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Hey folks, here's an update for this week on the MrTARDISreviews Channel.

Firstly, it's been a rocky week watching everything happening in America as protestors combat white supremacy and systemic injustice only to be met with hostility, brutality and violence from the government and public services that are supposed to protect them. The violent acts being committed against peaceful protestors by the police has been disturbing to witness.

In the United Kingdom, while our standard for policing is higher, we are also complicit with a disproportionate amount of People of Colour being stopped and arrested compared to non-white citizens. Not to mention our leading political party right now is run by an overt white supremacist with an abhorrent track record on racial policy and race relations.

With all of this in mind, it just feels wrong to carry on as normal talking about relatively silly and petty things like the Leekly Bible from the 1990s or why 'The Masque of Mandragora' is a bit pants with lovely location filming. On the other hand, people are looking to creatives to keep them entertained, informed or sometimes just distracted in these times of unrest. Everyone has their own coping strategies and while I can stand on a soapbox and say "You shouldn't be distracted! Marginalized groups never have that luxury!", who am I to decide how people grieve or what coping strategies they have?

While video production will continue and I will spend more time writing and editing projects (the edit of 'The Collateral of Ivanhoe' is going very well), I will not be posting anything for the next week.

Instead, I urge you to spend that time you would have given to me and spend it watching/reading 'Doctor Who' content from fans of colour, or following black creatives on their social medias.  

The account @BlackTARDIS has handily compiled a list of Black 'Doctor Who' fans you can follow on Twitter which you can find here; https://twitter.com/i/lists/107316914...

You can also take part in the #DoctorWhoBlackOut watch-alongs on June 6th where fans will be watching and live-tweeting 'The Ghost Monument', 'The Haunting of Villa Diodati', 'Thin Ice' and 'Knock Knock'.

Production continues as usual, but for this week I yield the floor.

Black Lives Matter.

- MrTARDISreviews 


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