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Dear all.

Based on the vote result of January, I made the schedule for the following month. There are 3 cards still not finished for January. Really sorry for the delay. Since I replace the remake card by new cards that are from fans' poll, it is now 6 new cards per month  Honestly, it is a really heavy workload for me. Hope you understand my delay of work. 

I will make a schedule from now on. On one hand, you can know what you can get in the month you join. Also, you can decide if you want to upgrade, downgrade or cancel pledge by the schedule. To emphasize, this schedule record the reward you can get for each month but the cards not certainly released during the month you join as member.
For example, Helm/陸奧/舞華姐 are all rewards for Reward Tier in January. However, due to the delay, you probably will get the all the cards until Febuary.

To emphasize here
1. Your mega link will be sustained until you get those cards of your reward even if you did not subscribe.
2. If you are a reward tier member already, you can always join back the reward tier. (As long as you did not violate the membership rule).
3. In addition, when you try to join back, please message me first, I will open new tickets for you. Do not change to general tier. You are not able to see the ;astest post if you join the wrong tier.

Hope this mechanism help you better. Also, really thank you for your understanding and support.


1月の投票結果をもとに、翌月のスケジュールを立てました。1月分はまだ3枚のカードが完成していません。本当に遅くなって申し訳ありません。リメイクカードをファン投票で選ばれた新しいカードと入れ替えるので、1ヶ月に6枚の新しいカードがあることになります。 正直、私にとっては本当に重い仕事量です。私の仕事の遅れを理解していただけると幸いです。





2. もしあなたがすでにリワードレベルのメンバーなら、いつでもリワードレベルに戻ることができます。(会員規約に違反しない限り)。




根據一月份的投票結果,我們制定了下個月的時間表。 一月份的三張卡還沒有完成。 抱歉真的來晚了。 我們將用粉絲投票選出的新卡替換重製卡,因此每個月將有 6 張新卡。 老實說,這對我來說是一個非常繁重的工作量。 我希望你能理解我的工作延遲。

從現在開始我會制定一個時間表。 一方面,您會知道加入的月份會得到什麼。 您還可以根據此時間表決定升級、降級或取消您的承諾。 順便說一句,這個時間表列出了您每個月獲得的福利,但是有些卡不一定在您加入的月份發布。

比如一月份未完成的卡是“海倫/陸奧/舞華姐”。 但是現在晚於一月份,所以有可能所有的卡都在二月份之後才能上市。


1. 即使您沒有訂閱,您的 Megalink 也會一直保留到您收到獎勵卡為止。

2. 如果您已經是獎勵等級會員,您可以隨時返回獎勵等級。 (除非違反會員協議)。

3. 另外,當你想回來的時候,請先給我發消息,我會為你開一張新票。 不要更改為一般層次結構。 如果您加入了錯誤的層次結構,您將無法看到最新的帖子。

希望這個機制能更好地幫助你。 另外,非常感謝您的理解和支持。


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