in my books.

David Johnson

Well, she knows the baby is with the other couple...but she doesn't know they *are* the other couple. She thinks they're the Americans.

David Johnson

"Aziraphale is the angel of the flaming sword who guarded the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve were cast out."




I don't think it's at all a spoiler to say that Crowley genuinely isn't trying to trick or tempt Aziraphale as part of some grand scheme or anything. There's no ulterior motive there. He's just a lil shit sometimes. I just think it could potentially mess with viewing experience if you continually have that doubt in the back of your mind when you watch their interactions. So excited you're starting this show!


I had forgotten how good this show was. I haven’t seen it since it first came out. I’m looking forward to doing a rewatch with you. And I’m an Ares.

Paul Steele

Since we are sharing I'm a Virgo ♍

cleve reinhard

I love this series You should get Elijah to do her version of it too You guys are great to watch

cleve reinhard

Also they’re going to make year 3 too

Void Weaver

You should try watching [Good Omens] They're Only Human COMPLETE Animatic on youtube


Season 1 covered the whole book that the series is based on, which was written to be able to stand alone. We have season 2 (and will have season 3) thanks to the plans the co-authors had for a sequel. That's why it feels like the story's moving along more quickly than you might expect for a plot that needs multiple seasons to cover. Also: Libra :)


Ah yes, the other really good, hilarious Amazon Prime show about the conflicts between Heaven and Hell. I especially love how the humor of this one is so unapologetically British. And David Tennant once again is perfectly cast. Also, since we're sharing, I'm a Libra.

Joey Quixote

Sagittarius! I'm also not particularly a match for the traditional astrological definition. We're supposed to be boisterous, outgoing, loudmouths with a penchant for putting our foot in our mouth... Listen... So I get a little loquacious in the comments. But in person I'm quiet, subdued, and more than a bit of a homebody. Soft-spoken, typically getting talked over and interrupted. I've been told several times in this life that I ought to wear a bell. I have what Douglas Adams might call an overactive S.E.P. field (Somebody Else's Problem). I don't think I've met an astrological hobbyist who's been able to guess my sign. But then I tell them the rest of my chart and they tell me it makes sense. Knew the humor would be right up your alley! Glad you're liking it so far!

cleve reinhard

When the angels say goodbye to azirsphale in heaven they say “ climb every mountain, ford every stream “ its from The sound of music To bring us back to crawleys taunt of aziraphale of the music he’ll be hearing if heaven wins the war


Virgo! So happy you are gonna be reacting to this! Once you finish season 1 you should definitely watch this: https://youtu.be/ChMtlFB3_vc?si=al5PMI__ISFL2zXv It's the Hillywood Show's song parody for season 1 and has a fun cameo at the end as well x

Ryan Porter

I'm a Pisces , but only because I hung on for dear life to avoid being born on Valentines Day and ended up being three weeks late, a fact which my mother never lets me forget. Bad news, the world is ending. Good news is it doesn't look like you're going to have to suffer a symphony of useless sapphic in this show.

Chet Bliese

I love Crowley and Aziraphale's motivations. They simply like the world and don't want to see it destroyed. Scorpio