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So...this isn't how I was expecting June to go.

Firstly, sorry for the lack of an update in May. It was a busy month outside of my online-work, plus some personal stuff that needed dealing with and I was hoping that with all of those obstacles out of the way that June could go off without a hitch but clearly not.

For those of you who watched the latest livestream (Link here: https://youtu.be/8Bu1cBCeEgk) you'll know that a day or two prior to that stream my fiancée tested positive for Covid-19. While I tested negative earlier that day and doing everything I could to try and stay safe and separated in the same house, shortly after the stream I started getting symptoms and tested positive. The timing of this was especially bad as Yaz had booked most of this week off work so we could see family for the first time in over a year, which we've had to cancel.

It's also frustrating as myself and Yaz had just booked our Covid vaccines but we've both had to cancel as you have to wait 4-weeks after you've had the virus to get the first dose of vaccine for it.

So I'm currently typing this from my bed where I've been for a couple of days with breathing issues, constant fatigue and incredible paranoia that the freelance jobs/work I had lined up for later this month won't be able to happen. Also, because I work PAYE in the Film/TV Industry it means I have no way to get any sort of assistance or financial aid for losing out on work due to getting Covid-19. It's for reasons like this why I'm so appreciative of all my Patrons, all the people who donate during the livestreams and who help to support my content. You've been a literal lifeline in what's been a very turbulent year.

It's not been entirely unproductive month, though. I'm catching up on 'Falcon and the Winter Soldier' (it's pretty good) and those new Jacqueline Raynor 'Doctor Who' novels have arrived so I can try and read those. And also, 'Class' has been added to the BBC iPlayer so...I can maybe check that out.

Thankfully, my next review-marathon is already all set to go and those uploads are scheduled for the next few months so I can take it easy for a few weeks. I do have guests lined up for the next few livestreams so hopefully I'll be better by next week for what I'm hoping will be a fun birthday stream, so my fingers are crossed there.

Also, for those of you who listen to the Monster Monday Podcast and have heard the latest audio-updates will know that we're taking a brief break while myself and Yaz sort out schedules (and also, y'know, recover from a virus).

I also had a few other videos and unboxings filmed but haven't had the time to edit just yet, but right now they're on hold as myself and Yaz take it easy and recover. While our symptoms were pretty bad for a few days, we're now just spending about 20-hours of the day sleeping which is an improvement, I guess.

Anyway, I won't be posting an upload schedule here just in case our situation changes but the next review-marathon starts this Sunday (June 13th) with episodes following every Monday up until late-August. I hope you enjoy the retrospective trip through Series 1 of 'Doctor Who'! It's been a long-time coming and I'm really happy with how the videos have turned out.

So, that's about it for now. Stay safe, look after each other and I'll see you all next time!




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