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Blimey, the title of this post sounds more ominous than I intended.

Hello, everyone. I hope everyone is keeping safe and staying sane during these uncertain times.

While I'm sure the first thing on your mind at the beginning of every day ISN'T "How will MrTARDIS be affected during this Pandemic?" I still wanted to just write up something to let you all know that MrTARDIS/Trilbee content will generally be unaffected.

I've got some videos planned for the near future, am looking at doing more ranking videos and even doing some movie reviews since so many big releases are going on-demand in light of recent events.

I'm one of the 750,000ish volunteers who have signed up for the NHS volunteers programme in the UK, but I currently do not know how that will affect any potential projects

However, personally...things aren't great. Myself and my partner (currently furloughed from work) are in self isolation (we're not showing any serious symptoms but we have had sore throats for about 2 weeks) and the United Kingdom is in lockdown. This means that my freelance TV & Film work has completely gone overnight with no signs of coming back any time soon.

And I also discovered today that despite being self-employed for 5 years and having filed tax returns every year and obeyed every rule ordained by our government and industry during that time, that I will NOT qualify for the government's self-employed assistance which rolls out in June.

So scary times. No work and no sign of a lifeboat.

It's with that in mind that I wanted to let you know that your support via Patreon currently means the world to me. I also understand that I am not the only person undergoing difficulties at the moment and if you are unable to pledge to my Patreon anymore due to financial reasons or personal reasons (or maybe you just don't want to anymore which is valid) then I completely understand. No hard feelings and no judgement.

I hope you're all doing well, thank you for your continued support and keep those hands washed.

Kind regards,
William (a.k.a. MrTARDIS)


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